Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 43: : The fuse of the big event (2 in 1)

pps: Thanks to Xiaoxuemen, Xiaow, and jk for their generous rewards! !


The stands of the entire baseball stadium are now like a holiday.

The emotions of the audience were ignited to the peak!

In regular baseball games, home runs are actually quite rare.

That\'s why? The reason people go so crazy when a certain team, or a particularly famous player, hits a home run.

As the saying goes, what is rare is more expensive.

It is precisely because home runs are rare that once they do, they get so much support.

Or if there are 10 8s in every game. Even if you hit a home run, it can represent a score.

Everyone cheers will not be so enthusiastic!

A home run is already very rare.

Not to mention consecutive home runs.

Now the players of the island team are giving the fans in the stands three consecutive home runs.

"An extremely painful three-hit combo! Although the Cuban team\'s players were very tenacious, in the face of such a heavy blow, it may be difficult for them to turn over."

The narrator of China Treasure Island, objective analysis.

The narrator gave full play to his professional expertise, and the narration was impartial.

It did not deliberately elevate the island team, nor did it deliberately depreciate the Cuban team. From an objective standpoint, he analyzed the situation of the two teams. And then came to the conclusion that the Cuban team has been completely out of play. Their team is only a thin line away from collapsing.

This is a very cruel reality, but the narrator still said it in an upright manner.

In fact, even if he doesn\'t need to say it, everyone understands that the Cuban team is over.

In other words, they never had a big trend.

With the other two home runs scored, the island nation\'s lead over this side has reached a terrifying eight points.

The total score was 8:0.

The assistant coach in the rest area did not show the slightest hint of joy because of the higher score on his side.

On the contrary, his expression is now tangled, and his face is full of worry.

These children are too ignorant of the severity?

Haven\'t they read the book on the Art of War?

What is the three missing one?

What does it mean when you see it?

Forcing the players of the Cuban team like this will undoubtedly push them into a corner.

Once the Cuban team players are really in a desperate situation, what will they do?

These guys have no bottom line, in case if they really do it.

Isn\'t the island national team a big loss?

The assistant coach originally wanted to express his meaning in a subtle way, but the players present were not willing to listen at all. In the end, he had no choice but to express his meaning directly.

"Don\'t make any extras, just keep this score and win."

The words are clear, that is, let the island team give up the attack.

A million players are reluctant.

But unfortunately there are no tigers in the mountains, and the monkey is called the king.

The head coach, Takeda, is away and is now an assistant coach.

No matter how dissatisfied they are in their hearts, they can only suppress this dissatisfaction in their hearts.


"We\'ll pay attention."

"End the game as soon as possible, so as not to have a lot of dreams at night."

After instructing the other players, the assistant coach deliberately kept Sawamura.

He is not stupid, and he can guess that the current situation of the team is entirely because of Sawamura Eijun\'s shot.

Otherwise, those players should be very restrained.

"Sawamura-san, do you have any objection to my suggestion?"

As the saying goes, a good snake does not go without a head, and a bird does not fly without a head.

If the assistant coach wants to solve the problem of the team\'s unified opinion, he must pick out the thorns in the players. This thorn is none other than Eijun Sawamura.

In this respect, he is still very smart. Eijun Sawamura gave the assistant coach a secret thumbs up.

But unfortunately, such agility is not something he can agree with.

"Don\'t chase after the poor! Now that the opponent has been completely defeated, there is no reason for us to grow branches outside the festival. I don\'t know what Sawamura-san is thinking?"

If you want to persuade the other party, of course, you must first know what the other party is thinking. The assistant coach just wanted to know what Sawamura Eijun thinks about this issue?

He is very good at treating the problem.

Sawamura Eijun pursed his lips. At first, he didn\'t really want to say anything more. It is rare for an assistant coach to have a backbone, and the current score is reasonable, just follow what the assistant coach said.

Although the anger in their hearts was not completely released.

But the problem, there should be no, won the game, it will not completely anger the opponent.

"From the perspective of player safety, and even from the perspective of the future interests of the team. What you said is not wrong. I agree with your approach. We have always done this. But now that society has progressed, the times It has developed, there are many things, and there is no way to measure it according to the standards of the past.”

Sawamura spoke eloquently for a long time.

At the beginning, their assistant coach listened very carefully, feeling that Sawamura Eijun was inspired.

As expected of the top pitcher in the country, the big devil!

With this ability alone, no one else can catch up.

His understanding of baseball is obviously very different from others.

A boy who is only 16 years old has such a deep understanding of baseball, which makes him have to admire.

It was only later that he found out that Sawamura Eijun said, these things are the basic knowledge of some theories. There is no real value at all, and to put it bluntly, he is talking nonsense. And his nonsense didn\'t help the whole game much.

"It\'s good to say something directly, I don\'t like these twists and turns."

In fact, more than assistant coaches don\'t like it.

Sawamura has long been impatient. Talking about these theoretical knowledge is not his specialty.

"Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses in all these technical aspects. There is nothing to say about these things! But when it comes to strength, it is about the essence. With their strength, there is nothing to see. To put it bluntly, Today\'s game has already taken the lead. How can we back down when we have taken the lead? The stadium is like a battlefield, and playing a ball is the same as fighting a war.

When the road meets, the brave wins!

If one party chooses to retreat and escape, then their demise is a matter of time. Cuban players are really going too far..."

The assistant coach asked sincerely, and Sawamura had no plans to hide it. He directly expressed his deepest concerns.

The assistant coach had a thoughtful expression on his face after listening to Sawamura\'s words.

Before, he followed his teacher, Takeda, to learn baseball together, not as a player, but as a coach.

In the process of learning with Takeda supervision.

The assistant coach of the island country feels that he has gained a lot.

His understanding of baseball, research on various tactics and analysis of player characteristics and planning for future development.

All well done!

Once he asked his teacher, when can he officially leave the school and take charge of a team by himself?

Then Director Takeda said unceremoniously.

"You are not suitable to be the top supervisor!"

The words to the assistant coach of the island team. The damage was great, and it completely destroyed the self-confidence of this young man.

Now the assistant coach of the island team finally found out where his problem was. It turned out that he was really not suitable to be a master supervisor, as a supervisor had some necessary elements.

Take courage and never back down.

If even supervising himself has retreated, how can he ask his players to play hard?

After Sawamura Eijun\'s reminder, the assistant coach finally discovered this, but after discovering this, he completely untied his knot.

It turns out that he is really not suitable for supervising!

Sometimes his heart is too soft, which has become the biggest weakness of being an overseer.

"What you said is very reasonable, as the saying goes, the brave who meet in a narrow path wins. In the battle with the Cuban team, we can not back down and confront each other head-on. Tell them with our tyrannical strength that we are not able to defeat these small tricks.

But so what? That doesn\'t reduce our risk, does it? Although I do this, you may not agree. "

"But I still insist, and I hope you can cooperate."

The assistant coach was very emotional.

Sawamura Eijun raised his hands helplessly and made a gesture of surrender.


The score on the field is now 8:0. With such a huge lead, for Sawamura, a burden on him has been completely relieved.

The game was in full swing.

Although the island nation consciously slowed down their offensive rhythm, they continued to score in the next few games.

One point for the 7th game and one point for the 8th game.


The leading advantage of the island team has been extended to 10 points.

Even if the advantage is expanded to ten points, the players of the island team have nothing too special to say.

The rest of today\'s game for them is garbage time, meaningless. Sawamura, who was originally on the pitcher\'s mound, was replaced directly by Yoshida Guanghui.


When Sawamura Eomi was replaced, all the fans in the audience took the initiative to stand up and pay their respects to Sawamura Eiji. Although today\'s game is a game with absolutely no value in terms of the score, the on-site The audience would not think so. The island country team performed very well, but the Cuban team performed well, and even they were more tenacious. They also used some not so glorious methods in it, which almost made the island country capsize in the gutter. In the face of such a complex form, in such a complex form, he was able to solve the opponent with ease, and successfully won the number of eliminations, and he was not relentless when attacking, showing his strength as a main attacker, but calm and pure performance It is still dazzling and scary. You must know that he is not the only star player in the current island team. Basically, all the players who remain on the court are star players, and their strength is terrifying. In this case, Sawamura Eiharu It is still the most shining star, which is very telling. His status in the island team and even among his peers in the whole world has been revealed. In today\'s game, in the world\'s top confrontation, Sawamura is second to none, his strength has been recognized by everyone, and people have recognized the name of the great devil for granted. When he retired, not only the support of the 2,000 fans from the island country in the China Treasure Island team, but also the support of the Chinese Treasure Island team. The few people stood up and applauded Sawamura Eijun. The contestants who saw this scene, whether they were from the island country or Cuba, were all envious, scratching their scalps and looking at their eyes. Staring at Eijun Sawamura\'s back, he muttered, "It\'s really a **** comparison of people, and it\'s worth throwing away goods. In fact, a long time ago, he knew that there was a huge gap between him and a player like Eisei Sawamura. There is a gap, but at that time, he still naively thought that through his own efforts, he might be able to shorten the gap. In the past, Tang Chi also encountered many talented players with outstanding strength. In the process of competing with them, Cang Chi Seawater is advantageous, but after encountering Sawamura Rongchuan, his previous little pride is now completely ineffective. Sawamura Eijun made him truly realize that people are still different after all, especially It is on Sawamura Rongcheng, and this situation is even worse. He can let anyone who competes with him participate in the meeting on his own. What is the speed of the ball with small drums? At this stage of high school, he can be regarded as second to none in pitching at this speed. Not only that they have pushed forward dozens of times this year, he is also a first-class pitcher.

But even with such an unarmed hand, when he competes with Sawamura Eijun for the ace position, it is not the same defeat.

He is not at all Sawamura Rongcheng\'s It\'s not just Kaguya Xiao, but other people\'s situation is similar.

Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, they are all star players, all men with their own background music.

But there is a huge gap between even star players and star players.

"Sawamura! Sawamura!!!"

Amid the cheers, Sawamura Eden was sent off the stage.

Yoshida, who was filling the seat, did not feel cowardly because of such a big scene.

On the contrary, he performed very well. Needless to say, he perfectly filled the position left by Sawamura Sakamura.

But it can be considered to have completed his mission, and the Cuban team players did not score points from beginning to end.

Just lost a hit.

a fly in the ointment!

On the other hand, the offense of the island team seemed particularly comfortable.

Back in the day they had to hurry to get hits and score.

But after relaxing and picking up, the players of the island team were surprised to find that Cuba, which originally looked like an iron wall, didn\'t seem to be as strict as they originally thought.

There are still many loopholes in them, as long as you look for them patiently, you will be able to find them.

The next matchup is like this. Although there is no large-scale score, there are many such points.

When the game came to an end, the score gap between the two sides had widened to 11:0!

The game was about to end, and everyone was waiting to get the last out.

No one could have imagined that something amazing would happen next.
