Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 45: : Your uncle or your uncle

pps: Bear is wrong! Don\'t know what\'s going on? The draft chapter was uploaded directly. Then after Xiaoxiong finished editing, he didn\'t pay attention and uploaded it again. The result is equal to uploading it twice. After Xiaoxiong found out, at the beginning and the end of the draft chapter, it was written not to subscribe. But unfortunately, the effect is not ideal. Brothers and sisters, it is so cheering. The subscriptions for the two chapters turned out to be exactly the same. I can\'t say all of them, but most of my friends have subscribed together. This makes the bear do not know what to do? In response to the editor, the editor has been busy recently and has not been in touch. How to do it? Or else, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, Xiaoxiong will find a way to change the first draft chapter to a side story. You can\'t let friends who have already subscribed suffer. But the title, there is no way to change, I hope everyone can Haihan. In the end, bear, sorry, sorry, very sorry. But really not on purpose. Finally, thanks to Xiaow, Xiaoxuemen, jk and 2019 for their generous donations!

Bear is so grateful! !


The result of the penalty was quite serious.

In the past, things like this did not cause too bad effects, that is, punishing the person who made the first move at that time.

But this time, the Organizing Committee\'s attitude is very different.

Whoever moved first?

As long as it was in this **, I didn\'t choose to stand by and start fighting directly.

All are disqualified from continuing the game.

Because the game is not over yet, the two sides will continue to fight.

Therefore, both teams have to carry out the rest of the confrontation with the absence of major generals.

On the island team\'s side, there was originally one person missing.

Mima was previously injured and was taken to the hospital by Takeda\'s supervision for examination and treatment.

Plus the hands-on 7 players.

It means that the team has lost 8 people at once.

The missing players are basically from Tokyo.

Originally, this semi-final was mainly organized by the Tokyo players.

Sawamura was replaced in advance because he had to deal with the final pitching, but the other Tokyo-born players were still on the court.

Seeing Kuramochi being bullied, these guys\' petty tempers also came up, and they all rushed out one by one.

Act directly with the opponent.

Originally, they were sixteen or seventeen-year-old boys with strong blood.

It\'s almost impossible to get them to hold back.

Does anyone here stay sane?

Of course there are, such as Miyuki.

He had a hunch that if things got bigger, it would be a huge loss for them.

Originally, the Cuban team was broken anyway, it doesn\'t matter.

Anyway, there is no way to win, there is no way to continue to advance.

Disqualification is also disqualification, and incidentally, the island team can be dragged into the water.

Why are people not happy?

Switch to the island country, because they still have to play in the finals, and at this time they will fight to the death with the Cuban team.

It makes no sense at all!

As the saying goes, bare feet are not afraid of wearing shoes.

It\'s not that bare feet are better than those who wear shoes, but those who wear shoes have concerns, even if they kick the other person\'s foot, they are afraid of getting their shoes dirty.

On the contrary, the barefoot ones have nothing anyway, so they are not afraid of getting dirty.

In the same way, if something irreversible happens, it will be a bad face for the Cuban team. For the island team, the future of this tournament is completely ruined.

Miyuki didn\'t do anything, he even took the initiative to go to the players of the island team.

Hope everyone can calm down.

He has no intention of hurting others, but that doesn\'t mean that others don\'t want to hurt him either.

Obviously, the players of the Cuban team are not so high-quality.

Although Miyuki took the initiative to fight, he was still punched by the Cuban team.

After the ** subsided, Miyuki\'s face was full of innocence.

He didn\'t do it?

Why was he also placed on the punishment list?

However, the decision of the organizing committee cannot be changed, and all players participating in the fight, without exception, are all disqualified.

Not even if you go to pull the rack!

Simple, crude, but efficient.

As the chairman of the organizing committee said.

Although the stadium is like a battlefield, it is an era of peace.

Athletes who compete in sports must have competitive morals.

Otherwise, what would it be like to fight every day?

This matter was settled like this, including Kuramochi, Miyuki, Karl Ross, Shirakawa, Narnomiya Ming, Hoshida, Yoshida Guanghui.

All of them have been punished, and in this competition, they have lost their eligibility to continue playing.

The system on the island team\'s side has collapsed.

I have to say a few words here. Although the players of the Daocheng Industrial High School baseball team have always been the mortal enemies of the Qingdao High School baseball team.

[UU reading 00kxs] But at the critical moment, they were teammates of a team. After seeing Kuramochi being bullied, these guys were the first to rush up.

They are really polite.

Instead, Sawamura from a team has been in the corner because he was sent to rest.

After the fight happened, he was stunned for a while.

Just thought of going up.

He is not as rational as Miyuki, even if his mental age is over 30.

At this time, he also did not hesitate to rush forward and fight with the other party.

But the team\'s assistant coach held Sawamura firmly.

At the critical moment, UU reading www.uukanshu. The com assistant coach\'s head is very clear.

Things got bigger, and the consequences were unimaginable.

Players who fight are very likely to be unable to participate in the competition later.

Others are nothing, Sawamura absolutely can not make any mistakes.

Against NA, he may be the last straw for the team.

When Sawamura broke free from the shackles of the assistant coach and rushed up, the matter was over.

As a result, he became one of the only two survivors on the Tokyo side.

The other is Tianjiu.

The young man\'s brain circuit was very strange, and he was wandering in the sky at the time, so he didn\'t rush out.

It was finally a last bit of hope for the team.

According to the order of the organizing committee, the remaining players re-formed their teams and continued the competition.

At this time, the two sides, of course, will not be angry.

In a short period of time, they fought almost to the best of their ability.

The end result, of course, will not change.

On the one hand, the previous score gap was really too big. At 11:0, it was impossible for the Cuban team to catch up.

On the other hand, after their ace left the field, the other players could not be the opponents of the island country.

At the last moment, the island team also scored two points.

Thirteen to zero in the end.

The incomparably strong island team crushed the opponent Cuba and successfully advanced to the final.

But because of this, they had to use a lineup of 12 players to face North America, which is said to be the most powerful.