Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 49: : The Legendary, The Man (2 in 1)

The Return of the Pitcher of Diamond Ace Chapter 49: The Legendary, That Man (2-in-1) Audio Novel Listen Online

s: Thanks to the snowman, Xiaow for his generous reward!


On the strike zone, hitter Francis from North America.

Looking at Eijun Sawamura on the pitcher mound in disbelief.

In fact, long before he came to Baodao to compete, he had heard his predecessors say a lot about Sawamura.

The seniors of the North American Dream Team have a very deep impression of Sawamura.

After the game, it caused a huge sensation in North America. As a junior, Francis asked his senior.

"Is that player named Sawamura really that good?"

The senior who heard this question fell into a long silence.

It took a good while before he gave Francis an ambiguous answer.

"This is not a question of strength or not, but a battle in another dimension."

"What\'s the meaning?"

"It means that when you have a chance to play against him, everything will be understood."

In those statements, Sawamura seems to have been described by those guys as being like a great devil.

Sawamura felt invincible. Anyone who dared to fight against Sawamura would definitely be pressed to the ground and rubbed against the ground.

Francis is particularly reluctant to believe such a statement, in his mind, like the vast majority of North Americans.

Think they are the best in the world!

No. 1 in this world, including all aspects, is not only the strength of the country, but also some sports, especially the sports they practice.

They take themselves first for granted.

For example, basketball, American football (rugby), and baseball, for example, North America can be called a kingdom.

That feeling is a bit like the mainland side saying that it is a table tennis kingdom, it is the same reason.

Not to mention the first team, the mainland side can\'t wait for the second team to play and win the Olympic championship.

There are even such jokes.

After a table tennis player won the Olympic title, his coach was thrilled.

"The state is good, continue to work hard, and strive to win the National Games championship."

After co-authoring and winning the world championship, they are eligible to compete for hegemony in the National Games.

The same goes for North America.

Basketball, football, including baseball.

They are home to the best leagues in the world.

At the same time, the strength of their national team is also outrageous. Movements in these areas can\'t wait to crush the world.

Especially basketball and baseball.

Francis is such a representative, he is still a family.

His father practiced with him since he was a child, and he grew up from the hitting court as a child.

This makes Francis for his own strength, and the strength of his national baseball team.

All have high self-confidence.

As for the record of the national team, it is weaker than that of the island countries.

In North America, this has actually had a very bad impact.

But there is no way, those teams in the major leagues spend huge sums of money to pay players salaries.

They naturally have a great say in the work of the players.

In the eyes of capitalists, players on major league teams are their property.

Every arm of these players, every arm is money.

If you participate in the national team game, you will be injured or unable to adjust your state.

They can\'t even cry!

Therefore, in Western countries, many excellent players do not participate in national team competitions.

This is a common phenomenon.

As a result, many of the players who go to the national team competition are players who cannot play in the team.

They hope to show their strength through national team games so that they can be seen by supervisors in the major leagues.

In this way, the strength of the North American national team will naturally be greatly discounted.

But even if it is the North American national team after the discount is over.

Their strength is also terrifying.

It is now ranked second in the world, just 20 points lower than the island nation.

It is not difficult to see from this that the players from North America do have crazy capital.

In terms of overall strength, they are indeed No. 1.

Francis grew up in such an environment, so he has an innate confidence in the strength of North America.

We are number one, and rightfully number one!

At this time, a player suddenly appeared and could challenge North America.

It can be compared with Alan, their strongest young player at this stage.

Naturally there will be people curious.

Nowadays, these young players are not hindered by the team. They can freely choose whether to join the national team or not?

Hearing that Sawamura is the No. 1 figure, of course they want to see it.

This person can pitch the ball with Allen without falling behind.

Before confronting Eijun Sawamura, Francis himself did a lot of psychological construction.

He thought over and over again, the various ball paths that Sawamura Eijun might appear in?

Then on the other side, pondering how to deal with it.

He has seen the video of the game, and even listened to his senior, explaining it in detail.

Although he has not played against Sawamura head-on before, Francis believes that he has a great understanding of Sawamura\'s pitching.

This is a pitcher with a strangely changing ball, in the words of his predecessors.

Sawamura\'s pitching is unpredictable!

You can\'t guess at all, how will baseball change?

For this reason, Francis did not dare to hold a long stick when he first started to strike.

He had a short grip on the bat and didn\'t mean to hit Sawamura with a single blow.

Instead, be prepared to play steadily.

For the first hit, the most important task is not to hit a home run or even score.

Even the possibility of being resolved, Francis thought.

These are acceptable to Francis.

His most important goal was to study the pitch of Tosawamura.

Before, he asked those seniors, when they played against Sawamura, they had such a record.

Is it all about power?

Almost all the seniors shook their heads.

According to those seniors, there are certainly reasons for strength.

But not the most important.

For that game alone, if they had known Sawamura\'s strength in advance, they would have been prepared.

Just a small Qingdao high school baseball team, it should be difficult to beat them.

Although Qing Dao was already very famous at that time, he picked up several games in North America and finally won all of them.

The North American Dream Team has also studied them before the official game.

But the research at that time was very shallow.

Everyone just intuitively thought that if they played against the Qingdo High School baseball team, they would definitely win the final victory.

With this basic understanding, of course they won\'t go too far to study what kind of team the Qingdao High School baseball team is?

They just waited for the live game to drive the Qingdao High School baseball team off the altar.

Unexpectedly, they finally underestimated Qing Dao.

Or to be more precise, they underestimated the ace pitcher Sawamura of the Qingdao High School baseball team.

Before playing against other teams in North America, the strength that Sawamura Eijun showed was at most 80 points.

Strong and stable.

But from the perspective of the North American Dream Team, Sawamura\'s strength is just that.

If they wanted to, they should be able to drive Sawamura off the altar at any time.

Unexpectedly, in the end, they were severely beaten in the face.

Sawamura\'s strength is far beyond their imagination.

He originally only had 80 points, but in the game against North America, he showed the strength of 120 points.

At that time, the players of the North American Dream Team clearly realized that Sawamura\'s strength was far more than what they saw.

Just because the previous opponent was too bad, he didn\'t need to fully show his strength.

So in the end it will come out like that.

Once needed, his strength exploded completely.

That kind of terrifying existence is very amazing.

Francis, who heard these rumors, thought that the seniors were stunned, so he would say that.

Because they had never seen a pitcher like Sawamura before, they were directly stunned during the head-to-head confrontation.

Otherwise, if they had been mentally prepared, it was just a small Sawamura.

That\'s not even within reach!

Francis thinks so. Strategically, he despises his opponents, but when it comes to duels, he attaches great importance to it.

Although this little guy has all kinds of immaturity, he came from a baseball family and has a deep understanding of baseball.

When facing off against Sawamura, Francis showed his characteristics to the fullest.

He thought that he was very cautious and could definitely put a lot of pressure on Sawamura.


Sawamura on the pitcher\'s mound just threw a ball.

Francis was dumbfounded!

That is, what is it?

In Sawamura\'s entire pitching action, he didn\'t even see the drop spot.

As the seniors said, because of the soft body, the arms can be swung like a whip.

So Sawamura can completely hide his pitching movements behind his body and gloves.

Just this action, Sawamura\'s degree of completion has surprised Francis.

Originally, he thought it was his seniors exaggerating, otherwise he might not see it at all.

After seeing it with his own eyes, Francis had to admit.

Those seniors of my own are really not exaggerating at all.

When Sawamura pitched, he didn\'t even see it.

By the time he saw the white light and shadow, the ball had already flown out.

That\'s all, that\'s all.

The key is the ball that flew over, why is it so fast?

Because of the inability to see where the ball was released, Sawamura\'s pitch from the hitting area would appear to be faster than the actual speed of the ball.

Francis had just seen the white spot.

In the next instant, the white dot had broken through the layers of obstacles and came to him.

After the ball flew past, it smashed heavily into Renji\'s glove.


"nice shot!!"

In the position of the catcher, Lian Si felt a faint numbness in his gloved hand.

So strong, so hard!

This is not the first time he has taken Sawamura\'s pitch. Before he played, he was actually very worried about Sawamura\'s state.

I don\'t know if Sawamura could have entered the situation from the beginning.

Now it looks like he\'s overthinking it.

Standing on the opposite side, there was a terrifying existence that forced the excellent batters of all the teams in the island country to bow their heads.

The Great Demon King Sawamura Eijun!

This is a living legend.

How can his pitching state be on a par with ordinary people?

Renji\'s partner, Hongo, if he is in good condition, he can use his strength to 100%.

You can also achieve the level of Sawamura in a short period of time.

But such a high level of pitching in the beginning, and even the whole game.

Hometown can\'t do it.

It\'s not just the hometown that can\'t do it, all the outstanding pitchers in the country, I\'m afraid there is no second person who can achieve this level of horror.

Only Sawamura Eijun.

Only he can do it by himself, to such a terrifying level as it is now.

"Good cast!"

Renji passed the ball back.

While passing the ball, he glanced slightly, hitting Francis on the zone.

The boy is a little silly!

Standing blankly on the strike zone, the whole person could not see any reaction.

The shot that Sawamura Eijun threw just now should have frightened him.

Lin Shi was not surprised at all.

If you don\'t do enough psychological construction, there is no way to face Sawamura\'s pitching.

Just looking at it with my eyes, I feel that Kamizawa\'s pitch may be faster than the 160-kilometer ball.

Isn\'t this a hang up!

If you play Sawamura\'s ball with this feeling, it\'s no wonder they can hit it?

Let alone hitting the ball, according to this feeling, they are struggling to see the ball.

Of course, that doesn\'t mean Sawamura\'s pitching is invincible.

In fact, Sawamura\'s pitching also has deficiencies, and they are obviously deficiencies.

Otherwise, other people really don\'t have to mix.

Really can\'t be fake can\'t be real.

Sawamura\'s ball speed, which looks like 160 kilometers, is of course not reached.

If the opponent\'s talent is high enough, it can still be distinguished.

But unfortunately, Francis didn\'t know if it was because he was too shocked.

Or some other reason.

For a while, he was unable to react, let alone adapt with his eyes.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him.

The ball just now, keep going! ! !

Lianji, who saw this scene, certainly did not intend to show mercy.

He directly gave Sawamura a signal to keep going like this.

Sawamura on the mound was also unequivocal.

I saw him open his stance and threw the white ball in his hand continuously.

"nice shot!"

"nice shot!!"

"strike out!"

"strike out!!"

"strike out!!!"


9 balls, three strikeouts.

Although facing North America, this world, the actual strength ranked first terrorist team.

Sawamura, still cast his own characteristics.

Facing the world number one, Sawamura was neither humble nor arrogant, and stably exerted his own strength.

He tackled his opponent cleanly.

In the process of pitching, he is very bold and throws a lot of dangerous pitches.

This fully proves that he has confidence in his ability to handle the ball.

"Three outs, offense and defense exchange!"

In the second half of the game, it was the island team\'s turn to attack.

Because many players had fought before, they were disqualified.

Sort the remaining players.

Supervisor Takeda almost didn\'t scratch his scalp at that time.

This is obviously not an easy job.


The Return of the Diamond Ace Pitcher

The Return of the Pitcher of Diamond Ace https://