Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 38: : Your supervisor will be there soon

"strike out!"

When they saw this exit, everyone at the scene was a little stunned.

The ball that Sawamura threw just now was too clear. It was different from all previous pitches by Sawamura. You didn\'t need to stand in the hitting area to watch it. You could clearly see the movement of the baseball when you looked at it from the side. It was a changing ball that kept escaping from the center ball path to the outer corner, and it also fell to a certain extent.

It\'s hard to give this ball a name just from the changes in the ball\'s path.

A slider isn\'t like a slider, a curve isn\'t like a curveball, it\'s kind of like an upside-down sinker if you have to say it, and the sinker generally falls to the batter\'s feet before entering the strike zone. And this ball has almost the same trajectory, flying in the opposite direction to the outer corner.

"This is troublesome!"

After seeing this ball, Ryosuke Kominato had a hunch that their next situation would be very difficult.

Entering the hand, the ball that quickly fled to the outer corner was too difficult to hit!

It is very difficult to hit such a change ball perfectly.

Of course, it\'s not the scariest. If you really want to aim at this ball, Chris and Jicheng may not be able to hit it. The problem is, you can\'t aim for this shot, Sawamura would throw it, not this one.

He also has straight balls, and straight **** in many variations!

In this way, you can only bite one kind of ball to swing the bat, and the straight ball is still the change ball just now.

The probability is 50% each!

There are still two people in the third grade, Chris and Juncheng. In terms of probability, the probability of the two of them being able to guess consecutively is only 1/4, and one of the two guesses is 1/2. There is also a one in four probability.

This is not a regular game. In a regular game, with a single hit, Qing Dao hopes to cooperate to score points. But now, one hit means they lose.

These thoughts passed Ryosuke Kominato\'s mind in an instant, and his face became complicated.

With such a big change of ball, if you bite the ball of the collimated ball system and shoot, it is impossible to hit. If you bite the change ball like that, you don\'t have to think about it, Sawamura\'s straight ball.

Although it is only a change ball, such a change ball is enough for Sawamura\'s pitch to evolve as a whole.

Sawamura, who was already terrifying, has definitely become even more terrifying now.

"Be careful!"

Watching Chris walk into the strike zone, Ryosuke Kominato said in a low voice.

"I know!"

Chris\'s face became serious.

He had an advantage against Sawamura before. He knew Sawamura very well, combined with Miyuki\'s character and Chris\'s own guesses, it was not difficult to guess Sawamura\'s ball path. But now that a new change ball has been added, it\'s hard to say.

The most important thing is that he can\'t judge the status of this change ball in Sawamura and Miyuki\'s mind!

If you want to guess the opponent\'s ball, in addition to abiding by the general rules, there is another rule that is very important, that is, what kind of ball is the opponent\'s pitcher, the most confident pitching.

When Miyuki guesses someone else\'s ball, why does he like to play the opponent\'s tie-breaker? The reason is very simple. The opponent\'s decisive ball must be the opponent\'s most confident ball path. When the number of strikes is most needed, the opponent has the highest probability of making the decisive ball. In this way, as long as you can hit the opponent\'s decisive ball, you will naturally have a high probability of guessing the way of the ball.

Like the change ball that Sawamura just used, the change is so sharp, it\'s really amazing!

For an average pitcher, Sawamura\'s change ball can definitely be used as a tiebreaker.

But if the opponent is Sawamura, it can\'t be measured by a normal pitcher.

So if Chris wants to guess Miyuki\'s match ball, he must understand what weight this ball occupies in Miyuki and Sawamura\'s mind?

Is the ball path very important? Or the deciding ball?

Chris pondered for a while and thought that there was not much hope for the winning goal!

Before, Sawamura specially asked Miyuki to practice throwing, this ball should be the result of their practice just now. Miyuki looks bold on the surface, but he is very regular with the ball, and he belongs to the most orthodox catcher.

It\'s hard to imagine that such a catcher would use the ball just practiced as a tiebreaker. At least if it was Chris himself, Chris would never do this.

So this ball will not be used as the deciding ball!

But since Sawamura and Miyuki took it out for practice, this must be a very important way for them to match the ball next.

"Then it\'s not the first ball, it\'s the second ball, and the change ball will definitely fly over."

Chris believes that if Sawamura and Miyuki want to better show the power of this changing ball. Then they\'ll have to throw one in the first ball or the second.

The batter has three chances to bet the ball.

"Then bet on the latest change ball!"

Made up his mind, Chris waited patiently for the ball.

"nice shot!"

"nice shot!!!"

Two goals in a row, the change ball Chris imagined did not come.

Naturally, Chris, who was focused on aiming at the changing ball, couldn\'t swing the bat.

The number of balls, two good, zero bad, Chris is being At this time, Chris is not without doubts about his previous judgment, but it is not advisable to temporarily change his established strategy.

He could only go all the way to black, betting the last ball on Sawamura\'s latest change ball.


"nice shot!"

"strike out!!!"

Until the end, Sawamura\'s latest change ball did not come.

In the last ball, although Chris swung his bat, how could he hit the floating ball in the inner corner of Nakasawamura when he was aiming at the changing ball?

In this matchup, it was not wrong for Chris to lose. A batter who likes to guess the way to hit the ball will have a hard time hitting the ball once the data is wrong.

The data collected by Chris was wrong. He misestimated the position of the latest change ball in Miyuki and Sawamura\'s mind.

That\'s just a bluff ball!

It\'s enough to scare people, how can it be used as a key ball or even a decisive ball?

It was this small mistake that allowed Sawamura to strike out Chris, and it was considered a revenge for the previous one.

With two strikeouts, the batter is left with one batter, Tetsuya.

As long as he can\'t hit a home run, Sawamura wins this game.

On a bluff with a finger ball!

Yes, you read that right, that ball looks very weird and unreasonable to others. But for Sawamura, it\'s just a natural variation of throwing the ball with two fingers.

This is Sawamura\'s fork ball, also known as the card ball change!

In the fourth game, the last duel, Sawamura played and formed.

The two had just opened up their stance, ready to confront each other. On the dam surrounding the small river beach, two middle-aged figures appeared.

The supervisor of Qingdo High School, Kataoka, arrived at the scene friends, you can search for "" to find this site as soon as possible.