Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 50: : Xijing Middle School (a tribute to the fat bookworm)

Akagi Middle School became the first team in the country to advance to the semi-finals.

Because of Sawamura\'s excellent pitching performance, it is conceivable that his title as the Great Demon King will become more and more famous after today.

Wakana told Sawamura that the attention on his amoeba blog has reached one million.

These guys can be roughly divided into three organizations, the Brotherhood of Hearts, the Demon King\'s Guard, and some scattered fans.

As Akagi Middle School entered the top four in the country, the brothers of the Brotherhood of Chi-heart and the Demon King\'s Imperial Guard began to organize to come to Tokyo to cheer for Sawamura.

It wasn\'t that they didn\'t want to come before, but not everyone had that much time. The national competition lasted for two weeks. Most of the Brotherhood of Brotherhood and the Demon King\'s Guard had their own jobs, so it was impossible to have so much time to come to Tokyo to support Sawamura.

But the semi-finals are different from the finals, they are one day apart. Including the game time, it is only three days in total! There are also Saturdays and Sundays.

In this way, they can come to Tokyo and cheer on Sawamura on the spot as long as they call in one day.

This is easier. After summing it up on Sawamura\'s Amoeba blog, there is a plan for everyone to cheer.

Originally, it was just the brothers of the Brotherhood of Hearts. Many of them were from Nagano. On the one hand, they came to Tokyo to cheer on their favorite players, and on the other hand, they could also travel. After all, a trip to Tokyo has a very special meaning for many people. (Going to Beijing with us means one thing.)


With such a call, the brothers of the Demon King\'s Praetorian Guard quit!

The members of the Chixin Brotherhood are mainly in Nagano Prefecture, and the total number is only a mere 100,000. Most of Sawamura\'s fans still watched him compete with Yokozuna and Tenryuji in the Kanto Tournament, and then joined the Demon King\'s Imperial Guard.

The small group of the Brotherhood of Scarlet Heart has organized a thousand small people to cheer for Sawamura, so how could their Demon King\'s Imperial Guard be resigned to others?

One thousand, two thousand, three thousand...

In the end, more than 4,000 people, at the call of the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Guard, came to Tokyo to cheer on the Demon King. (In terms of unity, the newly established Demon King\'s Guard is definitely not comparable to the Brotherhood of the Heartless. On the one hand, there are many family members, and on the other hand, there are many Tokyo people in the Demon King\'s Guard. Come to them. Saying that there is no burden to come to Jingu Stadium to cheer on Sawamura.)

"So crazy?"

A Xin next to him was dumbfounded.

Although I knew that Sawamura had many fans before, I never thought they would be so crazy.

More than 5,000 people rushed to Tokyo to cheer for Sawamura!

What kind of scene is this, a big star is holding a concert, is it just like that?

"This also shows how worried they are about this game."

Feng Xiang looked at the problem more thoroughly.

Akagi Middle School\'s semi-final opponent was the winner of Yokozuna Middle School and Saikyo Middle School.

Xijing Middle School is a giant in Tokyo and a frequent visitor to the top four in the country.

But almost everyone believes that it will be another team that will compete with Akagi Middle School in the semifinals.

The fifth place in the Kanto Conference, and the former champion of the country, Yokozuna Middle School, advanced to the playoffs!

Anyone who has watched the match between Akagi Middle School and Yokozuna Middle School will not doubt the strength of Yokozuna. In the second fight, whether Akagi can withstand Yokozuna\'s revenge is also the biggest highlight of this competition, no one.

"there is always a solution to a problem."

Sawamura said nonchalantly, "I won\'t let them score points. Next, we\'ll see how to conquer Ken Uesugi."

"Let\'s go, let\'s take a look at our future opponent."

The match between Yokozuna and Nishikyo Junior High School was the third game of the semifinals.

By the time the friends from Akagi Middle School arrived at the scene, the game had already gone on for three rounds.

The score on the field was 2:0, and Yokozuna Junior High School took the lead.

"Sure enough, Yokozuna is strong!"

When Oda saw the score, he couldn\'t help shaking his head. The strength of the giant Yokozuna was almost unmatched.

I have to say, Yokozuna is really powerful.

Sawamura glanced at the scoreboard and said suspiciously: "Xijing\'s attack is not weak, so far there have been two hits."

Having seen Ken Uesugi\'s bullet ball, Sawamura has a deep understanding of Uesugi\'s pitching.

Facing the defenses of Ken Uesugi and Yokozuna, Nishikyo had two effective hits in the first three innings. Akagi cannot do this.

"Get out!"

In the first half of the fourth round, Xijing attacked.


After an out, Xi Jing hit a home run in the fourth.

He threw Ken Uesugi\'s bullet out of the court.

"I\'m going, it\'s too fierce!"

"Who is this?"

Akagi\'s little friend had played against Yokozuna, and was deeply impressed by Yokozuna\'s strength, especially Uesugi\'s ball.

Neither Fengxiang nor Sawamura have the power to hit the ball. Who is it that is so awesome?

"One of the Twelve Heavenly Kings!"

Feng Liang recites all the star players on "Baseball Boys". The identity of the other party was recognized almost at a glance.

Sawamura nodded, and then asked, "This Xijing is a bit interesting. Apart from the four sticks, are there any other outstanding ones?"

"The first baseman is flush, the second baseman Tanaka, and the catcher Inoue are all star players. As far as the lineup is concerned, Nishikyo High School is no worse than Yokozuna at all."

Yokozuna has Yamanaka Shikinosuke, Uesugi Ken and the others, Xijing also has Qiping, Tanaka and Inoue.

/> Even if it is Akagi Middle School, isn\'t it the same as Sawamura and Feng Xiangao?

These teams in the later stage were all smashed out of more than 8,000 teams across the country, and any team is a shining star. Without the support of a few star players, they would not be able to get to where they are now.

"How are their pitchers?"

"The pitcher\'s name is Tiger Ichiro, and his strength is also good. He is very powerful in pitching, but he is almost in control of the ball. If it weren\'t for the weakness of the pitcher, Nishikyo\'s strength would have pulled the yokozuna long ago."


The game continued. Following the fourth home run, Uesugi and Yamanaka quickly dealt with the hitter after Xijing Middle and completed their defense in this inning.

In the second half of the fourth round, Yokozuna Middle School attacked.

When the second round of Yokozuna attacked, the attack power of the Big Mac was fully revealed.

The score on the field is now 2:1. They are one point ahead and use solid tactics to advance.

As soon as he was out, there was someone at first and third base.

The batter took the third stick, Yamanaka.

In this situation, the yokozuna score is almost inevitable.

And once the score continues to expand, the home run that has just been recovered will be ineffective.

"Xijing Middle School changed pitchers. No. 1 pitcher Tiger Ichiro was transferred to the outfield, and No. 10 was a backup pitcher. Classmate **** came on stage."

At this moment, Xijing Middle School asked for a replacement. A figure who looked very free and easy left the bullpen and boarded the pitcher mound of Xijing Middle School.

Once out, there is someone at first and third base.

In times of crisis like this, he was sent on the field. If you think about it with your toenails, this pitcher must not be easy.

Sawamura was very interested and set his eyes on that person.

Sawamura\'s heart trembled when he saw who was coming!

Why is he?

How could it be him?

How could he be here? ? ?