Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 64: : Supervised Choice (2 in 1)

pps: Thanks to Xiaoxue and Xiaow for their generous donations.


On the court, the presence of the great devil Sawamura Eijun is impossible to ignore.

As an opponent, the players of the North American team did not perform badly.

They have the confidence to challenge Sawamura, that is, to challenge the opponent of the same level as Ellen, the son of God.

Naturally there are two brushes.

When playing against the island national team, the North American team actually had the upper hand in terms of performance.

From the perspective of overall strength, the strength of the North American team players is more than that of the island country players.

The reason why the current situation on the field is not in such a state.

Conversely, the North American players are now two points behind the Islands.

This is mainly because Sawamura, the main ace player of the island team, his performance is really amazing!

In the words of Fujio, a senior reporter for Baseball Kingdom Magazine.

"Partner with a mature team like the Qingdo High School baseball team or the Tokyo representative team. Sawamura-san will automatically suppress his strength and give some performance opportunities to others. This is also when he pitches, The reason why the team is so harmonious."

Because Sawamura keeps creating opportunities for his teammates, and when these teammates have the opportunity, they will perform.

If you perform well, your self-confidence will come out.

So what Eijun Sawamura did on the pitcher mound was more than just a pitcher.

The most terrifying power of this person is that he can mobilize the people around him, and let the people around him act with him.

Then revitalize the entire team, let the team play 100%, or even exceed 100% of its strength.

As far as personal ability is concerned, Sawamura today is not necessarily much stronger than Allen.

But when it comes to leading the team, Sawamura dumps Allen for several streets.

In an environment like North America, in the major leagues of the professional arena.

Which of the two is more popular?

No one can make an assertion.

The professional arena pays attention to cooperation, but at the same time, it also pays attention to the individual strength of the players.

It\'s a very contradictory place anyway.

But in the eastern cultural circle, in the arena of the island country.

An ace like Sawamura may have far greater achievements in the future.

He has strength and knows how to unite his teammates.

If this momentum continues, Sawamura will definitely be the leader of this generation of baseball players in the future.

Even in this generation of players, there are countless geniuses.

If nothing else, just the talented players in the Tokyo area can\'t be counted on 10 fingers.

Other areas are not as prosperous as Tokyo though.

But there are also many good players.

The more talented these players are, the more arrogant they are.

Getting them to obey a person\'s command is certainly not an easy task.

Originally, Fujio and the others were worried that if the players of this year could not find a leader, it would be an extremely troublesome matter.

But as Sawamura\'s performance became more and more powerful, the name of the Great Demon King was well deserved.

The gap between him and other outstanding players has widened before he knows it, and the gap is getting bigger and bigger.

Gradually, people also recognized the identity of the leader of Sawamura.

Even when the news media reported the new generation of players, they would mention that Sawamura was the representative.

Privately interview those arrogant star players and ask them what they think about this matter?

One by one, although they were not very convinced, once they formed a team with Sawamura Eijun.

They are all very conscious and regard Sawamura as the core of the team.

For this reason, many people even ignore the fact that Sawamura himself is a very good player.

People subconsciously see him as a leader and ignore his terrifying pitching prowess.

The reason why people have such an illusion is mainly because Sawamura has fewer and fewer performances that are particularly amazing.

Of course, this does not mean that Eijun Sawamura did not perform well.

On the contrary, Sawamura\'s performance is very good, very good,

But because the name of the Great Demon King is too loud, people subconsciously feel that Sawamura has any outstanding performance, that is of course!

Otherwise, how can you be called the Great Demon King?

It\'s just that the process of the game is too dull. Most of the time, they rely on tough strength to crush their opponents abruptly.

So much so that people even forgot, how did the nickname Sawamura come about?

The nickname of the Great Demon King was not acquired by Sawamura when he entered high school and entered the Qing Dao.

Nor did he get it in high school for consecutive national dominations.

In fact, Sawamura got this nickname very early, and it can even be traced back to the second year of high school in other countries.

In that year, Akagi appeared in front of the world as if he was born out of nowhere.

The grassroots team with nothing, has been through all the way, defeated countless powerful enemies, and reached the peak.

After watching Sawamura\'s game in Akagi, you can probably understand that Sawamura in front of him did not change his style.

Instead, it went back to its original style.

Because the team is a temporary patchwork, immature. Sawamura did not dare to entrust his teammates with too important defensive tasks.

For this, he can only get rid of all his opponents with high fighting spirit.

Don\'t give your opponent the slightest chance, or strike out.

Either force the opponent to play Goofy.


After the white ball was hit, it flew high.

Sawamura shook his shoulders and ignored it.

Although this island national team has almost no cooperation at all, the defense is not reliable.

But since they can be selected into the national team, this in itself proves their personal strength.

These guys are strong!

With a high-flying ball like this, it\'s simply impossible to stumped them.

In other words, if they were really stumped by this kind of ball, Sawamura would have to disarm and surrender.

Takeda supervises them to blame, and Sawamura can only helplessly spread his hands.

The burden is too heavy to carry!

The players of the island team did not live up to Sawamura\'s expectations.

Steadily blocked the ball.



After winning this out, Sawamura also completed the defense of this game.

Three outs, offense and defense exchange.

The game ended in the first half of the fifth inning, and the score between the two sides was still 2:0.

The island nation leads the opponent by two points.

In a pitching battle, there is a two-point advantage and the opponent doesn\'t score.

On the surface, as the leading island team, it should have the advantage.

But the situation at the scene was not like that.

Even from the standpoint of a bystander, you can clearly feel that the North American team has a stronger momentum.

Except for the pitcher, players in other places, North American players, have an advantage.

As for why the score is still behind when it is dominant?

This is still about Sawamura.

His personal strength is too strong, like a sharp knife, firmly stabbing the enemy\'s heart.

Ordinarily, this is deadly enough.

But unfortunately, it is in the current state.

Even if the island nation team is two points ahead of their opponents, they would not dare to say that they are in a safe position to win.

in the lounge area.

Guys, everyone is sweating.

Supervisor Takeda frowned and was extremely worried.

Unexpectedly, the pressure the players felt was so great?

To be honest, he really hadn\'t thought of this before.

During the garrison, Sawamura, who was the absolute core, contracted the enemy\'s biggest firepower point.

It can almost be said that the enemy is playing round and round.

Compared with Sawamura, the other players of the island team actually have very few defensive tasks.

In this game just now, two people caught the ball.

Others did not move and behave much.

In a more mature team, everyone cooperates tacitly, and players can choose their positions directly according to the players sent by the other party.

Because of the constant change of position, the loss of physical strength may be relatively large.

But the current island team is obviously not in that situation.

Everyone is a temporary team, in order to prevent everyone from acting indiscriminately and affecting others.

Supervisor Takeda had to make a choice.

He gave up letting the players cooperate with the defense.

Although this technique is tall, once successful, it can also bring good repercussions.

But everyone has no experience of cooperating, and if they are actively guarding, it is very likely to affect other people.

In order to prevent everyone from interfering with each other, we will maximize the strength of these star players.

Supervisor Takeda also took great pains to think of a strategy that is not perfect, but very effective.

That is to let these guys stay on their own territory, whoever catches the ball.

As a result, some **** with more clever positions are difficult to handle.

But the pitcher is Sawamura, and it is obviously not an easy task for the opponent to throw this kind of ball.

In the early days of the game, Takeda\'s strategy was still very effective.

Although the way of defense is a bit crude, it is fortunate that Sawamura is on the mound.

The players of the North American team have not been able to make any moths.

But other players are getting more and more nervous, and for some reason, they always give people a feeling of being tied.

In the beginning, Supervisor Takeda and they didn\'t feel it.

The momentum of the team is good, they thought they could beat their opponents in one go.

Unexpectedly, when the players in North America gradually adapted to Sawamura\'s pitching, the situation changed dramatically.

Because they are adapted to Sawamura\'s balls, without Sawamura\'s use of high-level variant balls.

It\'s no surprise then that they were able to touch the ball.

From the time North American players were able to touch the ball, things changed a lot.

Originally, the ball was basically unable to hit the court, and it was possible to see how the defense was. There was no way to make it clear at a glance.

Now, the garrison begins to undergo a severe test.

The problem suddenly appeared, and it was more serious than everyone imagined.

The brute force of those guys is very scary.

Even high fly **** can go very far, mostly in the outfield.

Although the ball was eventually stopped.

But this in itself is a very dangerous signal, and no one knows whether baseball can be played farther?

To know that the nearest one, only about 10 meters away, flew out of the stadium.

As the game continues like this, no one can guarantee that North American players will always have such bad luck.

If this is the case, they will turn around and blow the ball straight out.

That scene is not optimistic.

This is a concern on the one hand, and the nervousness of the players on the other hand.

Supervisor Takeda was secretly annoyed.

Before, the scope of their actions was still larger, and they abandoned all the players who were often used by the national team, and not a single one was left.

On the contrary, from the high school Jiaziyuan, many powerful people were selected to form the strongest team.

In other words, this team did not live up to his expectations.

All the way through, sweeping almost all opponents.

Although the process is somewhat tortuous, the overall general direction is not deviated.

Almost exactly as the coaching staff originally predicted.

I just didn\'t expect that the players of the North American team had such a strong adaptability.

So that when it comes to the middle game, they have to face a choice.

Is it to replace Sawamura, or continue to trust this ace.

The layman watches the fun, and the layman watches the doorway.

For the vast majority of the audience at the scene, Sawamura Eijun is still strong.

With him, there is no disadvantage.

But Supervisor Takeda and assistant coaches are very clear.

Sawamura, who had no way to use the high-level change ball, was basically at a loss for his skills now.

Plus, North American players have gotten used to his pitching.

Keeping him on the court is undoubtedly a high Those two hits, and the few **** that hit the outfield.

It\'s hard evidence.

This is one aspect, and there is another very important aspect.

That is experience.

Eijun Sawamura seems to be particularly experienced when dealing with crises.

Often can turn corrupt into magic.

Whether it was a hit or a long outfield.

In fact, it was all resolved by him. What was the effect of the resolution?

Look at the current score on the field, you can see at a glance.

In other words, from this aspect.

It is undoubtedly more beneficial to keep Sawamura on the court.

In terms of substitutions, in fact, there are no good targets for the island team.

Pick and choose, at most you can choose a hometown.

This township is very strong, and in some respects it even surpasses Zecun.

But his style was too much restrained by the North American team.

Supervisor Takeda and the assistant coaches simply wouldn\'t take the risk of letting him play in this situation.

You must know that Sawamura also has a ball speed of 150, plus his magical pitching posture.

The ball speed effect that can really be formed is far beyond people\'s imagination.

But even so, the North American players got used to Sawamura\'s ball speed.

And quickly made a target.

In the beginning, few people were able to hit Nakasawamura\'s ball, and Sawamura struck out again and again.

But now, things have changed a lot.

Not to mention the upper and middle batters, even the lower batters are starting to touch Sawamura\'s ball.

Although the play was not good, the ball was able to touch.

How long can this town last?

Another point, I have to say, is the characteristics of the hometown.

He is not someone who will be able to play his strength stably as soon as he plays.
