Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 68: : real monster

"We won this game!"

In a hotel near Jingu Stadium in Tokyo, Sawamura said firmly.

After hearing the words, the friends from Chicheng Middle School ignored their captain.

Except for the competition with Xijing Middle School, Sawamura was normal for a time. In other competitions, Sawamura looked like this, like a madman, and didn\'t care about his opponent at all. In his own words, the other party is "a bunch of little brats, what\'s there to say."

This time, everyone thought that Sawamura was convulsing again.

"Although this pitcher is not slow, it doesn\'t seem to be very fast. Why can\'t the batters play well?"

In the picture, Qing Fong\'s pitcher strikes out opponents not many times, at least not much compared to Sawamura. According to the commentary and on-site speed measurement, the pitcher\'s highest ball speed is 138 kilometers, with an average of about 135 kilometers.

This kind of ball speed is nothing compared to the little black man who was a pitcher from Shenfeng Middle School and Cheng Gongming from Xijing Middle School.

"Either miss it, or hit it and don\'t play well. If there isn\'t something about this pitcher that we can\'t see, it\'s the majesty of his ball."

"He\'s a tough guy."

Ashin and Fengliang you said a word, and I discussed it word by word.

Looking at their serious looks, it is natural to reveal a master style.

If you let the media take pictures, it may be a good material.

Before the two strong teams played against each other, they were seriously discussing tactics.

"Don\'t ignore me!"

Sawamura angrily grabbed one with one hand: "Are you two very powerful? Is it possible that you have a way to win?"

Ashin and Fengliang surrendered immediately.

A joke is a joke, the real game still has to listen to Sawamura. If you let them lead the game, even if they could have won, they would have lost.

"Big brother, big brother, let\'s just make a joke, don\'t take it seriously!"

"Just kidding, kidding, Xiaorong, let go."

The two begged for mercy.

In fact, Sawamura didn\'t use much effort, the two of them didn\'t really feel suffocated, but everyone was making trouble, just trying to relax.

"Okay, everyone, stop fooling around! Sawamura said just now that we have won this game. Could it be that you already have some ideas?"

Sano asked.

Now the two leading teachers of Chicheng Middle School are very beautiful.

The reporter who wanted to do an exclusive interview with Akagi Middle School has already praised the two of them. The news from the school was also encouraging. Promotions and salary increases were trivial matters. If it wasn\'t for the policy, maybe both of them would have been given a daughter-in-law.

To tell the truth, this kind of attention-seeking feeling is really good! Either Sano or Wada are enjoying themselves.

It\'s just that sometimes they are confused and feel like they are dreaming, so Chicheng is the top two in the country?

Why does it feel so unreal?

Now Sawamura said that Akagi has a chance to win the final, doesn\'t that mean that Akagi will become the new national hegemon.

Thinking about it like this, my heart is really a little surging.

Sawamura smiled slightly, noncommittal.

Ten years later, among players of the same age as Sawamura, many talents emerged. Fans of good things, also call their generation the golden generation!

Big Era naturally has leaders!

The leader of their era was the man on the screen throwing the ball.

The monster - the authentic local!

What is a monster? On the court, like a giant beast, he is an invincible player. And hometown authentic, on the pitcher mound, is just that.

The three most important elements of a pitcher are ball speed, ball control and variation!

Sawamura suffered a loss in the speed of the ball in his previous life, and he was one step away from becoming a legend. Because of his personal development is not smooth, Chenggong Ming also did not become a legend. Sawamura\'s good friend Akatsuki, the speed and change of the ball are sufficient, but he suffers from the loss of the ball...

Picking the bone in the egg, all the strong players, there will always be some weaknesses.

The speed of the hometown is not as fast as Xiaogu Xiao, the control of the ball is not as good as Cheng Gongming, and the change is not the opponent of Sawamura.

But people are comprehensive!

And the stamina is enough!

There is no shortage of ball speed, ball control, ball power, and changes!

This year, the fight is a comprehensive strength.

In the end, among Sawamura\'s competitors of the same period, Hong Kong went the farthest, although it did not become a legend. (Equivalent to legendary superstars like football king Maradona and basketball Michael Jordan.)

But he is the best of all.

Seeing him appearing at Qingyi Middle School, Sawamura is not surprised why Qingyi can make it to the finals.

After all, that\'s the real monster!

However, facing this monster, Sawamura did not worry too much.

Just now, he counted the information about the children in his hometown and Qingqi Middle School, and found a lot of interesting things.

First, this is the first time Hongo has entered the whole country, and it is also the first time that he has participated in a competition in Tokyo.

Second, the previous record of the hometown, as well as the strength of Qingqi.

If nothing else, these two points are very interesting.

At the beginning of the national competition, Qing Fong\'s main pitcher was not the hometown, but another pitcher. The pitcher\'s strength is average, and Qing Fong\'s road to promotion is not smooth.

It was not until the third round that Hong Kong began to play.

The performance on the field was not very good, but it helped the team win the game.

He really appeared in front of everyone, or the semi-final that just ended.

In this semi-final, Hong Kong was a blockbuster. In the face of a powerful opponent, he pitched six innings himself and did not lose any points.

But the interesting thing is that in the seventh game, which is the last game, he was substituted early because of heat stroke.

Almost at a glance, Sawamura understood what was going on.

The local children who just came from Hokkaido may not be able to adapt to the high temperature in Tokyo.

Thanks to his ability to persist until the semi-finals, Sawamura had to admire such a strong perseverance.

To explain here, although the total area of ​​the island country is not, it is a long and narrow country, so the latitude spanned is particularly large. The temperature difference between north and south is no smaller than ours. The northernmost Hokkaido has a latitude of 36.35, and the average temperature in Hokkaido is very low throughout the year.

It\'s a world covered in snow and ice all year round!

How could the people who live there come to Tokyo to compete for the first time? Players in other positions have less physical exertion and can still persevere. In a position like a pitcher, if you can\'t go up to pitch for a few innings, it is estimated that people will melt away.

Although Sawamura is very sorry, he can\'t compete seriously with his hometown, who is 100% in state.

But the reality is so cruel, he will not change because of his personal emotions.

In addition to the ace Hong Kong, Qing Fong\'s bench pitchers are relatively average. In Sawamura\'s view, it is not a big problem for them to win.

As long as Akagi doesn\'t make any mistakes!

Time flew by, and two days passed in a blink of an eye.

Today is the day of the national finals.