Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 41: :I come!

"I come!"

The duel resumed, and Kataoka directly replaced Chris and stood in the position of the referee. 【No pop-up novel network】

Chris was about to take off the protective gear, and Kataoka shook his head: "No!"

He was just like that, without any protective gear, and stood behind the catcher Miyuki: "Let\'s start."

What to start with?

This kind of Kataoka scared Miyuki\'s cold sweat out. Do you know how much psychological pressure you put on the pitcher? Originally, the advantage of the third grade is not small, but is it too much to pull the side of the frame like this?

Miyuki wanted to say something, but looking at Kataoka\'s iceberg-like face, he didn\'t know what to say.

Based on what he knew about his own supervision, Kataoka did this, and it was definitely not without reason.

The biggest possibility is to test Sawamura\'s courage. Facing such a Kataoka, what kind of ball can Sawamura throw? It\'s just strange that Sawamura has won the national championship twice. Although he is the overlord of the softball league, his psychological quality and ability to bear do not need to be tested, right?

Or does the supervisor want to see Sawamura\'s pitch more clearly from the position of the referee?

"Partner, you have to shoot well. The next few shots are likely to become an important test for whether you can take over as the ace in the future!"

Miyuki thought, and gave Sawamura a code.

Make good use of the previous ball and the next ball, be more careful.

Like Miyuki, Chris also saw Kataoka\'s intentions, and he was very emotional. Sawamura, who has just entered school for less than a month, has already embarked on the road to the trump card. Of course, there is a reason for Tamba\'s poor state, but the root cause is Sawamura\'s pitching, which is enough to raise eyebrows.

Come on, show off your pitching and impress the Superintendent.

The second ball: a super-speeding straight ball just below the center!

It looks exactly the same ball path as just now, but the ball path is completely different. The timing is different, the ball path is different, and the changes are different.

It depends on how you choose to become a senior.

On the pitcher mound, Sawamura nodded slightly.

At this time, he didn\'t have Kataoka in his eyes, and he didn\'t think so much like Chris and Miyuki. All he saw was Miyuki\'s gloves and the opponent blocking him.

To be faster! Faster! ! !

The ball needs to be fast, but the action needs to be slow, and it needs to look natural and non-threatening.

"Go, you!!!"

Like a ball thrown carelessly, the small white ball is like a rocket that is constantly advancing, and in the blink of an eye, it arrives in front of the formation.


The momentum formed all over his body, suddenly soared, and hit the flying baseball.

In the position of the catcher, Yu Xing\'s pupils suddenly widened, this ball, too sweet, will be swept away.

Sawamura may have paid too much attention to the power of the ball, and his control of the ball was deviated. The position of the ball was too easy to hit.

Sure enough, Kie Cheng hit the ball with his swing.


He swung the bat like a lightning bolt and hit the flying baseball ruthlessly.


There was some despair in Yu Xing\'s eyes, but the next development was beyond his expectations.

The white ball, after hitting it, landed in front of the pitcher\'s mound.

Sawamura pounced like a hungry tiger and covered the rebounding baseball with his gloves.


In the fourth game, three ups and threes downs, Sawamura won this round.

Both sides 2:2.

Miyuki glanced at Sawamura in surprise, not understanding how the trick was changed.

In the position of the referee, Kataoka could see very clearly that Sawamura\'s pitching showed the power of not losing to the formation swing just now, almost in a head-to-head situation. Coupled with the influence of the previous change ball, there is an immediate result.

But even so, the shot that was just formed was amazingly fast, and it was difficult for an average pitcher to adjust and hold the ball after he had thrown the ball.

And Sawamura did it!

"very good!"

Kataoka seemed satisfied with the result.

"Who\'s winning?"

When he asked this, everyone was telling the truth.



Kataoka seems to be very dissatisfied, how can it be leveled, someone has to lose?

"Yes, it\'s flat!"

Everyone was basically enjoying themselves, especially in front of Kataoka, one behaved more honestly than the other, unanimous and unanimous. When gentlemen confront each other, peace is the most precious.

"That won\'t work, another round."

Kataoka disagreed and asked for a playoff.

"All competitions can go to the end, and there is always only one team and one winner. Your duel should be like this."

This is called choking fire, and it\'s all for the sake of it. In any case, the fifth round will continue.

"Then let\'s discuss tactics."

Sawamura was a little broken, and he had no choice but to fight the same batter five times in one match. In the experience of Sawamura\'s previous life, it has never happened before. This matchup is too passive for pitchers.

"In the last round, it\'s better to decide the outcome of the match."

Kataoka took the initiative to propose.


The supervisor spoke, and everyone naturally had no objection. You are the boss, you have the final say.

Formed, Zengzi is eager to try.

Minato, Izzo\'s eyes are shining, and even Chris is very interested.

Kataoka, wearing sunglasses, ignored them and walked to the strike zone alone.

"The last one, here I come!"

Shooting duels, heads-up, one-on-one.

Sawamura fights Kataoka Teshin.

Kataoka\'s actions stunned everyone. They don\'t understand, what does it mean when Kataoka stands on the strike zone at this time?

You\'ve made it clear that you want to give people away!

Kataoka is a coach. He used to be a player when he was a student. He was a very famous baseball player until he graduated from college. He even received invitations from several professional teams.

But since graduating from university to the present, Kataoka has not had a serious fight with anyone for five years.

No matter how much strength you had before, once you haven\'t touched the bat for too long, your batting strength will definitely decline.

Judging from Sawamura\'s pitching performance just now, isn\'t he an opponent who can challenge the Superintendent\'s cramming?



"Mr. Kataoka"

Friends and Ota, they have to persuade Kataoka to replace the third-year players, which is really uneconomical. You say you are going to win, right? There is no credit. Teachers win students. Isn\'t this a matter of course?

But if you lose, you will lose face.

Kataoka obviously didn\'t care about this. After he made a suggestion, he stood on the strike zone and looked at Sawamura without blinking.

"Come on then!"

The corners of Sawamura\'s mouth curled up. Since Kataoka wanted to do it himself, Sawamura naturally had no reason to object.

Kataoka came up to seek abuse, and Sawamura didn\'t mind fulfilling it.

With a plan, Sawamura Shi Shiran stepped onto the pitcher mound and prepared to fight.

Miyuki and Chris looked at each other, and finally Miyuki wore the catcher\'s clothes and stepped into the position of the catcher.

In the fifth round, Sawamura\'s duel against Kataoka is about to begin, and this duel trip that took nearly an hour has come to an end.