Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 44: : When you can do it, try not to be noisy (2 in 1)

pps: Thank you Little Snowman, Little W, and Sister Ben for your generous reward!


By the time the game drew to a close, the island nation had already led the opponent by 11 points.

The Cuban team looked fierce, but they were very soft when they actually faced off.

They are not opponents of the island team at all. In the process of head-to-head confrontation, they suffered continuous losses.

It\'s not that they didn\'t think about fighting back, but they couldn\'t fight back at all.

The strength gap between the two sides is too great.

This gap can no longer be bridged by just a few small actions.

Catro on the mound also gave up the strategy of hitting people with the ball.

This is not to say that he has changed his mind.

But he has already aroused the displeasure of the referee. If he continues to use the dangerous ball path at this time, he will definitely be cleared out of the game without mercy.

Apart from him, the Cuban team does not have any pitchers who can take care of the home. If someone else is on the court, the situation will only be worse.

At this time, Sawamura somewhat admired Carter.

Knowing that he would only get beaten if he stayed on the field, he gritted his teeth and held on. He didn\'t back down at this time, leaving the mess to other teammates to take on.

Although his mind is not right, he has a bit of chivalry in his heart.

is a man!

For this manly opponent, Sawamura Eijun\'s pitching showed no mercy.

The more his opponent is worthy of his admiration, the more he has to exert all his strength.

Otherwise, it is the greatest disrespect to the opponent.

On the court, Sawamura gave them no hope.

Even if Sawamura ended, the other players of the island team continued Sawamura\'s practice.

Go all out, play steadily.

With tenacious fighting spirit and strong strength, completely defeat the opponent, and do not give the opponent any opportunity to take advantage.

Yoshida Koki is indeed a player with a big heart.

In the face of such an important game, his performance after playing was remarkable. It cannot be said that it has perfectly inherited the will of Sawamura, but it did not embarrass the island team.

Perfectly suppressed the Cuban team\'s line.

Towards the end of the game, the island team made the last attack.

After their attack this time, the Cuban team has only one last chance to attack.

If in that attack, the Cuban team had no way to catch up with the 11-point gap.

Then the game can be declared over.

In the end, the winner must be the island team.

At this point in the game, the answer is already clear.

The strength of the island nation team is even better!

Especially compared with the Cuban team, looking at the score on the field.

Their leading advantage is probably not just one chip.


Even in table tennis, which is very easy to score, this score is enough to end a game.

Not to mention putting it in a baseball game.

The Cuban team\'s players are now, and there is only the possibility of theoretical pursuit.

From a practical point of view, there is no need to continue the game now.

Today\'s game, you can draw a rest.


At the last moment, the original Cuban team, including the fans in the stands, believed that the island nation team would release the water properly and would not press so hard.

But they obviously overestimated the stomach volume of the island team players, especially the stomach volume of Kuramochi\'s classmates.

Towards the end of the game, Kuramochi suddenly launched a fierce attack.

He passed a bunt and ran straight to first base.

This guy has to pay tribute to the beautiful horse in his own way.

Although the island nation team has won the game today.

But that doesn\'t mean that they have forgotten their previous shame and hatred.

There were originally 20 people on the roster, but now there are only 19 people left, and one of them was sent to the hospital by the opponent\'s pitcher.

It\'s a really sad story.

Kuramochi and Soichiro Mima are, to some extent, the same type of player.

Naturally, there is some sympathy for each other.

Although Mima herself is arrogant, she may not have such feelings.

But Kuramochi is different, he is to those fast runners.

Nationwide, all fast runners.

All have different emotions.

Sometimes he even imagines the other person as himself.

Before Mima\'s injury, Kurashiri felt the same way.

He felt that the one who was hurt was himself.

Kuramochi, who was originally a street gangster, also has some loyalty in his bones.

Since the other party has attacked his partner, he must fight a tooth for a tooth and blood for blood.

Even if he can\'t send the other party directly to the hospital, he will use baseball to make the other party remember them fiercely. They are not easy to mess with, especially his uncle Kuramochi, who can\'t touch the tiger\'s butt.

The small white ball was hit, and Kuramochi was like a sharp arrow out of the string, rushing towards the home plate.

The players of the Cuban team were originally out of shape, and many players were wandering in the sky.

They were completely unprepared for Kuramochi\'s sudden attack.

In their impression, the two sides had reached a tacit understanding before.

How could it suddenly attack?

Is this unreasonable?

The island national team is clearly already winning, so why bother?

The Cuban players obviously couldn\'t figure it out.

So they could only watch as Kuramochi ran to first base.

The assistant coach of the island team was extremely worried, sitting nervously, muttering over and over again.

"These kids! These kids!!"

Although he knew before, these young people are young and energetic.

There might be something out of the ordinary, but now, the general policy of the two sides has been set.

No one expected that the players from the island country would still be unrelenting.

At this time, the assistant coach felt that he was wronged to death, and when something happened, all eyes were fixed on him.

But the conscience of heaven and earth, this matter in front of him really has nothing to do with him, it is all done by the players spontaneously, or with the help of netizens.


The assistant coach was worried.

The only thing that made him feel relieved was that the game was now drawing to a close.

The unfavorable situation he had worried about before did not happen in the end.

It looked like the Cuban team, despite their dreadful performances, had a solid performance towards the end of the game.

They stuck to their bottom line and didn\'t really do anything out of the ordinary.

Assistant coaches are even skeptical now. The ball that Mei Ma was hit before should be just an accident.

The Cuban players don\'t look like that kind of villain.

Although their approach is difficult for ordinary people to understand.

The assistant coach slowly put his heart back into his stomach.

He knew very well that no matter how much he worried, it would not help.

In the end, the game has to be played by the players!

Fortunately, it is now nearing the end.

It\'s just Kuramochi\'s actions that made his mood that had calmed down revived.

It shouldn\'t be done!

According to the assistant coach\'s thoughts, the game is now approaching the end.

Immediately they will win the final victory, there is absolutely no need for extravagance.

Kuramochi\'s approach was so arbitrary that it didn\'t make any sense at all, 11:0. Even if you score another 10 points, what is the difference between 21:0 and the current 11:0?

If you don\'t do this well, the Cuban team players are completely angry, what should they do?

The Cuban players were not as vulnerable as the assistant coach thought. Although they tried their best to stop Kuramachi from hitting the base, when they found that they couldn\'t stop it, they gave up.

Since there is no way to stop it, then simply don\'t stop it and let him go.

The Cuban team players are very open.

Kuramochi naturally ran to first base?

At this time, the batter in the strike zone was replaced by Carl Ross, who played the first hit?

In the stands, the 2,000 fans who came from the island country to cheer, even though they still didn\'t understand what happened?

But seeing that the team was launching an attack, they still habitually started shouting slogans. Under their leadership, many fans in the audience shouted along. Accompanied by the percussion music, the players of the island baseball team were full of enthusiasm, as if They can completely wipe out their opponents.

It\'s so powerful that it doesn\'t look like a human being!


Towards the end of the game, the player supply minister of the army, and the Cuban players were like dead fish, unable to afford any spray at all.

Seeing this scene, Kuramochi pouted slightly,

It\'s a loss that they also took the Cuban team players before, how powerful they imagined.

Now it seems that the silver gun wax gun head is useless at all?

"It turned out to be a bunch of cowards!"

Kuramochi muttered softly.

The first baseman next to him, his eyes were red at this time.

"what did you just say?"

Cangchi\'s face was stunned. He never thought that some of the Cuban players could understand Japanese.

how can that be?

To avoid escalation, Kuramochi didn\'t say a word.

He chose to remain silent, as if he did not understand what the other party was saying.

As a result, people were unwilling to forgive.

Especially Tang Chi\'s ignoring attitude. It completely angered the players of the Cuban team.

"Damn bastard!"

As soon as Xiaobao\'s temper came up, the other party directly attacked Cangchi.

The opponent\'s fist swung over, Cang Chi subconsciously dodged.

court death!

His eyes became fierce.

As a teenager from the street, there is no reason to be beaten and not fight back. After dodging the attack of the opponent\'s fist, Cangchi rushed forward and punched the opponent\'s chest.

The punch slammed into the opponent\'s chest and smashed the opponent out.

It wasn\'t until the person smashed it out that the spoon woke up, where was he now? .

Crazy scene completely crazy.

On the stage of the international competition, Tang Chi actually hit the opponent first.

Of course, there is no way to argue about this matter. It should be said that the players of the Cuban team first played the position, and holding the position is just a self-defense counterattack.

But judging from the results, the opponent didn\'t touch a single hair of Tang Chi, but Cangchi\'s counterattack knocked the opponent down to the ground.

The players around the Cuban team were furious at this time and gathered around together.

The players of the island team were not outstanding either, and they also followed around.

The scene suddenly became complicated, and everyone was pushing and shoving to start immediately.

At this time, the chief referee and several debate referees rushed over.

They want to calm down the players on both teams through their own efforts.

But it\'s not that easy.

At this time, all the players had red eyes, and it was impossible for them not to do anything.

So the scene was chaotic, the players scuffled together.

When Sawamura Eijun and the others rushed over from the rest area, the scene was already under control. The referee and the head referee, including several surrounding linemen, finally divided all the players to two sides, and then asked them to stand on their respective sides. Finally under control for the time being, the game suspension organizing committee got together to re-discuss the direction of the game.

The fans in the stands were extremely excited. Originally, they just wanted to enjoy a wonderful baseball game, but they saw the hot scene of real PK. Is there a more enjoyable game than this? Can\'t find it again.

Go on, why don\'t you go on? ?

We\'re still waiting to see who of you can beat the other.

It is said that watching the liveliness is not too big of a problem. It is suitable for those fans in the stands, but those guys are completely crazy. They can\'t make the scene more lively and bloody. If they can really put * *Upgrade a little more, it may be more enjoyable.

But the reality is that the scene has been brought under control, and everyone has calmed The players of the two teams returned to their respective rest areas without saying a word.

Covering his head with his mobile phone temporarily, the whole person seems to pass out.

"It\'s not your fault, you don\'t need to be so right!"

In the morning, Rongchun kindly stepped forward to comfort him.

But his current consolation seems particularly pale and weak, and it has no effect at all.

Discuss the direction of the game.

The fans in the stands were extremely excited. Originally, they just wanted to enjoy a wonderful baseball game, but they saw the hot scene of real PK. Is there a more enjoyable game than this? Can\'t find it again.

Go on, why don\'t you go on? ?

We\'re still waiting to see who of you can beat the other.

It is said that watching the liveliness is not too big of a problem. It is suitable for those fans in the stands, but those guys are completely crazy. They can\'t make the scene more lively and bloody. If they can really put * *Upgrade a little more, it may be more enjoyable.

But the reality is that the scene has been brought under control, everyone calmed down, and the players of the two teams returned to their respective rest areas without saying a word.

Covering his head with his mobile phone temporarily, the whole person seems to pass out.

"It\'s not your fault, you don\'t need to be so right!"

In the morning, Rongchun kindly stepped forward to comfort him.

But his current consolation seems particularly pale and weak, and it has no effect at all.

No one knows how things will develop in the end, and people can only wait for the referee to tell the result.

Finally, the order of the organizing committee has been issued!