Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 51: : Naruto Naruto

Who is this person?

Those who are familiar with the original work have probably guessed that this person is the pitcher with the highest comprehensive strength in the original work, Naruto Nagami.

Sawamura is very familiar with Narimiya, so of course this is referring to the previous life.

Although after graduating from high school, Narnomiya did not directly join professional baseball, but went to university first.

But his fame didn\'t stop there.

On the field of Jiaziyuan, there are not many strong players who can really continue to be brilliant on the professional baseball field.

The era of Sawamura is known as a once-in-50-year super era, and there are many geniuses. In the end, there were only twenty or thirty people who were really active on the professional baseball field, and there were only five people in the major leagues, including Sawamura.

Among these five people, there is Cheng Gongming!

Although he wasted four years in college and made Naruto\'s career path not very smooth, his talent has been recognized by everyone.

He is a real genius!

The reason why Sawamura is so surprised is because he is also aware of the life trajectory of Naruto Naruto. Including the high school he went to, the college he went to, the professional baseball team he joined...

Isn\'t the current Nagiya Ming supposed to be the most famous and famous youth club in Tokyo, to be the ace?

How would it appear here?

You must know that there is a big difference between the softball league and the hardball.

For many people, this is almost the difference between a professional and an amateur. It was hard for Sawamura to imagine that Narimiya Ming would give up the junior baseball game to participate in the softball league game.

In fact, Naruto Naruto didn\'t want that either.

At the beginning of the summer, he also had ambitions to show his strength in the national competition of youth baseball.

It\'s a pity that they didn\'t have a good chance of being a teacher. In the first round, he was wiped out by a little-known group. (Referring to Miyuki, the only person who didn\'t win in Miyuki middle school was Chris. In other words, he defeated Narimiya Naruto and Narimiya Naruto\'s team. After checking, the Hardball League started with a relatively small number of teams. Group round-robin knockout, that is to say, if one loses, the team that Naru Gong Ming belongs to may not be eliminated. But for the needs of the plot, let\'s change it to a single knockout match. Naru Gong Ming had bad luck in the summer, and was defeated by Yu Xing\'s team. upset.)

In this regard, Cheng Gongming is of course very angry, but more is not reconciled.

How could he, the little prince of Tokyo, the last summer of three years end with such a shameful image? As soon as the boy\'s head was hot, he found the school and asked to join their school\'s baseball club.

When Yamamoto, the superintendent of the baseball club, heard this, his mouth crooked with joy.

Their Xijing Middle School is also strong now, but they just don\'t have a good pitcher. Cheng Gongming is willing to come, he naturally has no reason to be unhappy.

At that time, the Tokyo area competition of Xijing Middle School had actually started. Fortunately, the national competition only limited the number of participants, and there was no limit to the school that must use the original players. (The main reason is to prevent someone from getting injured. You can\'t let people bring the injured to the competition.) So Naru Gong Ming became the backup pitcher of Xijing Middle School.

You must know that Nagiya Ming is not some unknown player, but a superstar player in his generation. It is big news for such a player to join Xijing Middle School!

Moreover, the Hardball League has an unwritten rule, that is, the registered players of the Hardball League are not allowed to participate in the competition of ordinary middle schools.

Although after the loss from the team, Narunomiya is equivalent to semi-retirement from the team and becomes a free agent.

But among them, there are still a lot of **** places. Even if it does not violate the express rules, there are still a lot of news points.

Yamamoto, the coach of Xijing Middle School, is cunning and cunning. Of course he knew that once the media exposed, Xijing would definitely become the target of public criticism.

Although there are not many teams with two or more star players in the team, there are a dozen or so.

But there are two Twelve Heavenly Kings teams in the country, and I have never heard of them.

Once the news is exposed, all the teams will definitely keep their eyes on Xijing. Although the current strength of Xijing is not necessarily afraid of this, it is better to have less than one thing.

Also in the first two games, Xijing Middle School\'s opponents were not strong, and Naruto Miyako didn\'t have the chance to play. Therefore, until now, no one knew that Cheng Gongming quietly joined the Xijing Middle School baseball team.

Until Naruto Naruto appeared!

There are quite a few Tokyo fans who know Narimiya Naruto. When they first saw it, they, like Sawamura, couldn\'t believe it, until they turned around to look at the electronic screen, and the name of Cheng Gongming was indeed written on the screen, and they were convinced that they were not mistaken.

That person is the little prince of Tokyo baseball, Narutomiya.


"come on!"

Fans don\'t care why Naruto appears here, they are excited to cheer for their little prince one by one.

At this time, Sawamura also came back to his senses.

Since Narnomiya Ming appeared here, it must be reasonable.

There is absolutely no need for me to be entangled in this matter. The question I should consider now is how to face Xijing and Nagiya.

Yes, Xijing and Chenggong Ming.

Sawamura had already made up his mind about the outcome of the game the moment Naruto Naruto came on the court.

Even if Xijing\'s opponent is the giant Yokozuna, even if the current score is 2:1, and even if the situation on the field is that there are people on the first and third bases, Yokozuna may win additional points.

Sawamura did not doubt that Naruto Naruto would lead Xijing to victory.

An ace pitcher can bring qualitative changes to a team. Xijing Middle School with Cheng Gongming joined, and no Cheng Gongming joined

The Xijing Middle School they entered was two completely different teams.

The facts also prove this.

Once out, there is someone at first and third base!

Hit and run in the mountains. UU Reading

Faced with such an unfavorable situation, Narunomiya ran forward, caught the bounced ball, and hit home plate. Touch and kill the runner who is heading for home plate.

Then he struck out Yokozuna\'s fourth.

The unfavorable situation was resolved in a blink of an eye in Nagiya Naruto\'s hands.

Next, Narunomiya got strikeouts again and again and played the Big Mac Yokozuna like a child.

He played from the fourth inning to the end of the seventh inning with ten strikeouts.

In the last three innings, nine strikeouts in a row!

This kind of performance shocked the audience.

During the game, Naru Miyako, Qi Ping, and Inoue scored three consecutive hits to help the team overtake their opponents.


The third school to advance to the top four in the country has been released.

In the last game, Tenryuji Middle School played against Kaicheng Middle School.

Tianlong Temple Middle School lost 2:3 to the opponent and stopped in the top eight in the country.

So far, the top four in the country have all been released.

Chicheng Middle School, Qingqi Middle School, Kaicheng Middle School and Xijing Middle School.

In the first game of the semifinals, Chicheng Middle School played against Xijing Middle School.

In the second game, Kaicheng Middle School played against Qingqi Middle School.

The match is scheduled for two days later, on August 11th, Friday.