Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 33: : Are you surprised? Surprised or not? (2 in 1)

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pps: Thanks to Xiaoxuemen, Xiaow, Xiaoyu, JK for their generous rewards! !


Three outs, offense and defense exchange.

In the stands, the fans of Baodao enjoyed watching it very much.

"This pitcher named Catro is not false!"

Although on the island country, the pitcher Sawamura Eijun, nicknamed the Great Demon King, is even more powerful.

Although the fans of Baodao did not see Sawamura\'s pitching, where is the power?

But they all admit that Sawamura\'s pitching looks extraordinary.

The speed of the ball is more than one hundred and forty kilometers, and the fastest ball can even be thrown at one hundred and forty-seven kilometers.

The ball control is also good, basically corners and corners.

Very powerful, no matter from which point of view, Sawamura is very strong.

But seeing Sawamura like this, fans of Treasure Island are unavoidable doubts in their hearts.

They admitted that Sawamura Eijun was indeed very strong, but the man in front of him was compared to the great demon king they imagined.

The difference seems to be quite large.

As far as the strengths Sawamura Eijun is showing now, fans of Treasure Island can only admit that he is the world\'s first-class pitcher.

But it definitely did not reach the level of crushing the same session.

Such a big devil does not seem to be very powerful in terms of strength.

But oddly enough.

Those players in Cuba, it is not difficult to see the posture and strength of their swing.

They are no idlers!

It is said that in the process of confrontation with Sawamura, such a terrifying batter must be able to discover the weakness of Sawamura\'s body.

And it\'s very simple to type out.

In baseball, it\'s nothing new for batters to teach pitchers how to behave.

Even if they are not familiar with Sawamura\'s routine. Facing the pitcher who faced this first time, he was a little cautious. But with their formidable strength, in the process of confronting Sawamura, at least they can show the clue of hitting the ball out.

But judging from their just matchup, there was no such sign at all. During the Cuban player\'s duel with Sawamura, the fans of Baodao did not feel at all that the Cuban player had the advantage of Sawamura Eijun. Hope to hit the ball.

No! Not at all!

That\'s pretty telling.

Although those fans of China Treasure Island, when watching the game, or watching Sawamura\'s pitching, did not see what was so powerful about Sawamura\'s pitching?

But judging from the performance just now, they can all draw an inference, that is, the Cuban hitters, in the process of playing against Sawamura, must have encountered huge difficulties and crises that they had never thought of before. So that when they faced off against Sawamura, they didn\'t have any power to fight back at all, and they were dealt with neatly!

So fans of Baodao can easily make a pitch. That\'s Sawamura\'s pitch, definitely not just what they saw.

The name of the Great Demon King Sawamura is absolutely impossible.

There is another very important reason that can make the fans of China Treasure Island so confident, and I have to mention it.

That is because of the existence of Wang Xi, Wang Xi\'s status in Baodao is much higher than everyone imagined.

After all, as an ace pitcher, he was the man who led Baodao to win the world championship, although it was only a U15 level for middle school students.

But this alone is enough to make him famous throughout the treasure island. Known as the leader of the next generation.

But it was this next-generation leader who came back from baseball practice in the island country and was full of praise for Sawamura\'s strength, and the two were still roommates.

No matter how the fans of Baodao didn\'t believe in Sawamura, they had to believe Wang Xi\'s judgment.

Therefore, they think that the Cuban players have little hope of conquering Sawamura in a short period of time.

In the second half of the second inning, it was the Cuban player\'s turn to attack. It was their fourth-best hitter who was the first to stand on the strike zone. He looked very burly and had a very personal name called Zapp. This is a name that is quite familiar to the island country or the whole of East Asia, and it is a very famous cartoon character.

It can be seen that the Jepp in front of him has nothing to do with the Jepp in the comics. He looks like a moving mountain of meat.

After standing on the strike zone, the entire body was almost filled with the strike zone.

This is Cuba\'s strongest hitter. His strength is very strong, and his strength is very strong. When facing this blow, Sawamura also frowned secretly. He also gave Yu Xingyi a wink, and the movement in the radical position With a slight nod, he turned his head to look at the big fat man, not to mention that they had collected information on each other before, given the size of the other person, even if they did not collect his information, it would not be difficult for Sawamura and Miyuki to determine what this guy was. type of player?

A pure violent hitter, just how fast can you say his body is?

There is simply no way how fast!

Now he can stand on the strike zone and occupy the fourth position. Although there may be tactical reasons for this, but he can stand there, it has already explained a lot of problems.


If there are no surprises, this guy is the most powerful discount in Cuba. He represents a lot of things like yesterday. If he can hit the ball of Sawamura Eisei, then there is still hope for the Cuban players. If Said that he couldn\'t even hit the ball that Ze Chengrong wore, then...

Cuban players may find it difficult to hit Sawamura Eisei\'s ball in the next game.

This is certainly not a good thing for Cuban players.

It\'s not even a good or bad thing anymore.

This is directly related to the life and death of the Cuban team!

Although three points behind, but in theory the Cuban team still has the opportunity to overtake. But if even their fourth batter didn\'t show any performance against Sawamura, then no matter how hard the Cuban players tried, they wouldn\'t be able to hit Sawamura\'s ball.

At least there is no such hope in sight. If so, the game can almost be announced early.

The atmosphere on the field was very tense. In this environment, the duel between the two really involved too many things.

Whether it is an island country or Cuba, or even the fans in the stands, they are all staring intently, wanting to see the result.

The fat player, even if he can\'t get a hit directly and neatly, as long as he can touch Sawamura\'s ball and hit Sawamura\'s ball a certain distance.

It doesn\'t matter even if the ball is hit directly by the island country\'s fielder. This at least proves that Cuban players have a way to fight against Sawamura.

Although his pitching is evil, as long as there is a possibility of a fight, the Cuban players have a chance to win, and if there is no possibility of a fight, no matter how hard the Cuban players try, they will not win. possibility.

This is a very cruel question, but also a very real one.

Miyuki, who was in the position of the catcher, also noticed this for a long time, and gave Sawamura a secret signal.

In the next duel, let him be careful, Sawamura on the pitcher mound is full of confidence.

Although the fat man has a strong pressure on his body, this is a duel between two people. The one with the same height hopes, the weaker side will definitely have this pressing sense of pressure. The other side is really too big, even if Even from a long distance, Sawamura could feel the presence of this sense of oppression.

Maybe it\'s not the same, but in terms of style, Sawamura feels that the Zapp in front of him is quite similar to the leading edge in their team.

They are all the same.

Relying on your own expression, in fact, no matter how big or small, give your opponent to the next target first, it is like opening a buff and reducing the buff of the opponent\'s strength. In the future, it is very likely that even 80% of their strength will not be displayed, so they can naturally hit the ball easily.

Thinking of this, Sawamura smiled unkindly.

It is obviously inappropriate to compare the opponent to his teammates.

Although the island nation\'s baseball team has created miracles that ordinary people can\'t imagine before, this social structure has existed for thousands of years or even earlier.

There are many things that are still deeply ingrained and cannot be changed.


The opponent\'s sense of oppression is very strong, he is so big, and the bat in his hand is constantly swinging, this is very similar to the attack of Sun Rongchun

Of course, this is not the way of hitting in our rural areas, or it is not the unique way of hitting Sawamura Eijun. The hitting in the breakfast village is an imitation of the major leagues, and then added his own characteristics. He is a major league player himself. , Naturally handy, and this fat man, although he has not fully added his own characteristics, but in terms of imitation, he has imitated the essence of major league players, Zhou Cun Rongcheng, An An Nun, the other party really did not live up to his big man, Big and powerful are enough.

This is obviously a good thing, or should I say it is obviously a very cheap thing.

Players in the major leagues usually pay a lot of attention to this fat man. Although he lacks flexibility, he is already close to the players in the major leagues in terms of strength. With such strength, coupled with a good blow, he can directly Even if you are prepared in your heart, you will definitely not be able to get any benefit from confronting such a guy.

Sawamura Rongchun and Yu Xingyi are also the bosses. They give each other a look, and they can almost understand what the other party means.

It was the same this time. The two of them forgot to look at each other, and they could almost guess what the fat man had in mind.

After finding out the other party\'s intentions, Yuxing put his last thought down.

Just now, women\'s hearts were very nervous overnight.

it\'s good now.

Now that you know the opponent\'s weaknesses, let\'s attack them.

The inside corner of the opponent!

As far as the other person\'s figure is, he is five big and three thick. If you straighten your waist and go down, you can\'t see your tripod. If you are too fat, your stomach is too big. With such a body shape, the excess fat supports his strength and his striking power. It must be amazing, this point is clear from the hearts of Rongcheng and Yuxing Yiye, but there are advantages and disadvantages. For example, this pitcher and batter, his weaknesses are also very obvious. How can someone so fat take an inside corner kick? No matter what the posture is, it is very awkward. Coupled with the pitching posture of Sawamura Eijun, the opponent can\'t see the pitching point in our countryside at all. The difficulty level of this shot itself is already very high, and they even aimed at it. Attacking from the inner corner, Sawamura, Red Lips and Yuxing glanced at each other. This pair of partners has obviously reached a level of tacit understanding in terms of cooperation. It can also be said that they have been broken at home. If their opponents do not have enough psychological preparations , I don\'t even have the qualifications to fight with the two of them, it\'s just so terrifying.

Strike, strike, strike, three outs!

It seems like a long time has passed, but in fact, in just a short moment, the scores of the two sides have been divided.

With the ball continuously painted into the inner corner, Cuba\'s fourth batter was simply powerless.

The first two times, he didn\'t even have a gray pound.

By the third time, Zapp, who had been chased by good balls. It can be considered that he is completely driven to a dead end, no matter whether he is willing or not, at this time, he can only bite the bullet and hold the bat to the If he can push the best, he will not get it. Never mind.

The end result is naturally that the bat and the white ball whizzed past, and no one was able to touch each other.

This speed is really fast, beyond everyone\'s imagination.

In almost an instant, Cuba\'s fourth batter was eliminated.

It\'s not just that he is very fast-paced in stealing handball.

He didn\'t even give the Cuban player a sad time, and threw the ball directly.


The glove of his right hand was withdrawn like a wall. During the process of pushing out, the whole body moved forward. With the inertia of the body\'s movement, his left hand was swung like a whip. This set of pitching posture of Sawamura Eiharu, He is already well-established, coupled with his unique talent.

The white thief who stole it was like a laser beam, instantly crossing a distance of more than ten meters and appearing in the opposite sex.

Good to come!

When I saw this ball, I was very excited to run a glance.

He knew very well that after this matchup, Cuba had cooled down in advance.

As hard as they are, as hard as they are.

But that doesn\'t change a result.

That is their players keep going out, one after the other.

Three outs, offense and defense exchange.

With an invisible header, Sawamura Eisei successfully scored three shots.

With little hope for the Cuban players, they took out all of their opponents.

It\'s not over yet.

Next, the island nation sent their strongest strike corps.

They\'ve come back again and haven\'t reached the line yet.

This is not a good signal for Cuba.

They are already precarious, and they are likely to score 10 points again.
