Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 48: : World Finals! (2 in 1)

The Return of the Diamond Ace Pitcher Chapter 48: World Finals! (2-in-1) Audio Novel Online Listening

s Thanks to the little snowman, the small generous reward!



The finals of the World Junior Championships are in full swing in Taipei.

The two sides of the game were North America, who had just defeated China Treasure Island with a score of 30.

They lived up to their title of baseball kingdom.

Successfully won the victory.

On the other hand, something went wrong during the game, and in the end, relying on tenacious strength, with a score of 130, it crushed the opponent\'s island team.

The final between these two teams has been highly anticipated before.

Fifteen minutes before the start of the game, the stands were already filled with spectators.

"This is too hot!"

A Baodao fan who had heard rumors before and came to watch the game specially.

After arriving at the stadium, the whole person was shocked.

Although he had heard a lot of rumors before, when he witnessed all this with his own eyes, his heart was still full of great shock.

It really is, a huge crowd!

Although it is the weather at the end of August, the heat has not completely passed.

The temperature at the scene was 36 degrees.

This is a temperature where people can sweat profusely without doing anything special while standing outside.

Plus the blazing sun!

Going to a baseball game in this weather is a crazy thing in itself.

Many people are poor and boring, and they hear so many rumors.

Even the news media covered it.

They came because they were curious!

When the results arrived, they were surprised to find that there were many young people who were as curious as they were.

Plus those fans from the island country!

The stands of the entire baseball stadium were filled to the brim.

So many people crowded into one stadium in such sweltering heat.

The entire stadium immediately turned into a steamer.

But even so, no one chose to leave.

They still stay here honestly, waiting for the start of the game.

The camera actually recorded this scene.

Then this scene was spread on the Internet, causing a lot of discussion.

"That\'s the beauty of baseball!"

Even under such scorching sun and high temperature, the audience must come to enjoy the high-level baseball game.

Players, in order to compete for the highest honor.

Also had to sway his sweat in such hot weather.

4 TV stations broadcast live. It is said that there are hundreds of millions of fans across the country who will appreciate the grand occasion of this game.

While the numbers are exaggerated, they are not exaggerated by much.

Even if the total number of fans watching the game is not hundreds of millions, there are tens of millions.

Two teams, more than 30 players.

In front of these people, there will be an incisive performance.

As a result of the box-guessing between the two sides, Sawamura won.

"We choose to attack!"

Sawamura Eijun\'s choice, of course, was not made by his head when he was hot and decided on his own.

He had discussed it with the team long ago.

If the opponent wins, then the choice is naturally on the opponent\'s side.

The island team has nothing to say here and can only resign to fate. But if they win, it\'s important to decide whether to go first or second.

After comprehensive analysis of various situations, Supervisor Takeda and the vast majority of players agreed that it is more beneficial for them to choose the back attack.

The reason why they think so is mainly because there are not many players.

Including those who were injured, and those who had been settled by Qiuhou in previous fights.

Of the 20 players brought by the island team, nearly 10 have been eliminated.

In today\'s important final, they are not eligible to play.

This kind of thing is for the island team.

Naturally, it was an extremely heavy blow.

The island team and their players need to adapt to their own team during the game.

In this case, the more preparation time is left for them, the better.

The players of the island nation and Supervisor Takeda were basically able to guess something about themselves, a team like them.

The most critical question is in the early stages of the game!

The make-up lineup, the positions of the players, and many of them are not the original ones.

In this case, they play against those players in North America.

To put it bluntly, the risk is very high.

How high is it exactly?

Supervisor Takeda and the assistant coach analyzed for hours before, and finally came to the conclusion that they might not even be able to resist the opponent\'s initial attack.

The North American team in front of them is very different from the North American team in their past impressions.

In the past, the North American team was very random.

Not necessarily the top players in their country.

But this time is different, and I don\'t know what the North American players are smoking?

Many of them are star players who have already played well in North America, and they came to participate in this game on purpose.

Is this more of a headache?

In other words, the quality of the players themselves is definitely top-notch in North America.

This is not the most surprising.

The North American team was also temporarily put together by star players.

The temporarily assembled team, of course, combines the strongest points of each team.

But it was also their weakness.

With so many outstanding players gathered together, they must have a primary and secondary.

Otherwise, wouldn\'t the priority be indistinguishable?

The consequences of not distinguishing between primary and secondary are very serious.

Without being able to distinguish between primary and secondary, the team has no way to twist it into a single rope and gather all its strengths together to form a strong and effective fighting force.

But the North American team, which is made up of star players, has no such problems at all.

On the surface, they seem to be fighting each other.

But when they all do their own thing, the whole team seems to be a tight-knit collective.

In this group, everyone exudes their own strength, and quickly integrates into this group to form combat effectiveness

This discovery made Supervisor Takeda and the assistant coach not sleep well.


I don\'t know where these guys in North America got such a group of guys. This is simply a foul-level monster, making people can\'t help thinking of a previous game.

That game has always been a psychological shadow for Supervisor Takeda. In the past, Takeda was not without a chance to win the World Series. They used to have a group of very strong players.

Supervisor Takeda led the group of players to fight in the north and south, killing the Quartet, almost invincible.

Supervisor Takeda was also a bit sloppy at that time.

He thinks that relying on his disciples, he can completely traverse the whole world.

They can\'t find an opponent.

Unexpectedly, there was a sudden gust of wind in North America, and the New York team was brought over.

That is, in that game, they met Alan, the son of God in North American legend.

In the past, Takeda knew this name. Not only Takeda, but basically everyone who loves baseball, and who pays attention to the rising stars of baseball, basically knows the existence of such a name.

But knowing it is one thing, seeing it in person is another thing.

After seeing Aaron, the son of God, Supervisor Takeda really realized that the geniuses under him were just ordinary people with talent.

And the real genius is the child who is favored by God. Ellen showed such power at that time. He is almost like a **** of war, and by himself he defeated the powerful island country team to Dugu Laxiu.

If the score between the two sides is very tight, Director Takeda can still have a little comfort in his heart.

At least they worked hard! And their strength is not bad! !

But in that game, it wasn\'t like that. Allen played the island team in an almost destructive way. The final score between the two teams was 40.

The island country team swallowed 4 duck eggs, but failed to show even the slightest threat to the opponent.

All in all, that game was a terrible loss.

It was precisely because of this incident that that memory became the one that Director Takeda was most reluctant to bring up.

Even in his heart, he has a trace of fear and a trace of fear towards North America.

Especially afraid to meet North America.

But there are some things, you just don\'t solve anything by being afraid, like now that the Islands are finally getting together with North America, and they\'re about to play.

According to the advice of the assistant coach, Hong Kong should be brought on the field first.

Sawamura\'s physical exertion is also very high, considering that today\'s game may be a protracted battle.

At the beginning, let the hometown play, you can save the stamina of Sawamura.

Reserve for the tougher races to come.

But such a suggestion was abandoned by Supervisor Takeda without hesitation.

As I said before, he has some psychological shadows on North America.

That 40 game.

Supervisor Takeda looked at the proud disciple in his eyes, how one after another was defeated by the opponent\'s football, which made Supervisor Takeda extremely impressed.

I heard before that Sawamura fought Alan the Son of God on a par in North America.

He couldn\'t believe it.

is this real?

At that time, he couldn\'t help pinching his thigh, which proved to be quite painful.

That is true!

Now, the island nation team has met North America again, even though Supervisor Takeda had hesitated before the game, the suggestion from the assistant coach.

Not only the assistant coach thought about it, but Supervisor Takeda also thought about it, and he even came up with a more detailed strategy.

But the fear of North America was deeply rooted in his soul.

As he made the final decision, his mind was always reminiscent of the actions of the North American Dream Team and Allen, the Son of God.

Although the strength of the local authentic is not bad.

However, it is always difficult for Director Takeda to feel at ease.

I\'m not afraid of not knowing the goods, but I\'m afraid to compare the goods and put them together with Allen, even though the local authentic is also a monster.

But the level of monsters and monsters is probably not the same. At least in the mind of Director Takeda, he does not think that the hometown has the strength to surpass the opponent.

In this case, they have to make other plans.

"Let everything be handled by Sawamura, and the same is true for today\'s game."

At a critical moment, Director Takeda thought of Sawamura and his record on the North American Dream Team.

The record of that game was hyped by Sawamura\'s supporters.

Basically, everyone heard it.

Although not everyone agrees, it is already very, very remarkable.

It may be said that I am a little disrespectful to the friends of the Qingdao High School baseball team.

But in fact, as far as that game is concerned, the friends from the Qingdao High School baseball team were targeted in advance by others.

That\'s why they live so fiery.


Eisei Sawamura\'s record with the North American Dream Team was called the life-saving straw of the five-day supervision. He firmly believed that when Jingran Sawamura Rongchen signed up for the team in Qingdao High School, he could lead the players of the Qingdao High School baseball team to follow the North American Dream Team. The team has played to that level, and now he leads the representative team of the island country team. Although it is a representative team after being screened, it is playing against North America. The opponent is not as complete as the North American Dream Team, so there should be more hope. The 5-day superintendent thinks so. He also hopes that Sawamura Rongchuan can lead them. They create miracles. As long as you think of choosing the honorary biography, you must think of everything he created in the tennis team of Chicheng Middle School, and his entry into Qingdao High School baseball. After the team, leading the Qingdao High School baseball team to complete the resurrection of this grand Thinking of the little things done before Rongcheng in the morning, anyone is full of curiosity about Sawamura Rongquan, and will also be full of expectations for him , I think it is a matter of course for a man like this to win some great achievements. This is different from ordinary people. Sawamura Sakae is not an ordinary person. Justice is because all hopes are pinned on Sawamura Sakae. In Chun, it took 5 days for the supervisor to firmly hand over the command of the field to Sawa Chuan Rong Chuan. The game officially started. Sawamura Rong Chuan stood up for the pitcher. The atmosphere around was just as warm, and the audience cheered. The voices came one after another, shouting the slogan of Sawamura Sawamura, and I felt all this from Rongcheng. I looked up at the sky, the sky was extremely hot, and the sun was particularly dazzling. In this situation, it is not a good choice to compete with the opponent, but There\'s no way, he can\'t back down at this step, I saw Sawamura Eijun put his hands up high, laying it out, and then he lifted his left foot high, then his foot slammed on the ground, and his body stepped out. At the same time, his body\'s center of gravity shifted, and then his entire foot stepped out. As the body\'s center of gravity shifted, he saw his gloves open, and the white ball in his hand whizzed out. During this process, almost no one could see clearly. What is the specific action in the velvet? I saw that the white ball flew out after a brush, and in the extreme time, the white ball came into the catcher\'s glove with a search, and the glove received it. Ball, I didn\'t even have time to react during the whole process. I didn\'t have time to see how the baseball came from. I could only miss the baseball and watch the baseball fly out. Then tennis, you said I was in mine and I did it all. It\'s all good, it\'s like a miracle that people feel caught off guard, the white ball whizzes and flies out

The Return of the Diamond Ace Pitcher

The Return of the Pitcher of Diamond Ace https://