Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 46: : So embarrassing! (2 in 1)

World Youth Baseball Series, semifinals.

The island nation played against Cuba.

During the game, a lot of things happened.

The players of the two teams, at the last moment, even punched and kicked together.

There was a huge scandal.

Although in baseball games, there are many examples of direct action between players on both sides.

But in an international competition like this, the players represent the face of a country.

It\'s relatively rare for this to happen.

In addition, it was the island team who made the first move.

Although, the players from the Cuban team attacked first.

But his attack did not come true.

That is, no one was hit.

Kuramochi counterattacked directly, and without giving the opponent time to react, he threw the opponent to the ground.

Because of this man\'s performance, Kuramochi got fired up.

On the island nation\'s website, it is called the most handsome country representative.

Samurai from Tokyo.

Kuramochi is on fire online!

But in private, he also brought a lot of trouble to the island team, and he returned to the team after Superintendent Takeda settled the beautiful horse.

This is the good news.

The huge impact almost made the old man faint.

With trembling hands, he asked the assistant coach, what the heck is going on?

The assistant coach complied, and in the end did not say a word.

When there was no other way, Supervisor Takeda could only find other players to understand the situation.

The players have already started, and it is even more impossible to admit their mistakes at this time.

Besides, the fault is also on the Cuban team\'s side.

It\'s that they have no sportsmanship and directly hurt the players on their side.

When they fight, they are also the first to move!

It\'s all their fault!

But that\'s just the side of the players.

Although monitoring shows that Cuban players do have a tendency to attack positions.

But people gritted their teeth and refused to admit it.

Say it slipped!

Aren\'t you bullshitting?

But people just said it openly, saying that the island team had misunderstood, so they moved their hands and the two sides fought.

Although the words are more euphemistic, but the purpose is obvious.

The other party brought the shameless spirit to the fullest.

I want to put all the faults on the island team.

Fortunately, the referee is preconceived.

The referee did not understand the injury of Mei Ma before, thinking that the other party was unintentional.

But then he saw through the true face of Cuba\'s players.

These guys are just looking for trouble!

In this case, of course, the referee can no longer favor the Cuban team.

He resolutely stood on the side of the island nation team, and when he spoke to the organizing committee, he also objectively reflected what he saw.

So the Cuban team still has a tendency to take the initiative to attack.

Kuramochi is too defensive.

During the investigation, the organizing committee repeatedly asked these details.

Seems to minimize influence.

The players of the island nation team privately summed up and believed that the organizing committee was deliberately trying to reduce the big things to small ones.

Although the fight is not good, they are all teenagers, the age of vigor and vitality.

When things come to an end, you can\'t control yourself, and it\'s forgivable.

From this point of view, the organizing committee may be open to the public.

In addition, the beautiful horse on their side was injured and is still lying in the hospital.

The players of the island team are underdogs, and their impulses are excusable.

Plus, although the Cuban team does not recognize it.

But they were the ones who got into trouble first.

On this point, the organizing committee has a consensus.

Combining these aspects to make judgments, the possibility of opening the door is not small.

Before the result was pronounced, many of the players on the island nation\'s team were taking chances.

Thinking that he might have escaped.

When Sawamura heard this, his heart froze over and over again.

He is very familiar with the routine of the Service Organizing Committee.

In fact, what is more than the organizing committee? Authoritative organizations in various regions actually have similar routines.

The more serious this matter is said by the organizing committee, the lighter it may be.

The result of the harsh criticism is likely to be forgiveness or a verbal review.

Overall, there will be no impact.

Instead, it is said in an understatement like this, constantly digging into the details.

This is to be law-abiding.

It means that the other party is ready to start.

Maybe, the promotion journey of the island nation team will stop here.

In fact, it was exactly as Sawamura Eijun had guessed.

The more understatement the other party said, the more ruthless he attacked.

All players participating in the fight will be disqualified.

This has basically been issued by the organizing committee and is the second most stringent order.

As for the most stringent order?

That, of course, is a direct order to the team out.

There are as many as seven or eight players on the island team.

All of them can\'t play.

Even Miyuki and Thunder City who were pulling the frame forward.

not excluded.

They were also counted in the fight list and thus disqualified.

The original strong island team, after this heavy blow, there are vacancies in many positions.

Especially in the infield.

Shirakawa, Kuramochi\'s exit.

Having two particularly important positions, second baseman and shortstop, was problematic.

Among the remaining players, although some people can top these two positions, compared with those two people, the level is definitely not a star and a half.

For Sawamura, the remaining two players were not as reassuring as the previous Shirakawa and Kuramochi.

Of course, this is not the most troublesome, the most troublesome is that Miyuki also got involved.哽噺蹓帽奇奇 Novel 蛧|w~w~

Sawamura will continue to be the ace and vote in the final.

There was a lot of trouble on him.

Level 4 change balls, you don\'t have to think about it, you can\'t use it at all.

Although Renji is also a good catcher, his ability to catch the ball is outstanding. The fastest update of Qiqi novel https://

To be honest, if he didn\'t have such ability, it would be difficult for him to become a small child with Zhengzong in his hometown.

But even so, it was not easy for him to catch Sawamura\'s ball.

Judging from Eijun Sawamura\'s own previous experience, Renji had to get used to at least three weeks before he could receive his tricky change ball.

That is, the third level, which is more tricky with a few ball paths.

As for the level 4 change ball, the two have never cooperated, and Sawamura didn\'t even dare to pat his chest to make a promise, saying that Renji would definitely be able to receive it.

Can he get it?

First of all, let\'s see if he has that kind of talent? Then see if he trains hard or not?

Only then can we predict how long it will take him to fully catch this kind of ball and use this kind of ball in actual combat.

These are all very troublesome things that cannot be solved in a few words.

The assistant coach of the island national team at that time really held Sawamura back.

He regards Sawamura as the last straw for the team.

But the conscience of heaven and earth, in the current situation, Sawamura Eijun is also very embarrassed.

Want him to be the savior?

At the very least, do you want to send some suits to this savior?

Worst of all, you also have to give the novice gift package.

In the current situation, Sawamura\'s own strength has also been greatly discounted. To be honest, he\'s not necessarily comparable to Hong Kong, or other pitchers.

This is the biggest crisis facing the island team now.

If the opponent\'s strength is not strong, although there is no way to fully exert his own strength, but be careful, Sawamura still has the confidence to compete with the opponent.

But the opponent happened to be the North American team.

Just think of those Dream Team opponents who have played against each other before.

Sawamura\'s eyes were full of fighting spirit.

He had a hunch that the game against North American players would not be boring, but would be very interesting.

Since the Qingdao High School baseball team has dominated the country continuously, it has completed the legendary hegemony.

Sawamura didn\'t have the last regret in his heart.

A vow he made before high school.

Perfectly done!

The regret of the seniors is to help Qingdao\'s baseball team become a legend.

This, Sawamura and the others have already done it.

Although Sawamura Eijun\'s high school career is not over yet, and he can create even greater and more remarkable records in the future, these are no longer the category of regret in his mind and body for Sawamura, who has experienced major league honors. .

He doesn\'t need to waste more time and energy for these things.

Just go with the flow.

Continue to train according to the requirements of the photo just supervised.

Then one game, one game at a time, to win.

Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes.

High school baseball has always been like this. The end of one semester also represents the beginning of the next semester.

Everything seems to never end.

It\'s just that for Sawamura, who has experienced wind and rain, he has been able to accept these things plainly.

To put it bluntly, these things alone could not arouse his curiosity and enthusiasm.

The rest of the game, for him, is more of an obligation and responsibility.

It\'s no longer an interest.

At least, it\'s not entirely of interest anymore.

At this time, the game with North America made Sawamura smell different.

Is this the taste of a challenger?

Sawamura couldn\'t wait to see it.

He wants to play against the guys in North America!

But I didn\'t expect it to be this way.

Obviously this was not a fair contest, and Sawamura did not find a good partner.

To be honest, he cooperated with Lianji.

Because the two players have a relatively good relationship, they can do it with ease.

But most of the time, they just did their own thing, and as a result, the two joined together, resulting in a chemical reaction.

They performed extremely well when tested.

The excellence of Lianji really surprised Sawamura.

According to Sawamura Eijun\'s past experience, his tricky changing balls, especially **** at level 3, are generally difficult to receive without preparation.

Even if you are prepared, without a lot of practice for a long time, it is very difficult to receive.

But Lianji\'s performance surprised Sawamura.

He is very smart and can learn almost everything.

Not to mention the level 1 and level 2 change balls, even some tricky level 3 change balls, after getting used to it for a long time, Renji was basically able to catch it stably.

After Renji catches Sawamura\'s level 3 change ball.

Sawamura Eijun was extremely excited.

At this time, his interest was completely mobilized.

Before Supervisor Takeda asked them to practice in private, Sawamura was not very happy. He thought that he and Renji had not cooperated before. Although both of them were excellent, Renji wanted to catch his change ball, especially It\'s those changing **** with tricky ball paths, obviously it\'s not an easy task.

At least in Sawamura Eijun\'s impression, this should be a difficult thing.

In view of this situation, Sawamura Eijun had actually given up at the very beginning and wanted to cooperate with Renji.

Not to mention using those tricky change balls, even if it was some ordinary change balls, Sawamura didn\'t plan to use too many.

At this time, he has already made up his mind. Since he can\'t change the ball as the core, he will return to his original appearance and throw the ball with the straight ball and the quirky ball as the core. I think it will definitely bring a huge surprise to the opponent.

Eijun Sawamura is a colorful change ball pitcher!

This is very famous, and almost everyone around is aware of it.


Not only the friends around Sawamura Rongcheng, even the players in other parts of the island country, as long as they understand the life of Sawamura Eijun, it is not difficult to see this.

Although after entering high school, Eijun Sawamura has seldom used this aspect of the road and strategy to pitch the But in middle school, when the name of the big devil just came out.

That\'s basically the lifeblood of Sawamura\'s pitching.

Now that they are forced into Liangshan\'s expectations to consider those illusory changing balls, it is better to use such **** safely.

Unexpectedly, Lian Si was so reliable, he even caught all the change balls.

Then Sawamura\'s original plan had to be changed.

Originally according to his idea is to throw away all the complex change ball.

That way, they can really focus more on straight and quirky balls.

But now since the change ball is available.

Then they don\'t have to worry about that.

It is completely possible to use the way of changing balls, straight balls, and quirky balls.

"Very well done!"

Sawamura Eden gave a thumbs up to Liansi sincerely.

Although he couldn\'t play with Miyuki in the final, he felt somewhat regretful.

If it is to play with his partner, then Sawamura Eijun feels confident that he can perform better on the stage of the final.

But now it is a pity, the fact is that he has no way to cooperate with Yu Xingye.

In this case, being able to temporarily catch his change is also a great help to Sawamura Eiharu.

The face that was praised by Eiharu Sawamura turned red.

When Sawamura Rongharu became famous, he wanted to personally pick up Sawamura Rongharu\'s ball and see what the characteristics of the great demon king all over the country had.

Now he can be considered satisfied. Sawamura Rongchun is worthy of being the great demon king in the country. His strength is really terrifying. Sawamura Rongchuan feels that Lian Si has done a good job. , Sawamura Eilip is not just talented, it is a real monster.