Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 50: : The magic of speed (2 in 1)

The Return of the Pitcher of Diamond Ace Chapter 50: The Magic of Speed ​​(2-in-1) Audio Novel Listen Online

s: Thanks to the snowman and the generous donation


Players from both teams returned to the rest area to listen to the teachings of their supervisors.

Hans looked at his disciples and nodded slightly.

"I think you\'ve already seen it just now, how is Sawamura\'s strength?"

Hearing such a question, the three people who hit the court before.

All fell silent.

The other players were not as arrogant as they were before the game.

Everyone was silent, obviously Sawamura\'s pitching, although they did not hit the field.

But I also felt a different atmosphere.

"Just standing by and watching, the momentum is like watching on the videotape, there is a world of difference.

One of the players said bluntly.

Before the official game with the island nation, in fact, North American players had some guesses about Sawamura Eijun\'s strength.

Because Sawamura once played against the North American Dream Team, he had a very good performance in that game.

It is impossible for North American players not to pay attention to him.

They were very concerned, and even made a lot of targeting at Sawamura.

As far as these players in North America are concerned, they think they have done their best.

But it\'s clear that in fact they haven\'t, they\'re still far from it.

After they really saw Sawamura\'s pitching, they realized how powerful this man who could fight against Alan, the son of God, was.

That kind of power doesn\'t even require them to go to the strike zone to experience it for themselves.

You can feel the difference just by standing next to it.

Too strong

Whether it\'s pitching power, speed, or precision.

On paper, or when watching game footage, only one surface can be seen.

When he really watched Sawamura throw the ball, his whole person seemed to glow, and he firmly attracted the attention of everyone on the scene.

Generally speaking, cheerleaders cheer on the team only when the team is on the offensive, while cheering on the batter and putting pressure on the opposing pitcher.

This is the normal way.

But just now, when Sawamura pitched.

Those supporters from the island country in the stands have no way to restrain their inner surging.

When they pitched the ball in Sawamura, they directly cheered on Sawamura.

Honestly, it\'s just crazy

Sawamura every pitch. There will be cheers from the stands.

It seems that this ball has already decided the direction of the game.

This makes North American players very dismissive.

They originally thought that the fans of the island country were making too much of a fuss.

To be so crazy for such a trivial matter.

But soon, they realized they were wrong.

The reason why the other party is so crazy, of course, is not just because of such trivial things.

The reason why the supporters of the island team are so crazy. It is entirely because of Sawamura Eijun\'s pitching characteristics.

This guy doesn\'t seem to know how to shoot bad shots. Every shot he makes is in the strike zone, and every shot has its own unique meaning. It seems that every ball has to be decided against the opponent.

The atmosphere of this decisive battle is undoubtedly Sawamura Eijun\'s favorite.

He hates bluffing pitches, preferring the straight-forward approach.

Use tyrannical strength to prove everything.

Sawamura Eijun made every shot into the strike zone, and he faced each other head-on to decide the outcome.

He likes the feeling of the blood surging.

This can be hard for North American players.

The game they studied before was compared to today\'s game.

They are two completely irrelevant things.

I don\'t know how it came together

If there is only one thing in common, it is probably Sawamura\'s pitcher in these two games.

Although it is the same person, at different times, they cast two completely different styles.

It is estimated that only Sawamura can do such a thing.

For the average pitcher, just trying to form his own style is already extremely difficult.

Not to mention the formation of two completely different styles.

You must know that styles will conflict. If you have more than two styles, the probability of conflict will increase.

Sawamura is naturally the same.

In theory, if Sawamura has mastered two completely different styles. Then his pitching will definitely affect each other.

But in fact, did Sawamura really master both styles?

Not really.

He just takes control of his pitching rhythm and then decides what **** to focus on.

From Sawamura\'s point of view, this is just another way of pitching.

One of his basic paths.

But for everyone else, it\'s like a different person pitching.

And the strength of this pitcher is probably not inferior to Sawamura.

It\'s more embarrassing

Playing against a Sawamura is enough to give those players in North America a headache. Now they have to play against so many Sawamura, and no one knows when Sawamura Eijun will switch to another person next time

In this case, how can they play against the island team? It\'s hard to beat the sky.

This time, Sawamura, after seeing that kind of pitch, as the opponent, is bound to suffer a very big shock.

At this time, they must be racking their brains to think about how to confront each other.

It would be good if he could fight against the other side, but there was only unease in his heart, not too much anxiety.

But once I watched the opponent\'s pitch, I found that I couldn\'t fight the opponent at all.

That\'s interesting

There is bound to be a sense of unease in the team.

Once that vibe is there, it\'s like Dogunomies.

The second half of the game is undoubtedly the best chance for the island team to attack.

Sawamura\'s pitch just now brought such a big shock to the opponent.

It\'s a pity that they don\'t get on with it at this time.

By the same token, North American oversight is clear.

He stared at his disciple very seriously and told his players. "You have already seen Sawamura\'s strength, and you have some idea in your heart. According to our original plan, it may not be realistic to attack the player in front of you. You need to master new weapons."

After saying these words, the North American supervisor stared at a very short boy in his rest area seriously.

Teenagers are very inconspicuous.

Even if it is placed in the team on the island country, his height is probably the last.

Not to mention, in the tallest North American players.

This teenager looks even shorter and even easier to ignore.

However, the North American supervisor did not mean to ignore this young man at all.

He stared at the boy\'s eyes seriously and said.

"It\'s up to you, Benjamin."

Before the official fight with the island team, there are two opinions on the North American side.

One is to despise the island national team very much.

Think they can\'t do anything, no matter what

The other one attaches great importance to Sawamura.

In fact, the majority of people hold this opinion, but the personality of this opinion is not ostentatious, and there is no way to dominate the discussion.

But this idea is very broad.

Many people know that Sawamura exists.

Knowing that he is a player who can be compared to Ellen the Son of God.

As long as they think of this player, the players of the North American team tremble in their hearts. They are not really afraid of this Sawamura Eijun, who has never been masked.

Mainly because of the title of the second round of the Son of God, which is too loud in North America. Compared with ordinary players, that is the real genius.

How talented is he to have no friends.

Since Allen started playing baseball and playing games, he never said he was playing against anyone. Except when he was a child, when he practiced with his own coach, he made a few mistakes. As long as it\'s an official game that comes up, as long as it\'s a game he goes to represent New York, he\'s never lost.

Even in the World Series where he led New York\'s players, he became the final champion and the most valuable player.

An upright winner in life.

Looking at Allen\'s resume, it is naturally brilliant.

But once it will be successful, it will be foolproof.

If a person can reach that step, he must have stepped on countless corpses in the process.

There are many players on this North American team who have played head-to-head with Allen.

It was precisely because they had confronted Alan head-on that they truly knew how terrifying Alan was.

Before I heard that Sawamura could throw a ball with Allen.

They couldn\'t even imagine that in this world, someone could fight against Allen.

That is unscientific.

In their original understanding, it was absolutely impossible for anyone to do this,

It\'s just a joke.

But life is like that.

In the eyes of many players in North America, a scene that could never happen, really happened.

In that game, Sawamura Eijun led the friends of the Qingdao High School Baseball Team and fought to the end with the North American Dream Team. During this process, the friends of the high school baseball team basically had no way to keep up with the North American Dream Team. On a par with the elite of the team.

But in such a game, with the efforts of Sawamura Eijun, the two sides were evenly matched.

Anyone who watched the game knew it.

Because the proportion of ace pitcher Allen on the Dream Team is about 50.

The strength of other players is also very strong, and can also reach 50 contributions.

Together, they are the former world hegemons.

On the other hand, the friends of the Qingdao High School baseball team have reached the legendary level despite their achievements in the island country.

But to be honest, there are still many players who are not so powerful.

It was these people who dragged down the Qingdao High School baseball team.

But there is no way, we can\'t even blame them.

After all, this is the essence of Qing Dao.

No matter how good they are, they are just a school, and it is impossible to recruit so many powerful players.

Such a responsibility of Sawamura, the son of a single son, Allen, is undoubtedly a very terrifying existence in the minds of North American players, and it is also a very powerful existence. When facing this opponent, of course, they played 120,000 points of caution.

It\'s not enough just to be careful, they have done a lot of targeting and made a lot of efforts.

Now the two sides finally have a chance to fight.

The unremarkable teenager stood on the pitcher.

Go to the national team and look at each other,

No one knows what medicine the North American players sell in the gourd

What is the difference between North American players and East Asian players? In fact, there is a very simple standard for distinguishing. Generally speaking, players from North America have very good physical fitness, so their first-level skills are generally based on You can use your own strength as the main body to hone your ball skills a little, and then combine them to show incomparably powerful strength, while the players on the East Asian side are not so tall and not so obvious. In terms of quality, it is generally difficult for them to be on a par with the players from North America, but when everyone competes together, they also have their own weapons, which can be compared with the players from North America. What is this? Their skills and teamwork , but I won\'t talk about this player from North America now.

It doesn\'t seem to have any It\'s hard to imagine that the North American team has sent such a secret killer. It\'s hard for people to think that he can form a fatal threat to the players of the island country.

Everyone was clamoring in the rest area, thinking that people in North America really looked down on people and they should fight back.

A man standing on the big block is on his toes, because the island team is really a circle of personnel, and many pitchers have to be on the field at the same time, because Sawamura Eijun is an iron ace, so other pitchers can only choose their own positions. Yajukin is the hand of Ire.

Let\'s play the first one, I\'m probably a miracle too.

He fixed his eyes firmly on his opponent and waited for the opponent to throw the ball over. After seeing the opponent\'s pitch, he could judge when he would swing the bat in his hand. He didn\'t let the alcohol wait for long. The small ball flew over. Although the little boy looked unattractive and short in material, when he took the ball from his head, his whole state immediately changed dramatically. His pitching action was very slow and he didn’t look strong at all. But the ball he stole was definitely not like that. The moment the white ball flew over, the whole person was stupid. How could there be such a ball? The speed of the ball is very slow, like a turtle crawling, waiting for the white ball When he flew over, the eyeball army didn\'t even have any feeling. When he felt it, the white ball had penetrated his eyes and landed in the hands of the catcher. Knowing this tooth was wonderful, he was stunned. , he looked at the pitcher in disbelief.

The little boy on the phone, how could he throw such a ball? Even with the famous seven ghosts, he has never seen anyone who can throw such a ball.

The return of the diamond ace pitcher

The Return of the Pitcher of Diamond Ace https://