Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 65: : The true strength of the North American team (2 in 1)

pps: Thanks to the little snowman, little w, and little jk for their generous rewards!


This is an extremely difficult choice!

From the point of view of almost everyone, the current island national team is at least guaranteed to win.

2:0 ahead of the opponent, the situation is very good.

But Supervisor Takeda knew very well in his heart.

The real situation, I am afraid that is not the case, those players in North America have gradually begun to play Nakazawamura\'s ball.

This situation is very dangerous when Sawamura has no way to use the high-level change ball.

The Island team could drop points at any time.

When there are better options, the top priority now is to replace Sawamura as soon as possible.

But the island team, is there a better choice?

If there was, Supervisor Takeda would have executed it without hesitation.

But if you have to say no, it doesn\'t seem to be objective.

After all, now, in their rest area, there is still the local authentic from the Trolls High School baseball team.

That is, Lance\'s original partner.

At this time, can the hometown be replaced, can it have the effect of turning the tide?

Supervisor Takeda also has no way to judge.

This is the hardest part for him.

Neither option looks bad, but both carry risks.

No matter what choice you make, once you fail, you have to take the blame.

Supervisor Takeda is not afraid of taking the blame.

Retired from the position of first-line supervisor of the national team and served as the supervisor of the youth team.

Supervisor Takeda has gone through various trials in the past.

When he went through this kind of test, he also had to face various choices.

Although Takeda was not quite decisive, he was able to make a decision quickly.

He has always thought of himself as a very courageous person.

Decisive and brave.

But now, Director Takeda suddenly found that he was not as brave as he thought.

In other words, the current situation is really good.

The island team finally had the opportunity to dominate the world. If he didn\'t seize it well, I\'m afraid God would not forgive him.

"Then, come on!!"

Taking a certain determination, Takeda\'s eyes changed drastically.

In the end, he was cruel and chose to believe in the ace Sawamura.

The reason why he made such a choice is not because he sees how good Sawamura is now.

Mainly because Supervisor Takeda felt that Sawamura\'s previous record was too dazzling.

The various legends about Sawamura were thoroughly investigated on the day he selected Sawamura to join the team.

Originally, he had always thought that when people portrayed Sawamura, they might consciously exaggerate.

After all, it is a compliment that is spread to the outside world.

But after some investigation, he had to admit that his views seemed a little unreliable.

To promote other celebrities, there may be some factors of publicity, and it is inevitable to exaggerate.

But when it comes to promoting Sawamura, there is absolutely no need for that.

This guy\'s resume is simply brilliant.

So far, in total, he has won five national championships.

If it is an individual competitive sport, the players themselves are excellent, and no one can match them.

To achieve such a record, although amazing, is not completely unacceptable.

But this is a group sport!

If you want to lead a team to consecutive championships, the difficulty will undoubtedly increase exponentially.

Not to mention that Sawamura has led two completely different teams and won the national championship 5 times.

How difficult is this difficulty?

It\'s already hard to calculate in words and probabilities...

Not to mention that there is a pure grassroots team like the Akagi Middle School baseball team.


Eijun Sawamura\'s record in middle school and high school is a living miracle.

At this critical moment of life and death, even Supervisor Takeda had to follow feudalism.

Two options, without knowing which one is better.

He would rather believe that Sawamura\'s past brilliant record and luck.

When faced with a crisis, he always seems to have a special way.

Supervisor Takeda can only believe this at this time.

"Keep it up and tackle your opponents one by one."

Supervisor Takeda warned.

The atmosphere of the competition was so tense that the other friends did not notice the whispers of Supervisor Takeda admonishing Sawamura.

After Sawamura heard this, he was slightly stunned.

He obviously did not expect that Supervisor Takeda would show such an attitude?

Fortunately, he quickly realized that something was wrong and immediately stopped his actions.

He turned his head and stared intently at his opponent.

It was the island team\'s turn to attack again.

The game has been played so far, and the two sides are almost familiar with each other.

Logically speaking, it should be time to cut the knife.

Just like the previous North American team, in fact, the performance was quite restless.

As if ready to do something at any moment.

The same is true for the island nation.

After a few games, they have studied the characteristics of Li Weide.

Next, let\'s see how to completely end the other party!

Obviously, this is not an easy task.

If it were easy, the situation wouldn\'t be where it is now. They beat each other up long ago and didn\'t even know his mother.

Since they were not able to do that, that meant that these guys in front of them should never be underestimated.

Of course, it is not easy to solve.

How to deal with these opponents in front of you? It has become the most urgent priority for the island team.

Of course.

If in the next game, the island team can make persistent efforts and continue to score.

Then the situation may be very different.

The North American team is not far from a real collapse.

Supervisor Takeda\'s worries were not his own. Sawamura actually had the same idea in his heart.

In fact, he also understands that the other party is putting more and more pressure on him.

If the line can help at this time, get a few more points.

Then Sawamura\'s situation will undoubtedly be much better.

But does it really work?

The obvious answer is that it doesn\'t work at all.

Don\'t look at Li Weide being bullied by Sawamura, he has no power to fight back at all.

But this does not mean that his own strength is not good, it is just that his opponent is too strong.

After changing the other players of the island team, when he faced off against him, he was completely out of luck.

Li Weide is like bullying a child, turning the beaters of the island country around.

Supervisor Takeda and the assistant coach were anxious.

Faced with such a situation, they were extremely anxious, but they couldn\'t think of a good way.

In the stands, those players who were not able to play because of the fighting storm.

Now one by one, like the eggplants beaten by frost, they are completely wilted.

They are not in a hurry for the team.

They all wanted to get off the field in person, if at all possible.

Although the score to the island team\'s side, it still has an advantage.

But what\'s the point of that?

It doesn\'t make any sense.

These old fritters are very clear that the game is heading towards the unfavorable side of the island team, and it is going further and further.

The attack in the second half of the fifth inning was a very bad sign.

Maybe most people don\'t find it, but for the old fritters, they can easily see it.

The monsters of the North American team not only adapted to Sawamura\'s strange pitching posture and ball speed on the court.

They even came up with a strategy to strike.

You must know that the current Sawamura, compared with before, has already been a shotgun for a cannon.

Despite his real ball speed, he was only a few kilometers faster.

But that also counts as entering the 150-kilometer club.

Absolutely super fastball.

In the island country, there are players with this speed. As long as you can throw the ball into the strike zone, you can basically help the team eliminate more than 90% of the opponents.

This talent alone can crush countless people.

But against those monsters in North America, such a terrifying talent can have little effect.

They easily adapted to Sawamura\'s pitching.

They didn\'t even wait for the third round of blows. By the second round, they had basically seen it through.

They hit the ball beautifully and even had a hit in the middle.

Often walking by the river, how can there not be wet shoes?

When this kind of thing became the norm, Sawamura couldn\'t use the high-level change ball.

Then the situation is very critical.

Even in order to worry about the overall situation, at this time, there is no way to replace Sawamura.

There should be some way to do it.

But in fact, they really haven\'t come up with the slightest way.


There is no way!

It\'s only going to get worse.

At this time, there was a very strange phenomenon, Sawamura obviously had no way to stop the North American team\'s attack.

But none of the players sitting in the stands thought that Sawamura should be replaced at this time.

I don\'t know if they forgot, or because of their trust in Sawamura.

The situation on the field changes quickly.

In the blink of an eye, Li Weide successfully scored three outs.

North American team players, two points behind in the late game.

Not only did he not show decadence, but it seemed that he was fighting more and more bravely.

Simply wicked!

In this regard, the players of the island team are also helpless.

They also don\'t know, what kind of gunpowder did Meimei\'s players take?

At the last moment, he was so heroic?

So awesome!

The offense and defense were exchanged, and Sawamura stood on the pitcher mound again.

Sawamura, who had not achieved any results in the attack, had already felt a faint sense of inadequacy.

There is no way for him to use the high-level change ball, and now it seems that he has no other tricks to use except bluffing.

On the other hand, the players in North America, they all look like they are getting more and more brave.

In this case, how to win the game?

Yes, although the situation is extremely dire.

Sawamura never imagined that he would fail.

If the game is really lost, the summary is also after the game.

Before the game is truly lost, before the last outs are taken.

Sawamura will never give up his persistence and pursuit of victory.

This was taught to him by a friend of his before.

Raoze Village has benefited a lot in this life.

Maintaining this belief, he took a serious look at his opponent.

At the same time, he is also considering the current situation on the field.

The game has reached the sixth inning, and they are still two points ahead of their opponents.

In other words, as long as he can go smoothly, he will get another 12 outs.

So the initiative in this game is still firmly in their hands.

For Sawamura, although this is difficult, it is not completely impossible.

And here, they also have a very important advantage.

That is they have two points in their hands, and they are two points ahead.

Even after that, there is no way for the players of the island team to get additional points.

As long as Sawamura lost a point, it was equal to or less than one point.

Then the victory still belongs to them!

This is undoubtedly a very happy thing.

"Twelve more!"

(Draft, after half an hour of genuine, refresh to see)


The game has reached the sixth inning, and they are still two points ahead of their opponents.

In other words, as long as he can go smoothly, he will get another 12 outs.

So the initiative in this game is still firmly in their hands.

For Sawamura, although this is difficult, it is not completely impossible.

And here, they also have a very important advantage.

That is they have two points in their hands, and they are two points ahead.

Even after that, there is no way for the players of the island team to get additional points.

As long as Sawamura lost a point, it was equal to or less than one point.

Then the victory still belongs to them!

This is undoubtedly a very happy thing.

"Twelve more!"

The game has reached the sixth inning, and they are still two points ahead of their opponents.

In other words, as long as he can go smoothly, he will get another 12 outs.

So the initiative in this game is still firmly in their hands.

For Sawamura, although this is difficult, it is not completely impossible.

And here, they also have a very important advantage.

That is they have two points in their hands, and they are two points ahead.

Even after that, there is no way for the players of the island team to get additional points.

As long as Sawamura lost a point, it was equal to or less than one point.

Then the victory still belongs to them!

This is undoubtedly a very happy thing.

"Twelve more!"

The game has reached the sixth inning, and they are still two points ahead of their opponents.

In other words, as long as he can go smoothly, he will get another 12 outs.

So the initiative in this game is still firmly in their hands.

For Sawamura, although this is difficult, it is not completely impossible.

And here, they also have a very important advantage.

That is they have two points in their hands, and they are two points ahead.

Even after that, there is no way for the players of the island team to get additional points.

As long as Sawamura lost a point, it was equal to or less than one point.

Then the victory still belongs to them!

This is undoubtedly a very happy thing.

"Twelve more!"

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