Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 39: :'Wonderful'

Sawamura challenged the fourth round of the third grade, and using the new change ball, Sawamura disrupted the rhythm of Chris and Ryosuke Kominato, striking out both of them.

In the eyes of these seniors in the third grade, this is a bit incredible.

Originally, in the third round, Chris and Yecheng hit consecutive hits, and they thought that Sawamura was out of his skills. Unexpectedly, in the fourth round, he was able to turn the salted fish over.

"This kid is too terrifying. You give me a new look!"

Isashiki Jun murmured in dissatisfaction.

Next to him, Masuko Toru resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

What qualifications does Jun Isashiki have to be dissatisfied, he should be dissatisfied, okay? Until now, Jun Isashiki has finally played against Ozawamura. What about him? Finally got him in the third round, but the battle was over without waiting for him to play.

Among these people who came in the third grade, he had never played against Sawamura.

Who is he calling for grievances?

Ryosuke Kominato narrowed his eyes, looked at Jun Isafu and Masuko, thinking silently in his heart.

These third-year players are very well prepared for this heads-up duel. At first, Sawamura thought he would throw a quirky ball, but he hasn\'t thrown a single one yet.

Thanks to their well-prepared preparations, they even called Masuko, who has outstanding striking power, but the bamboo basket was completely empty!

Sawamura has given up on the ambiguous tiebreaker.

The matchup two years ago was on the court, and the **** played could clearly determine the position. Some quirk **** and tactical **** could be used. And now there is no boundary, the referee (Jun Izashiki) was suspected of pulling a side frame...

This blocked Sawamura\'s quirky ball and ball-handling effects to a certain extent, so he could only choose a head-to-head way to duel.

But even so, Sawamura still voted well, and it can be said that he is evenly matched with the third grade.

"This little guy, in the pitcher position, is probably a little stronger than Danbo in the best state!"

Although he doesn\'t want to admit it, Ryosuke Kominato knows that this is the truth.

It is no wonder that Director Kataoka and Rei Takashima regarded Sawamura as a treasure. For Ao Michi, who is a weak pitcher, the value of Sawamura is inestimable.

While Kominato Ryosuke was lost in thought, the duel between Sawamura and Kyoyo began.

Facing the formation, Miyuki knew that if the pitching was not good, even if the situation was very favorable for them now, it was likely to be overturned.

Therefore, each match must be careful.

The first ball: the **** ball!

After several weighings, Miyuki still thinks that at this time, it is better to have a fork ball first.

A finger ball is useless when dealing with Chris. The impression that the fork ball is not a core ball path has probably been left in the mind of the senior.

To break this, throwing a cross is necessary.

On the pitcher mound, Sawamura nodded slightly.

He also agreed with Miyuki\'s idea that at this time, a fork ball to disrupt the batter was necessary! And such a ball, the first shot is relatively safe.

From the point of view of the formation, the probability that he first observes a ball and then swings the bat is much higher than the probability of swinging the bat directly.

Even if he made up his mind to swing the bat on the first ball, Chris had been dealt with by straight **** in a row before, and the probability of him aiming for the straight ball was far greater than the probability of aiming for the cross ball.

From a psychological point of view, the three **** in front of you are all straight balls, and people predict the next ball. More than 80% of people will choose straight balls. In fact, the probability of both is 50%, which is the same as tossing a coin. (Chris chose the change ball to play, which can also be explained by the psychology of coin tossing. You are tossing coins continuously. The next sentence is the key point. If you have chosen the heads in advance, you can understand the difference from the previous one. , is the case that you have selected one side in advance. Even if the first two are tails, you also think that the next one must be heads. At least the probability of heads is greater than the probability of tails. In fact, the probability of both is the same It\'s half and half.)

Miyuki and Sawamura have not studied psychology systematically, but the duel between the shooting partner and the batter is itself a lot of psychological competition. One of the two has excellent talent, and the other has a rebirth plug-in and has been battle-hardened.

Although they may not be able to explain the theory as clearly as psychologists, it is no problem to do it.

When you have a shooting partner, you have the same mind, and the power of your pitching will naturally come out!

On the pitcher mound, Sawamura raised his legs, stepped, covered with gloves, and pitched the ball.


Throwing the ball like a laser beam, constantly hitting the plate.

On the strike area, Ji Cheng\'s eyes were dignified and inviolable, and he was as brave as a heavenly soldier, and he decisively waved his stick.

He took aim on the first ball!

The bat whistled like lightning, and when Sawamura\'s pitch approached home plate, it suddenly seemed to be pushed by a mysterious force and began to slide to the outer corner, and at the same time it sank to a certain extent.

You don\'t need to look at the hitting area, you can clearly see the movement of the baseball just by standing next to it.

Just as the baseball was about to leave, a thunder-like bat roared and hit the baseball, sending the small white ball flying far away.


The baseball fell on the dam and was firmly embedded in the soil of the dam.

In the position of the referee, Chris glanced at the ball and announced, "Out of bounds!"

Sawamura\'s pitch moved to the outside corner, the bat hit the baseball, and the baseball rebounded and became a foul. This ball is different from the previous one. This one is obviously off the angle, and it is impossible to count the bad ball in the bounds.

On the strike zone, Kie Cheng retracted his bat, his eyes still locked on Sawamura.

The change ball just now was not so easy to hit.

Kyoucheng guessed right, but for the first time facing Sawamura\'s crossed ball, he could only reluctantly knock the ball into the air and did not make it into the field.

In the position of the catcher, Yuyuki glanced at the formation in surprise, and complained wildly in his heart.

Can you guess this?

Is it fake?

In fact, forming this ball does have a Mongolian element. In other words, he never guessed the ball, and just wanted to hit all the **** that flew over.

He just intuitively thought that Sawamura\'s ball should be a change ball.

Without any reason, without any basis, the result was a swing, and then guessed right, but unfortunately, did not score the field.

"Don\'t waste this ball!"

Miyuki let out a long sigh, and had already sorted out the countermeasures for the formation in his mind.

Kataoka and Ota arrived at the dam almost half a minute ago, and just as they were about to say something, they saw Yusei and Sawamura duel.

People are all curious, and supervisors and ministers are not exempt from this, and they pay attention to it subconsciously.

Then, they saw Sawamura\'s change ball.


The mouth that Ota had just opened was still silent at this time.