Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 66: : Good luck

A residential building in Tokyo.

In my impression, the houses in the island country seem to be the kind of single-family villas. (Affected by Doraemon)

In reality, there are indeed many such houses, but most of them are in some historical places. Like Nagano, there are many such houses. Sawamura\'s own house, although the layout is different from the one on TV, belongs to that kind of house.

Single-family small villas are fine in places with relatively small populations. But in an international metropolis with astonishing population density like Tokyo, it is absolutely impossible.

Most of the people in Tokyo also live in high-rise buildings. If nothing else, saving space is certain.

We are talking about such a residential building. There is a family surnamed Yu Xing in the residential building.

Today is the day of the semi-finals of the national competition, and the game between Akagi and Xijing Middle School is being broadcast on TV.

"1:0, the winner is Akagi Middle School in Nagano Prefecture!"

There are two people in front of the TV.

One is Yujie wearing gold-rimmed glasses, and the other is Xiao Zhengtai wearing black-rimmed glasses.

Friends who are familiar with the original work may have guessed it. These two are Takashima Rei and Miyuki Kazuya.

Takashima Rei is the deputy head of the baseball club of Qingdo High School, and he is also the person in charge of recruiting outstanding talent for the team. Don\'t think that this job is easy, it seems that it only takes a few trips around the country during the summer vacation, and it\'s all over when traveling.

Of course this is not the case in reality.

The scouts first need to screen for strong players, and select two or three hundred players from the tens of thousands of players across the country, and then visit each family or inform them of the school.

The work itself is already a lot of work!

After all, the three holidays together are only three months. Inviting new people is usually completed during the summer and summer vacations. The task at other times is not to invite people, but to prevent other schools from poaching people, and thinking about how to poach others. .

Come to think of it, just visiting these students\' homes for a month is tiring enough. Not to mention a battle of wits with scouts from other schools.

Not to mention the graduates.

Some Qing Dao likes others, others may not like Qing Dao. Some people look down on Qing Dao, and Qing Dao looks down on others. There are also issues of location, treatment, and distance from home...

The school is choosing these players, and these players are not choosing the school.

Under this kind of two-way choice, the players that Qingdao can really recruit in a year is one-tenth of the number of players they invite.

This is the total number of people. Just speaking of the top outstanding players in the country, Qingdao may not be able to recruit a few a year.

In recent years, Qingdao has not entered the Jiaziyuan in a row, making their recruitment work more and more difficult.

Among the rookies of this year\'s Qing Dao, there is only one who really qualifies as a national-level player.

Today, Takashima Rei came to Miyuki\'s house specially, also for the recruitment work, and to put it bluntly, it was for Sawamura.

According to the information they collected, Sawamura is a very thoughtful player who has a clear position for his future.

You give an interview, for example.

What did Sawamura say in the interview just now?

"Rather than join a strong team, I\'d rather create a team."

Listen, this big-tailed wolf pretends to be ignoring everything in the world.

The reason why Sawamura became popular so quickly is that in addition to his outstanding skills, his domineering also attracted countless fans for him.

When Akagi really enters the country, and there is hope to dominate the country.

The reporters went after Sawamura frantically one by one. These guys swore and predicted that Sawamura would definitely join a weak high school, and then create another miracle exactly like Akagi.

The appearance of such a team in the middle school competition is so sensational, what if it appeared in Koshien?

Nasawa Village is simply a superhero who conquered the whole country!

The reporters thought very well, but Sawamura ignored it at all. When the reporters asked him which high school he wanted to go to, what did Sawamura say?

"I want to go to a place where I can train myself better!"

To put it bluntly, it is to greet those wealthy high schools.

Come on, come on!

You bid, I\'ll choose.

Wouldn\'t such a player know the cruelty of high school baseball? Takashima Rei even suspected that Sawamura might even have planned how he would enter the profession.

If you want to recruit such a player, the temptation of money and treatment is far from enough, but also to give him a bright future.

Sawamura is a pitcher, and if you want to attract him, you must assign him a catcher who attracts him.

This is why Takashima Rei came to Miyuki\'s house today.

Miyuki Kazuya was the catcher that Rei Takashima was optimistic about.

Speaking of which, she invited Miyuki earlier than Sawamura. As early as when Miyuki was in first grade, the two had an agreement. The big breasted girl\'s invitation, Miyuki readily agreed. To this end, Miyuki even violated the unspoken rules of excellent players choosing schools.

Generally speaking, when an excellent player chooses a school, he will not go to those schools. There are giant schools that are one year older than him and whose position cannot shake the main force. This means that it is very difficult for you to qualify for the main force until your senior graduates.

There is such a player in the current Qing Dao. A year older than Miyuki, a catcher whose position is still unshakable.

Even so, Yu Xing still insisted on choosing Qingdao, and I have to say that Yu Jie\'s charm is still very scary.

"How is this pitcher?"

Watching Sawamura defeat Narimiya Naruto, Takashima Rei was very happy and asked Miyuki.

Miyuki pushed down his glasses and said with a smile, "Not bad."

"How about we fool him over to be your partner?"

"Does Qing Dao have that kind of charm? He is a well-known genius boy in the whole country, so don\'t worry about going home."

"That\'s why I need your help."

Rei Takashima smiled evilly.

Miyuki broke out in a cold sweat: "Have a plan?"

"After the national competition, we will invite him to visit Qingdao. I hope that that day, you\'d better be at school already has senior Chris?"

"Chris and Sawamura have been separated for a year after all. If you really want to find a partner, it\'s up to you."

Yu Xing hesitated for a moment, then smiled: "Okay!"

Interesting little brother, then he will tune in in advance.

On the other side, Rei Takashima breathed a sigh of relief.

She supported the two with one hand, using Miyuki to attract Sawamura, while using Sawamura to attract Miyuki.

Although Miyuki agreed to join Qingdao, no one can say for sure until the end.

Takashima Rei didn\'t know that Miyuki would definitely go to Qingdao, because there was a goal he aspired to. And Sawamura had to go to Qingdao. Even if Qingdao didn\'t invite him, he would have to go to the general admissions test held by Qingdao.

If she knew this, she wouldn\'t consume so many brain cells and play tricks with the two little brats who already got it.