Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 66: : App Tips for Bluffing (2 in 1)

pps: Thanks to Xiaoxue and Xiaow for their generous donations! A typhoon hit and it rained for several days. I wish all my friends not to suffer from the intrusion of wind and rain. Even if you are unfortunately disturbed, you can be safe.


On the mound, in the catcher\'s position, including in the stands.

Sawamura, Renji, and Miyuki Kazuya all secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Sawamura rashly used such a high-level change ball, but the risk was actually very high.

Lianji has a high probability, and there is no way to catch the ball.

Fortunately, Goddess of Luck took pity, this did not happen.

With a 50% probability, Lianji finally caught the ball.

As long as Lianji takes the ball, this scene will remain in the minds of all North American players like a cancer.

They could no longer ignore Sawamura\'s ball of change.

According to their experience, the next step is even if the opponent chooses a certain ball path.

The ball of change will also stimulate them and affect them like a stinger.

This is the premise of bluff.

You must have a weapon in your hand that could be a threat to the opponent.

Otherwise, how can it be considered a bluff?

Now, what they are holding in their hands is such a weapon.

A weapon that can threaten North American players.

Lianji, who was in the position of the catcher, breathed a sigh of relief.

He is a very calm person, and he does not think that he can make a breakthrough in this crisis situation.

Can fully catch Sawamura\'s change ball.

It\'s a good thing to have that kind of ambition, but it\'s stupid to think you\'ve mastered it.

As the brain of the troll Otengjuan high school baseball team, Renji certainly couldn\'t be some kind of idiot.

He knew exactly what he meant by catching that ball, which was a bluff.

Next, if you want to fight against North American players, you must rely on straight balls, ordinary quirk balls, and those simple variations.

Change ball!

Float on the ball! !

Ordinary slider!

So far, Renji has been sure to catch these 5 kinds of **** in total.

Straight **** and quirky **** have almost been seen through by North American players.

It is obviously not a wise decision to use that kind of ball to play against the opponent.

If you want to continue to fight with them, you must use it flexibly, and the rest of the ball can be used.

At this point, the North American batters got their first shot.

Very handsome and popular Francis.

For this, Lin Shi was a little dissatisfied.

If it is possible, he is not willing to meet Francis Francis so early.

Although this guy is handsome, his strength is not false at all.

Even among so many players in North America, his attacking strength can still rank in the top three.

Although, when he faced off against Sawamura, he suffered a series of losses. But if you think he can\'t do it because he suffers a loss, that\'s a big mistake.

In fact, this little guy is quite powerful. He was also one of the first hitters to adapt to Sawamura\'s pitching.

If it wasn\'t for him, the North American players would never have gotten used to Sawamura\'s pitching so quickly.

Lianji can basically see how the North American players are communicating in private.

I originally thought that these players from North America must be arrogant and arrogant, and no one would obey the other.

There may be problems with their cooperation.

In fact, just look at the NA team\'s previous games and basically make a judgment.

It\'s not a very united team.

There are also competitions and contradictions within their team.

When Supervisor Takeda analyzed the opponent\'s strength, he didn\'t specifically point this out.

But those who attended the meeting were all elites, and even if Supervisor Takeda didn\'t say it deliberately, they could see it clearly.

This may also be an opportunity!

At that time, it is estimated that all players have this idea.

Can\'t wait until they play against these players on the North American team.

The situation immediately changed dramatically.

The original feud with the North American team seemed to vanish all at once.

In fact, this is also normal, although Renji is a little confused.

But Miyuki and Sawamura saw clearly and were not surprised at all.

The North American team didn\'t exist in the first place, a harmonious team. Like the island national team, they were put together on an ad hoc basis.

There are two deficiencies in the team that was put together temporarily.

The first is that the cooperation time is short, and the second is that the opinions within the team are relatively large.

Needless to say, the time is short, this is an objective reality.

Players from different places, whether it is habits or ideas, must have a lot of differences.

This is the conflict within the team.

In fact, the island team has encountered exactly the same problem.

The team that was put together temporarily was not strong.

Far from being able to play the effect of 1+1>2.

The reason why the solution was relatively smooth later was that it was divided into the Tokyo team and other regional teams.

Then let the two teams have a sense of competition with each other.

After having competitors, these arrogant guys are obviously much calmer.

From this, one can also draw a conclusion that has been verified countless times before.

In some cases, the opponent may be more important than the friend.

North American players, in terms of talent, are not below the players of the island team.

There are even a few outstanding ones, like Francis now standing on the strike zone.

The talents of these people are even more than the vast majority of players in the island team.

In this case, it is conceivable. Inside the North American team, there must be no harmony.

There is also disobedience and competition between them.

As for now, why do people suppress that sense of competition?

This is normal too!

As they met, new enemies and adversaries.

And this opponent\'s threat to them is enough for them to temporarily put aside the competition and differences within the team.

Instead, focus more on the opponent in front of them.

The island national team is now playing such a role.

Regardless of the situation on the field, the current score, the island team leads the opponent by two points.

As North America, who is behind, their players actually know very well, what should they do?

So they are united, even more united than the island team.

On the contrary, the island nation team has an absolute advantage. But because this advantage was basically taken by Sawamura Eijun alone, the other players\' self-confidence suffered a serious blow.

In fact, they knew before that their strength was far from Sawamura\'s.

But knowing it is one thing, witnessing it with your own eyes is another.

Now they have seen with their own eyes that the guys who were played around by Sawamura, when they played against them, were not at all disadvantaged.

This kind of statement is all euphemism. In fact, those star players in North America are in the process of playing against the players of the island team.

has a certain advantage.

Otherwise, it would not be present now, in this state.

The North American team was clearly behind, but it felt like they were ahead.

The whole team showed an aggressive aura.

It seems that the island team must be brought down.

This kind of feeling is not good, it is like when you are running, your opponent is clearly ahead. But the opponent is chasing closely, and even faintly has the stance of overtaking.

The players of the island team, of course, do not want to do this.

But they don\'t want to, what can they do?

As far as the current situation is concerned, they have no choice at all.

It is precisely because of this kind of negative thinking that the players on the island team are very depressed.

This situation, Sawamura and Lianji saw clearly.

But they have no good way.

Some things must be figured out by oneself, and others can only play the role of assistance and guidance.

Not to mention the role of guidance.

What Sawamura can do now is to be an assistant.

Before the players of the island team recover, all he has to do now is to stabilize the score on the court.

In the end, even if there is no overtake or what.

At the very least, they have to ensure that the island team\'s chances are left to the end.

Even if it is eventually tied, or even overtaken.

They also have to make sure that the gap between the scores will not widen.

Of course, these are all worst-case scenarios.

As far as the current situation is concerned, it is far from that level.

There is still hope for the Islanders.

And Sawamura, what he needs to do next is to continue this hope.

And look for opportunities to expand!

Make this opportunity easier to achieve.

To deal with Francis, Sawamura also thought of some strategies.

For now, the surest way to do this is, of course, to use a new change ball.

Routine opponents in one go.

Taking into account the probability of success, it should be around 25%.

Sawamura and Lianji, invariably gave up this tempting plan.

The risk factor is too high! Whether it can solve the opponent in one go is still unknown.

As far as the situation is concerned, they themselves were first tricked in.

And this is precisely what the players of the island team can\'t accept.

They can only think of other ways.

Lianji kept staring at the opponent in front of him.

Francis exudes a strong momentum, looks eager to try, ready to act at any time.

Those who are familiar with him will definitely know that this guy has absolutely no intention of bluffing.

For him, everything is ready now, only the east wind is owed.

I think as long as Eijun Sawamura can throw some good shots.

He will definitely swing the bat in his hand unceremoniously.

At that time, the baseball has been hit, where will it land?

neither knows.

No one dared to pat their chests for assurance.

If it really arrives at that time, it means that the island nation team has lost the dominance they have finally ushered in.

The trend of the game, they will have to listen to each other\'s arrangements.


Whether it\'s Sawamura or Renji.

Obviously there is no way to accept such an arrangement, so they go all out to prevent this from happening.

To do this, they must first become familiar with the opponent in front of them.

That is this little white face called Francis.

The characteristics of this guy, the current state of this guy, and the current thinking of this guy...

All of these, they must understand.

Although Sawamura can guess a little, this is not his specialty.

He couldn\'t understand that detailed.

Therefore, he can only entrust this important task to his current partner, Lianji.

As the brain of the troll high school baseball team, Renji\'s ability in this regard may not be as good as Miyuki\'s.

But his ability is definitely not bad, and he is top-notch in the whole country.

Not to mention the whole country, even if he looks at the whole world, he should be able to rank first.

Sawamura was at a loss, and at this time, he had already vaguely had guesses and ideas.

Then he told Sawamura of his plans by using a password.

These tactical catchers really don\'t have a good thing, and they are so dirty in their hearts.

After understanding Renji\'s plan, Sawamura\'s face was very ugly.

But in his eyes, there was a bit of relief.

It has to be said that this strategy may not be considered above board.

But dealing with the immediate crisis should be effective.

After making a plan in his mind, Sawamura Eijun nodded indistinctly, and then saw him pull away and decisively threw the white ball in his Wanting to cooperate with Lianji, ordinary The ball effect is not good.

It has to be a stronger, sharper ball.

Now, Sawamura voted.

It is a straight ball with the limit of the interior angle.

With the cooperation of his strange posture, the speed of the baseball was very fast, and in the blink of an eye it reached the position of the hitter\'s chest.

It\'s a difficult position to get into.

Even now, Francis is standing on the strike zone, and he doesn\'t really have a good idea.


The country is top notch.

Not to mention the whole country, even if he looks at the whole world, he should be able to rank first.

Sawamura was at a loss, and at this time, he had already vaguely had guesses and ideas.

Then he told Sawamura of his plans by using a password.

These tactical catchers really don\'t have a good thing, and they are so dirty in their hearts.

After understanding Renji\'s plan, Sawamura\'s face was very ugly.

But in his eyes, there was a bit of relief.

It has to be said that this strategy may not be considered above board.

But dealing with the immediate crisis should be effective.

After making a plan in his heart, Sawamura Eijun nodded indistinctly, and then saw him pull away and decisively threw the white ball in his hand.

If you want to cooperate with Renji, the effect of ordinary **** is not good.

It has to be a stronger, sharper ball.

Now, Sawamura voted.

It is a straight ball with the limit of the interior angle.

With the cooperation of his strange posture, the speed of the baseball was very fast, and in the blink of an eye it reached the position of the hitter\'s chest.

It\'s a difficult position to get into.

Even now, Francis is standing on the strike zone, and he doesn\'t really have a good idea.