Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 40: :You guys continue!

When they came to the river, Kataoka and Ota saw the situation at the scene. 【No pop-up novel network】

Seeing that it was just a normal duel, the stone in the hearts of the two fell to the ground.

Let\'s just say, how could their disciples be so unstyled?

But immediately following, the eyes of the two were attracted by the showdown on the scene. Sawamura vs. Formation, this duel, just the appearance of the two is attractive enough.

So exciting!

Especially seeing Sawamura throwing a new change ball, Ota was even more excited.

Qing Dao\'s pitching lineup seems to be nothing to worry about.

Wait a minute, that\'s not right. How could the two of them play together?

As soon as this thought came to mind, the cold sweat on Minister Ota\'s forehead broke down. If one blows the other and collapses, will the Qingdao cry?

He opened his mouth, then said nothing.

Suddenly, Ota felt wrong. In his mind, has Sawamura already become such an existence?

The king does not see the king!

Although he stubbornly refused to admit it, in Minister Ota\'s heart, Sawamura was already the strongest pitcher at Qingdo High School.

Besides, the fact that the king does not see the king is also an unspoken rule. Since it is an unspoken rule, it cannot be said on the surface. After you opened your mouth, what did you say?

Saying it was not allowed was equivalent to admitting Sawamura\'s status in front of the third grade.

allow! People are free to arrange, and they are willing to practice more, but you can\'t control it.


With no idea in mind, Minister Ota turned to look at Kataoka.

Kataoka didn\'t say anything, he just stepped forward and came in front of everyone.

As he approached, the faces of several third-year seniors became exciting one by one.

The smile on Ryosuke Kominato\'s face turned into a wry smile.

Zengzitou, the whole person seems to be frozen, where he does not move.

Izashiki\'s face was as if he was talking ill of people behind his back and was met face to face, embarrassed to death.

The four players (pitcher, hitter, catcher, referee) in the duel on the field were originally immersed in the duel, but at this time they also discovered that the atmosphere was wrong.

There was embarrassment in Chris\'s eyes.


Miyuki stood up from the position of the catcher, rubbing his head in embarrassment and smirking.

Jicheng also found out, and lowered his head in guilt.

As the captain, he felt very guilty for being so self-willed.

On the pitcher\'s position, Sawamura was also embarrassed. Strange in my heart, why is he here?

A group of little friends, just like being tapped, where they were stunned.

Kataoka didn\'t speak, just looked at them one by one. All the people he was staring at lowered their heads one by one and stopped talking.

Although they were not so scared, let alone practice against each other in private, even if a few people gathered together to drink heavily, Kataoka would not send everyone off the scene. The first law is not to blame the crowd, and if one of these people is sent off to the army, then the Qing Dao will be over. (When Qing Dao makes a mistake, the biggest punishment is to punish the next army. Kataoka has never actively persuaded any player to retreat.)

Other punishments are to move the body. Kataoka and the others, and Sawamura, didn\'t care too much.

But even if they knew this, they were still inexplicably guilty when they saw Kataoka\'s eyes.

After a while, Kataoka asked.

"Who can tell me what is going on?"

A few people, you look at me, I look at you, a very tacit understanding of a word.


It\'s okay to pretend to be dumb. Isn\'t there a captain? If the gun is the first bird, the captain can\'t be in vain. Kataoka asked the formation directly.


Form a direct apology.

Kataoka glanced at him, no longer holding on, and looked at the others.

When he looked at Kasawamura, he saw Sawamura\'s indifferent eyes.


Sawamura, who was named, raised his head in confusion.

At this time, no matter from which aspect, it is not up to him, right? There are captains, main catchers, important staff, and the rest are seniors. You can rank by size, and it\'s not my turn?

Although he was surprised, Sawamura\'s response was not slow.


Sawamura greeted Kataoka very politely.

Although he was confused, there was not much anxiety in Sawamura\'s eyes.

"what happened?"

Kataoka asked directly.

Sawamura was stunned for a moment, and then said calmly: "I\'m communicating with the seniors, let them see my pitching, what is the problem."

He speaks the truth.

Kataoka\'s eyes sank, and then he turned to look at them.

The king does not see the king. Sawamura is a freshman and probably does not know this kind of rule. But wouldn\'t they know if they formed it? The main pitchers and super strong players of the same team, on the eve of the Kanto Conference, how could they have a serious duel together?

Seeing Kataoka\'s eyes, Kyo became even more ashamed.

Isashiki stared at Sawamura with a very bad look, how could this **** pretend to be innocent?

I don\'t know the rules, so who picked this place?


Ryosuke Kominato looked at Sawamura with the same eyes.

Sawamura looked at the seniors looking at him, showing a very kind smile.

"I do not know I do not know!"

He kept hypnotizing himself.

"The rules and results of the competition?"

Kataoka soon discovered the tricks, and Jun Izashiki\'s indignant expression could not be concealed.

When he thinks of it, he asks, and he directly asks the result.

At this time, Chris took the initiative to stand up and tell everything about it.

In the first round, Kominato, Izashiki Jun, formed, went up and down three times, and the third grade failed miserably.

In the second round, Minato, Chris, tied, two hits, third-year win.

In the third round, Minato, Formation, Masuko, Minato hits base, Formation hits in time. Third grade wins.

Two wins, one loss.

This is the fourth round, and Sawamura has already struck out Minato and Chris, and now faces the formation.


Kataoka nodded, then stared at Jicheng seriously: "Kuncheng, do you still want to continue?"

Yucheng looked up at Kataoka, overcame the guilt in his heart, and said honestly, "I want to!"

Kataoka nodded and looked at Sawamura again: "How about you?"

Sawamura, who had thought that the game was over, heard Kataoka\'s question, and his expression became serious.


Although the goal has been achieved, Sawamura already knows his problems and the direction he will work hard in the future. But the game is not over, how can he give up?

Now, Kataoka understands what\'s going on?

"Then go ahead!"

Kataoka immediately said Supervision? "

Minister Ota looked at Kataoka in surprise.

"Since it has already started, what if there is no result? Be good at the beginning and end well. Neither the pitcher nor the batter thinks it will affect you, so let them continue."

Kataoka said.

After speaking, he looked at Sawamura: "After this round, whoever loses will be punished, no problem, right?"

"no problem!"

Form a happy path.

Sawamura always felt as if something was wrong, why was Kataoka staring at him and asking?

"it is good!"

Although there is an ominous premonition in his heart, that is all later, and now Sawamura still hopes to continue the game.

"bring it on!"