Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 53: : Semifinals!

Tenryuji Temple, also from Nagano, was eliminated!

As Akagi, it is inevitable that a rabbit will die and a fox will die.

They want to know what kind of team can eliminate Tianlong Temple Middle School?

But unfortunately, the current Akagi really doesn\'t have that spare time.

They have more important things to do.

On August 11, the weather turned from fine to light rain. The temperature is 23-29 degrees.

The weather forecast said there would be rain in the afternoon, and the organizers specially informed that the two semi-finals would be held simultaneously.

One at Jingu A Stadium and one at Jingu B Stadium.

In this way, the two games can be held in the morning without fear of rain.

At Jingu A Stadium, the 20,000-person auditorium on the side of first and third bases was already 70-80% full.

The organizers had no choice but to discuss whether they could open the stands in the outfield.

This is the first time that the competition of middle school students has become so popular.

You must know that Jiaziyuan is also being held in full swing, and most of the people who really love baseball in the country gather there.

But even so, the stands on both sides of the first and third bases of Jingu Stadium were still full of people. Among them, the most conspicuous one is close to the first base side, that is, the stand of the Akagi side. There are two squares there, especially prominent.

In one of the phalanxes, everyone wore white shirts with the words "Brotherhood of the Heart" written on them!

In front of the phalanx, there are two chubby men holding a big flag.

Also on the banner are the words that the Brotherhood of Chi-Hearts will always support Akagi.

Another phalanx, with three times more people than them. He was all wearing a black T-shirt with the word "Demon King\'s Guard in gold" written on the T-shirt.

This black and white is clearly distinguished.

It looked as if they were supporting both sides of the game separately.

But in fact, everyone knows that these people support one side, or one of them.

Eijun Sawamura!

The legend of Sawamura can hardly be replicated in the whole country. Although the level of the softball league has been controversial, it has to be said because of the large number of people involved. In terms of the popularity of the national competition. The softball league is even better than the junior baseball teams.

And Sawamura, as the most legendary player in the softball league national competition, has accomplished something that is difficult for others to accomplish.

As a member of the Softball League, he became the most well-known teenage star in the country.

In terms of popularity alone, the current Sawamura is not only the first person in middle school. Even including high school students, Sawamura\'s popularity ranks among the top ten in the country.

Like this, there are two student stars supported by independent fan groups, and Sawamura is the only one.

In the bullpen on the side of Xijing Middle School.

Chenggong Ming sat on the rest chair on his side, and his eyes seemed to be spitting out flames.

"Piss me off, **** me off!"

Shouldn\'t a scene with thousands of fans like this belong to him?

Where did this Sawamura come from? How can you steal his limelight.

Whether it is bearable or unbearable, even if the uncle can bear it, the aunt can never bear it.

"Don\'t pull me, I\'m going to **** them!"

Cheng Ming stood up and was about to walk up the pitcher mound.

"Don\'t worry, in the first half of the first game, it\'s not us who are guarding."

Coach Yamamoto grabbed him.

In the first half of the game, Xijing Middle School attacked.

Sawamura stood on the pitcher mound.

Looking at the stands, the audience who came to support him, and the dozens of cameras around him.

Sawamura felt the blood in his body and began to roll little by little.

That\'s what the game is about!

Some people naturally yearn for the stage, and Sawamura is like that. The bigger the stage, the more excited he is.

come on!

Such an occasion, such an opponent!

The familiar feeling returned to Sawamura, making him look more attractive.

"I\'ll let them keep hitting the ball, and the defense behind me is up to everyone!"

Sawamura opened his arms and shouted in the center of the court.

"Leave it to us!"

Yamaguchi said in an angry voice.

"Let them call."

Oda looked a little careless, but his posture was very open.

"Xiao Rong!"



The friends responded one by one. Although it has been a long time since this feeling, but when Sawamura said it, it was as if the memory in their bodies was awakened.

in the stands.

Many viewers saw the interaction of Akagi Middle School for the first time.

"What\'s with the momentum of this major league?"

"So handsome, these little guys."

"It seems that against Xijing, against Qi Ping and Cheng Gongming, these little guys in Chicheng don\'t care at all."

The game officially begins.

In the first half of the game, Xijing attacked.

The first one, Tanaka-san.

There are a total of three star players in Xijing, and now with Cheng Gongming, there are four. They are Tanaka, Inoue, Qipei and Naomi Naomi.

Tanaka is the No. 1 player. Like other teams\' arrangements, he is a speed and a versatile striker.

On the pitcher mound, Sawamura glanced at Tanaka.

His stance is very standard, and his bat is also very standard. If there is any flaw, it is too standard.

Sawamura\'s eyes narrowed slightly, and then he threw his first ball.


The white ball, like a laser beam, was inserted straight above the home plate.

Looking at the flying baseball, Tanaka, who was hitting normally, suddenly changed his grip, and he turned into a bunt.

For the first ball of the first bench in the first game, use the bunt directly.


The white ball was hit and rolled to the center of the pitcher and third baseman.

"do not move!"

The moment the ball was thrown, Sawamura\'s body began to rush forward and saw the ball come out. Sawamura immediately ordered Yamaguchi to stay still, and then he rushed towards the rolling baseball like a sharp arrow.

Picking up the ball, passing the ball, the whole action is done in one go, without the slightest slack.


The baseball passed into Oda\'s glove, and Tanaka hadn\'t had time to run.


The first one was blocked out.

Tanaka glanced at Sawamura in surprise and touched his nose subconsciously.

Just now, Sawamura seemed to know that he was going to use a bunt, why?

Of course Sawamura wouldn\'t tell him why, and the game continued.

Sawamura ushered in the second bat of Xijing Middle School, No. 1, outfielder, Tiger Ichiro.

Facing Torichiro, Sawamura threw a ball, but he did not swing.

Tiger Ichiro, who looked extremely reckless, was very calm when he hit, and he observed the ball very carefully.

"Before Narutomiya passed, he was always the ace in the team. It doesn\'t seem to be useless, at least the attacking strength is quite good."

With a judgment in Sawamura calmly threw his second ball.

This ball, Tiger Ichiro swung the bat.


The white ball was hit and rolled in the direction of the shortstop.


"pass it to me!"

The delicate-looking and cool-looking man trotted to the point where the baseball dropped, picked up the ball, and passed it to first base.


Three goals and two outs!

Although it doesn\'t look as impressive as the strikeout, Sawamura\'s pitch is still a bright spot.

"Pitching rhythm, great!"
