Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 52: : Familiar Strangers (Homage to?)

The national top four are out!

Here, there are a lot of dark horses.

Qingcong Middle School was a little-known before, but Kaicheng Middle School was very good, ranking among the top ten middle schools in the country. But this is not baseball, but a pure elite school. In terms of baseball, Kaicheng is not even as good as Qingqi.

In this way, the two schools have eliminated their strong enemies and entered the top four in the country.

What is the big news?

This is!

But no one paid attention to such big news. All eyes of people were attracted by another thing.

"The king of youth baseball is shocked to appear in the national competition field!"

"The little prince of Tokyo joins Xijing."

"The high-profile soft ball collides with the hard ball."

"The Little Prince of Tokyo VS the Great Demon King of Nagano!"


Although the Big Mac Yokozuna Middle School was eliminated, it was replaced by the stronger Xijing Middle School. The most important thing is that the head-to-head match between Sawamura and Narimiya is like a battle for the strongest pitcher in the country.

Stimulate! Enjoy! !

Covered by such news, who still has the mind to manage what dark horses?

In fact, apart from the two teams\' own classmates and relatives, not many people in the country really care about them.

The next day, all the news about the national competition was Akagi and Xijing, and it was Sawamura and Narunomiya.

The baseball club of Xijing Middle School.

Coach Yamamoto was chattering about information about Akagi Middle School, especially about Sawamura.

"Akagi Middle School\'s attack power is not strong, and you can see that from their score. Except for the high score of seven points in the first game, their score in the second and third games is very limited. Three points!"

"So we don\'t need to worry too much about the Akagi Middle School baseball team\'s lineup. What we need to pay attention to is how to attack the pitcher in front of us."

As Yamamoto spoke, the image of Sawamura appeared on the projector screen behind him.

"So far in the National Championship, every game has been played, every game has been zeroed, and every game has not allowed the batter to hit a single hit. Ace pitcher, Eijun Sawamura. Your most important task now is to Consider, how to get points from Akagi\'s hands."

Coach Yamamoto said that he was enthusiastic and generous, but Narnomiya Ming didn\'t put his mind on it.

His thoughts couldn\'t help but return to the moment after the game.

After the game, I was interviewed by reporters.

Chenggong Ming began to follow the main force, heading for the bus back to the school.

Because the venue for the national competition is in Tokyo, Xijing Middle School, the host, does not need to rent a hotel.

It\'s fine for them to live in their own school.

Not only is the environment better here, but you can also practice tactics in a more confidential manner.

In the process of leaving the main force, Naruto Naruto fell at the back of the team.

After all, he has just joined the team and hasn\'t gotten along with the other players in the team.

Although Cheng Gongming is there, Xijing is closer to the throne of the country\'s hegemony. But man, it\'s always weird.

When Tiger Ichiro was a pitcher, although the players in Xijing disliked Tiger Ichiro\'s pitching and dragged the team down, they wished that a good pitcher could replace him all day long.

But when the pitcher did appear, they not only felt sorry for Torichiro.

Anyway, Tiger Ichiro is a teammate who has played with them for three years?

Victory on one side and friends on the other. If you choose victory, you will inevitably be ashamed of your friends.

Everyone unconsciously distanced themselves from Cheng Gongming, but it was not that they really had an opinion on Cheng Gongming, it was just that there was no way to convince them.

Under such circumstances, it is not surprising that Cheng Gongming is single.

"Soft ball, how does it feel to hold it?"

Cheng Gongming fell at the back of the team. At this time, someone suddenly approached him behind him and asked with a smile.

As soon as Cheng Gongming turned his head, he happened to see a very heroic little boy.

At 1.7 meters tall, he is a little taller than Chenggong Ming. He was clean and had a baseball cap on.

"Are you, Eijun Sawamura?"

The boy opposite was stunned for a moment, obviously Cheng Gongming could recognize him at a glance, which surprised him.

At this time, Nagiya Ming also came back to his senses and recalled the problem of Sawamura.

Soft ball, how does it feel to hold?

Of course it\'s uncomfortable!

Speaking of this, Cheng Gongming felt aggrieved.

Because he has been in the best youth baseball team, Naruto has never really touched softball before. This time, he had a chance to study it carefully.

Soft **** are really different from hard balls!

This one is different, for pitchers, there are two. One is the hand feel, which sounds mysterious, but the fact is that soft **** lack hand feeling compared to hard balls.

The most direct manifestation of this is ball speed.

The fastest ball speed of Narimiya Ming\'s hard ball is 140!

But after switching to the soft ball, his ball speed dropped by an average of one to three kilometers.

Another is the stitching. The stitching of the hard ball can be changed differently because of the different grips. Soft ball, there is no such benefit.

"Amateur, too amateur!"

In Chenggong Ming\'s view, the soft ball is just a prop. It\'s okay to hone the straight ball and the speed of the ball. For the rest, let\'s forget it.

It was also from that time that he looked at Nanami Haruka even more.

Nanami Haruka, who can throw a high drop curve ball with a soft ball, is absolutely qualified to be his opponent in Naru Miyako\'s opinion.

On the contrary, Sawamura, whose name is better than Nanami Haruka, didn\'t care that much.

After all, Sawamura uses soft balls. After changing the hard ball, whether his pitching characteristics can be brought into play?

Unexpectedly, Sawamura would ask him that?

Thinking a little deeper, has Sawamura started practicing hardball?

"This guy, I\'m afraid it\'s more troublesome than I thought."

With such a judgment, Narimiya Ming\'s attitude towards Sawamura also changed. It is no longer as easy as it used to be, and it has become solemn.

"Your teammates are gone, aren\'t you catching up?"

After Sawamura asked that sentence, he didn\'t say anything more, turned around and left in a dashing manner, leaving Narimiya Ming with a big back of his head.

He originally wanted to catch up with Narimiya Anyway, Narimiya Naruto was the first Tokyo friend Sawamura met in his life.

But when they actually met, Sawamura didn\'t know what to say.

Well, let\'s talk about it on the field.

They are still more accustomed to using baseball to communicate rather than words.

Cheng Ming looked at Sawamura\'s retreating back and muttered in his heart.

"This guy, isn\'t he mentally ill?"

After coming up, I first asked myself the difference between a soft ball and a hard ball, and then left inexplicably.


Subconsciously, his body shivered, and Narutomiya squatted on his waist, catching up with the team in front of him.

At that time, Nagiya Ming was still very regretful, and he was afraid that he would not have the chance to fight Qi Hai Yao.

After all, Tianlong Temple has unexpectedly lost to Kaicheng Middle School and stopped in the top eight!