Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 32: :here is? world! ! (2 in 1)

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pps: Thanks to Xiaoxuemen, Xiaow, JK, Xiaoyu for their generous rewards!


in the stands.

Fans began humming the percussion accompaniment songs by themselves without the aid of instruments.

Aim for the hit!

It\'s up to you! !

In such a singing atmosphere, as a hitter, it\'s hard not to be enthusiastic.

Cheng Gongming was no exception. At this time, he really felt the blood in his body burning.

The bat held high in his hand is ready to roar out at any time.

In the rest area of ​​the island nation.

The vast majority of small partners also have a very optimistic attitude towards Cheng Gongming\'s attack.

They can be so relaxed, mainly due to their low psychological pressure.

The score on the field was 3:0.

At this time, they were already three points ahead of their opponents.

And the great demon king Sawamura Eijun, since he became famous.

He has never dropped more than two points in any game.

These people are very recognized for the strength of Sawamura Eijun.

They don\'t think that Cuban players can do it without having any interaction with Sawamura Eijun before.

In a short period of time, he found the rhythm of Sawamura Eijun.

And hit Sawamura Eijun\'s ball!

At most, they just hit a hit or two by chance.

It\'s impossible to want more.

The players from the island country didn\'t even think that the Cuban players could score points from Eijun Sawamura.

In this case, their minds are of course relaxed.

They are also happy to see the match between Cheng Gongming and his opponents. It is naturally the best to be able to get hits and even score.

Even if they can\'t take it down, there is no loss to them.

But the game dragged on a little longer.

The result will not be any surprise.

With such a relaxed state of mind, in the rest area of ​​the island country, there are many people cheering for Cheng Gongming.

The trio from the Qingdo High School baseball team hid on the lounge chair.

Although they were friends with Naigong Ming in private.

But it is clear that this identity has not been recognized by everyone.

In other words, compared to the identity of a friend, everyone is more impressed by the opponent.

The Qingdao High School baseball team and Daocheng Industry are mortal enemies!

It has been a long time to be a mortal enemy, and even if everyone stays in the same team now, watching the players of the Daocheng Industrial High School baseball team show off their power on the court, they will still not be too comfortable.

The problem is contradictory, and the contradiction is here.

If it is a player of the Daocheng Industrial High School baseball team. On the field, the performance is very bad.

The friends of the Qingdao High School baseball team will not be happy either.

Speaking of which, people are really strange creatures, maybe they don\'t even know what they want?

"Do you think that guy can get out?"

Kuramochi asked curiously.

He\'s the 9th and hasn\'t played yet.

The reason why he was placed in that position was not because Director Takeda believed that Kuramochi\'s strength was ranked last among all the players who played.

This is mainly because of his speed, which is better to play with the first and second clubs.

Carl Ross is also a speed player. Although Sawamura Eijun is not a speed player, he has the highest strike success rate in the team.

Perhaps this line-up arrangement is not as smooth as a traditional team, but its surprise attack ability and fast break ability.

It\'s other teams, far less than that.

He hasn\'t played yet, so he doesn\'t know how strong Catello really is?

On the contrary, Sawamura and Miyuki both played.

One had a well-timed hit and the other had a goofy catch.

Compared to the strength of the two of them, the performance is not particularly bright.

They have more say in the strength of their opponents.

Kuramochi also wanted to know what the two of them thought, and even more wanted to hear their analysis of the opponent.

Speaking of which, this is also the tradition of the Qingdo High School baseball team.

The goal of the player who goes on the court first is not only to hit the ball out, but also to detect the opponent\'s strength and assist in the next shot.

"I\'m afraid it\'s not that simple."

Miyuki said with a heavy face.

Although the island nation team scored three points at the beginning, the whole team was like a rainbow.

But Miyuki Kazuya had no intention of underestimating his opponent.

Compared with the record won by the island team, he believes more in what he sees.

Judging from his feeling, the Cuban team\'s players are not as weak as they think.

Especially their pitcher, Catro.

Although at the beginning, Quattro was hit by a home run by Thunder City.

But if you underestimate him because of this, I am afraid it is a big mistake.

First of all, point 1, the man who scored the home run was not a simple character.

Previously in the island country, whether it was a Tokyo regional competition or a national level competition.

Even on the field of Koshien.

There are not a few pitchers with extraordinary strength who have been hit home runs by him.

Even Sawamura Eijun was beaten too long by that guy.

If it is because of this, it is concluded that Cuban ace pitcher Catello is not good enough.

That would be a big mistake!

After all, at the beginning, Catello was not mentally prepared at all.

He didn\'t know that he would encounter a monster of the level of Thunder City!

Apart from that, there is one more thing.

Katro in front of him always made Miyuki feel awkward.

This wasn\'t the first time he felt this way.

As early as before, after Catro hit a home run, he faced off against Hoshida.

Miyuki actually felt that way.

When he faced off against the opponent before, he had already made a judgment on the strength of the opponent in general.

Although from that judgment, Catro\'s strength is not bad.

But it didn\'t cause Miyuki enough vigilance.

At that time, Miyuki\'s judgment was.

Although the opponent\'s strength is good, it is not very difficult for them to win the opponent.

To put it bluntly, judging from the strength that Catello showed at that time.

In the face of the island country\'s current dream lineup, it is impossible for him to hold up.

But just after he hit a home run.

The whole temperament of this guy has undergone tremendous changes.

To put it bluntly, at that time he had already caused a very dangerous danger to the island team.

This is not the end, or it is just the beginning.

Just after that, his duel with Hoshida fully verified Miyuki\'s guess.

As far as that result is concerned, I am afraid that even Miyuki never thought that the final result would be so cruel and decisive.

The quality that Catello showed when he faced off against Hoshida was already very high.

Cheng Gongming wanted to break through him and hit the ball out.

I\'m afraid it\'s not that easy.

Miyuki thought so.

Sawamura thought the same way.

"This is the semi-final of the world stage. We are undoubtedly very unfamiliar to the Cuban players. Even if they investigate some information, it is estimated that it is rare and not a concern. From this point of view, our situation is the same, How much do we know about the Cuban team?"


If they hadn\'t met on the world stage, in fact, this group of players from the island country never thought that they could have any intersection with this team before.

Naturally, they were not mentally prepared at all.

Just as the three were chatting, the duel on the field began.

From Chenggong Ming\'s point of view, the current Cuban team is already precarious.

Look at the expressions on their players\' faces, they are all nervous to death.

Although their entire team has not collapsed yet, it is not far from collapse.

Perhaps it only takes a straw to completely crush the opponent.

What Cheng Gongming has to do now is to make himself the last straw that broke the camel\'s back.

He raised the bat in his hand high and stared at the pitcher\'s pitch earnestly.

As long as there is a slight change in Catro, he will definitely swing the bat out of his hand without hesitation.

Narunomiya was engrossed in his confrontation with Cattro.

"nice shot!"

"nice shot!!"

"nice shot!!!"

"strike out!"

Although Narnomiya Ming is ambitious, he wants to hit the ball no matter what.

This can be seen from the momentum of his swing.

Every time he swings the bat in his hand, he uses the strength of his breastfeeding.

Despite his efforts, the effect was not satisfactory.

In the end, he missed three swings and was struck out.

Bai He, who played next to him, was not able to make a good end either.

Although he barely hit the ball, he didn\'t hit the white **** well, and even those didn\'t fly out before they landed and was caught by the second baseman.



Two outs, no one on base.

With an uneasy mood, Kuramochi stood on the strike zone.

Originally, in the last game, he saw that everyone hit the ball very easily.

At that time, Kuramochi had a feeling.

If he had played at the time, he should have been able to, right?

But now, he is really standing on the strike zone, facing off against the opponent in an open and aboveboard confrontation.

Kuramochi was not so calm.

Even a little apprehensive.

The absolute main force of the two previous Daocheng Industrial High School baseball players, Cheng Ming and Shirakawa, although Kuramochi usually doesn\'t look good to them.

But there was one thing he had to admit.

That is, the strength of these two guys is beyond doubt.

They are all strong!

It\'s not just their job and their defensive abilities.

Even when attacked.

The intuition of Naomi Miyako, the skill of Shirakawa.

They are all very eye-catching.

Living in a dormitory, Kuraike once asked Sawamura Eijun about this.

In the entire West Tokyo, how many batters can make him feel threatened?

"Come on 10!"

In West Tokyo, which is full of talented people, there are not even 10 hitters who can really bring a sense of threat to Sawamura Eijun.

Although Sawamura said 10 or so.

But those who are familiar with him must know that he is deliberately exaggerating.

When he says this number, it means that the real number is far less than this number.

Kuramochi didn\'t give up and asked Sawamura Eijun to say his name.

Sawamura actually said eight or nine names one after another.

But still not enough for 10 people.

Baihe and Chenggong Ming, these two guys, are on this list.

Sawamura\'s players who can pose a threat to him include these two.

Although in the same area of ​​New Tokyo.

He is also a friend of the sworn enemy Qingdao High School baseball team. Seeing the little friend of Daocheng High School baseball team is not so pleasing to the eye.

But there is one thing they have to admit.

That is the strength of the other party, that is genuine.

The Daocheng Industrial High School baseball team has gathered many top players in the country and even in the world. Chenggong Ming and Baihe are two of them.

These two guys were very strong in Kuramochi\'s impression, but they didn\'t take advantage of any advantage in the duel with their opponents, so they were eliminated cleanly.

Seeing this scene, Kuramochi had no idea in his heart.

That is definitely not objective and unrealistic.

In fact, he has so many ideas in his mind that he is not so confident in the strike zone.

He wasn\'t sure if he could hit the ball?

In fact, when the opponent\'s first ball came, Kuramochi wasn\'t sure, should he swing?

Fortunately, he didn\'t struggle for long, because the opponent quickly pitched the ball.

So fast!

I don\'t know if it was because of Kuramochi\'s distraction, but when he noticed it, the small white ball had come to him.

Kuramochi felt the cells all over his body beating.

It stands to reason that he should not swing the bat against this ball if he is not prepared.

But there is no way, the position of this ball is really too good.

Kuramochi feels that this shot is extremely comfortable, and it is the position where he is best at Let\'s go! "

The position that originally planned to play steadily, changed his mind in an instant.

Although he didn\'t know what the outcome would be, no one wanted to stop him from attacking.

This kind of good thing delivered to the door, if he refuses, is he still a man?

It cannot be rejected, nor can it be avoided.

At this time, it is necessary to hit the ball in one go.

Kuramochi thought well.

He stepped out and waved his stick.


The white ball was hit firmly and flew high.

Looking at the flying white ball, Kuramochi, who was originally confident, suddenly changed his face.

He looked puzzled.

Why is this ball so different from what he imagined!

He really couldn\'t think of a reason.


As far as his own feeling just now, he thinks he can hit the ball and can hit the ball to a good position.

But this is like playing a game, he thinks he can complete the counter-kill.

But the actual result is that in the moment he turned his head, he was already killed.

No doubt.


The white ball fell directly into the pitcher\'s glove.

Three outs, offense and defense exchange.

The offense of this game, although the batters who played, were all players who played on the lower line.

But in today\'s island country team, where are there any lower hitters.

One is considered a star player.

When such a star player can\'t score points when he plays.

It\'s surprising enough.

Not to mention, they went straight up and down three times, and there was no chance at all during the whole process.

It was like a pot of cold water poured over the heads of all the players in the island country.
