Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 31: : Extraordinary (2 in 1)

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pps: Thanks to Xiaoxuemen, Xiaow, Xiaoyu and jk for their generous tips.


Cuba\'s first batter, standing on the strike zone.

He felt his hands shaking.

Not just his hands, but his two arms, two thighs, and even his entire body.

All trembling.

Before, they had seen Sawamura Eijun\'s pitch more than once from the video.

Cuban friends are still very confident in their own strength. They believe that the island country will definitely send its strongest lineup.

Since it is the strongest lineup, even other positions are hard to guess.

The pitcher\'s choice is still to be determined.

Great Demon King Sawamura.

Although the pitcher from the previous game against Italy looked equally talented.

But the Cuban players knew very well that the strength of that person should not be comparable to Sawamura Eijun.

After all, not everyone can go head-to-head with Ellen, the son of God.

So the one who competes with them will definitely not be someone else, only Sawamura Eijun.

Cuban players have such confidence.

In fact, Supervisor Takeda did not exceed the expectations of the other party.

In today\'s game, he directly activated his ace.

Eijun Sawamura!

For Cuba, this is the right choice.

After all, when they were studying the island nation before, they couldn\'t have time to study all the pitchers.

They have to be focused.

What they focused on before was Eijun Sawamura.

At least 70% of their energy is used to study Sawamura Eijun.

After watching Sawamura\'s pitch, I analyzed the data.

The players of the Cuban team came to the following conclusions.

Sawamura is very fast with the ball and controls the ball very well.

When they watch the video, they can basically see it at a glance.

The speed of the ball is about 140~147 kilometers.

Unless a change ball or a tactical pitch is used.

Under normal circumstances, Sawamura Eijun\'s pitching speed can be maintained within this range, and he controls it very well.

He also does a good job of handling the ball, and he can basically throw the ball to the corners.

But these two points are not the biggest feature of Sawamura Eijun.

The reason why Sawamura Eijun was able to restrain the North American hitters in the game, and he could be on par with Alan, the son of God of the Dream Team, was due to something else.

His unpredictable ball of change!

The batter stands on the strike zone and sees how exactly the path of the ball changes?

It doesn\'t matter if he doesn\'t play, as long as he intends to play this game, few people can hit Nakasawamura Eijun\'s ball.

This is also the key reason why he can rely on his own power to decide the outcome of the game.

Combining the information they have obtained, it is not difficult to summarize the characteristics of Sawamura Eijun.

It seems that Sawamura Eijun seems to be a very versatile pitcher. In the role of a pitcher, there is nothing that he is not good at, and he can do everything.

Such an almighty guy, of course it is not an easy task to get rid of him.

They must be well-prepared to score points with surprise tactics.

Combining the characteristics of Sawamura, the Cuban players thought of a lot of ways to deal with Sawamura before the official competition.

Can these methods work? they do not know.

After all, they haven\'t used it in reality. Whether these tactics can work or not can only be known through the test of actual combat.

The first team of the Cuban team came to face off against Eijun Sawamura with this idea in mind.

They are now 3-0 behind.

Cuba\'s No. 1 hitter doesn\'t even have the idea of ​​showing mercy.

Mercy does not exist!

Reservation of power also does not exist.

The Cuban team, which is three points behind, has already reached the brink of exhaustion.

At this time, they may collapse at any time. Under such circumstances, how can they retain their strength?

At this time, there is only one belief that can support them to continue the game and not give up, and that is to recover the score.

Before that, they didn\'t have time to think about other things.

God will not give them time to think about other things.

So from the very beginning, Cuba\'s first shot was eyeing, trying to hit Sawamura Eijun\'s ball.

But after seeing the first goal of the big devil Sawamura, Cuba\'s first shot, his mind went blank.

Although in the past, he had heard all kinds of rumors, some of which were very evil.

It is said that Eijun Sawamura\'s pitching is like magic.

Obviously when watching from the side. Not very fast ball speed.

Especially for those top players, the speed of the ball is definitely not fast.

But it is such a ball speed. If you stand on the strike zone and look at it, you will find that the ball is really fast!

Exactly how fast? They can\'t even tell.

But it\'s fast, really, really, really fast.

Before, Cuba\'s No. 1 club only had such a vague impression in his heart, but he didn\'t take it to heart.

This is what they heard when they were gathering intelligence.

It was said by a player in North America.

When the Cuban friends heard these words, they didn\'t take it seriously, and some even laughed at each other for being scared.

Frightened may not be true.

But there is one thing that the vast majority of Cuban players believe.

That\'s these North American players, I\'m afraid they\'re making excuses.

They also know that losing to the island nation is particularly humiliating.

But if you lose, you have already lost, and you can\'t deny it with red lips and white teeth.

In this case, what are they going to do?

It\'s very simple, it\'s enough to brag about the strength of the opponent.

It\'s not that they don\'t work hard, it\'s just that the other party is too knowledgeable about current affairs.

In this case, it is not wrong for them to lose at all.

Originally, no one believed it, and even regarded it as a joke.

Cuba\'s No. 1 hitter, of course, is the same. At the beginning, he didn\'t believe that kind of rhetoric, it seemed the same, how could such a thing happen?

But the reality is, it really happened.

Just when Cuba\'s first pitch saw the batter, Sawamura Eijun\'s first pitch, the moment he saw the ball, he was immediately out.

So fast!

This is the most intuitive feeling of the first Cuban batter. Apart from this feeling, he has no time to think about it.

That white ball is too fast, how fast?

Eyes can\'t catch up!

Watching the pitcher throw the ball.

During the preparation process, Sawamura seemed to be nothing special.

But once he waited for him to throw the ball with all his strength, the scene immediately changed.

At this time, Sawamura Eijun, the whole person seems to be shining.

He is the biggest light source in the audience, firmly attracting the attention of all fans.

Even his opponents can\'t help being impressed by his demeanor.

In the process of Sawamura Eijun pitching.

From the batter\'s perspective, let\'s take a good look at the shot Sawamura threw.

During the entire time Eijun Sawamura was preparing, one could hardly see what he was doing?

Including batters standing on the strike zone.

They couldn\'t see the state of Sawamura\'s pitching at all.

Can\'t see it at all.

Because they couldn\'t see the point of the ball, Eijun Sawamura had no way to prepare in advance during the entire pitching process, and could only judge the timing after the baseball was shot.

Then by the time they saw the baseball shot, and the little white ball, the pitch had already flown.

The ball is so fast!

It was impossible to give them any reaction time, and the baseball flew by in the blink of an eye.

When they reacted, the small white ball had slipped into Miyuki Kazuya\'s glove.

Cuba\'s No. 1 hitter, who used to think he was pretty good.

In the entire Cuban country, his strength is not one of the best, but with ten fingers, he should be able to count him.

Such a proud man is naturally arrogant.

It\'s just that Sawamura Eijun, the world\'s largest demon king in the island country, is even more famous, and can even be compared with Alan, the son of God in North America.

They are all young people, and he is not convinced.

I also really want to compete head-to-head with Sawamura Eijun.

Standing on the strike zone with such a belief, he sadly found that he was completely unqualified to fight against Sawamura Eijun.

No qualifications at all!

From Sawamura Eijun pitching, until the baseball flew out and got into the catcher\'s glove.

This process is really too short, even shorter than the 160-kilometer kind of ball. The hitter didn\'t even have time to react.

To put it bluntly, it is impossible for him to hit Sawamura Eijun\'s ball at all. He does not have that kind of strength at all. Maybe after he is fully used to the pitching style of Sawamura Eijun, he may be able to hit the ball. ball.

But that is definitely not now, at this stage, he has no hope at all.

It\'s not just him, Cuba\'s number one hitter, sad to discover that the opponent\'s strength is far beyond his imagination.

It\'s not just him, I am afraid that many players in Cuba will suffer especially when facing Eijun Sawamura.

This is not alarmist, but realistic.

What happened next was almost exactly what the Cuban No. 1 hitter had expected.

Eijun Sawamura throws a fast ball in a row.

"nice shot!"

"nice shot!!"

"strike out!"

"strike out!!"

As a result, their top three players, without any suspense, were struck out directly.

Eijun Sawamura on the pitcher mound raised his arm high and waved it into the sky.

The fans in the stands immediately seemed to have been touched by a certain nerve, and shouted loudly.

"Sawamura! Sawamura!!"

This kind of cheers spread all over the stadium, shaking the entire stadium, not only the players from the island country, but even the fans of China Treasure Island, many people followed.

It\'s not that they went to support the island nation\'s team. It\'s really that Sawamura Eijun\'s performance is too good?

The terrifying contagion deeply infected them.

At this time, if they didn\'t wave their arms, they would all feel uncomfortable.

Seeing this scene in the eyes of the players in the island country, they seemed to have knocked over the bottle of five flavors, and their hearts were full of mixed flavors.

They have always known that Sawamura Eijun is excellent, which is recognized by everyone.

Great Demon King Sawamura Eijun, how could a guy with such a name be a simple character?

Everyone knows in their hearts that although they are stubborn, they are not willing to admit that kind of statement from the outside world.

Said that Sawamura Eijun is the No. 1 player in the country!

They always said in their hearts that they would never be worse than Sawamura Eijun.

But in fact, they also know in their hearts that there is still a little gap between them and Sawamura Eijun, or the gap is not small. In this case, it is natural for them to regard Sawamura Eijun as the best player in the country. Almost everyone maintains this idea, and Sawamura Eijun\'s status cannot be shaken.

But they just thought so in their hearts.

But today, the fans who saw Baodao got up and cheered.

Everyone\'s mind has changed.

If you don\'t talk about anything else, don\'t talk about the issue of ball technology, just talking about this kind of appeal, I am afraid that no one can compare to Sawamura Eijun.

This is the real big devil, this is the real invincible character!

Three outs on offense and defense, in Cuba\'s rest area.

The supervisor\'s brows are almost frowning. The three batters who end up in succession are not the three most powerful in their team, but the beautiful one can rank in the top 5. They can be said to be the source of Cuba\'s confidence, but It is these source-level players who are completely underwhelming in the process of fighting against Sawamura Eijun.

Cui Gu La Xiu.


He could only call these players together and ask.

"How about pitching? Before Cuban\'s supervisor asked, the answer he thought he got was completely different from the answer he really got. After he got the answers those players gave him, Cuban\'s supervisor even had a little bit in his mind. Annoyed, he felt that he shouldn\'t have asked the question at all. He asked the question just to humiliate himself. Apart from humiliation, he couldn\'t think of any other words to describe the loss in his heart now. The player said his own feelings, and he couldn\'t hit at all. Next, the first hitter in Cuba also expressed his thoughts. He couldn\'t see the ball at all. His ball speed was very fast. They all hit about 145 kilometers. Standing on the strike zone to see the ball speed of that kind of ball is definitely not only that, because we can\'t see the point of the ball, we feel that even that kind of ball has reached 160, 160 kilometers of terror. Ball speed, no wonder these little guys seem so helpless. After Cuba\'s supervisor found out, his heart suddenly sank. Not only did he show a clear look, but other Cuban players also showed a clear look. This kind of thinking has been deeply ingrained in the hearts of all players, which is not a good thing. Cuban players will definitely have other ideas after playing, and they will take it for granted that Lao Tzu can’t play normal, it is nearly 160 kilometers. The ball, who can play this, I am afraid that all the players of their age group who can play this kind of ball are rare, the North American Dream Team is not good, and Gosawamura Eijun\'s performance in the game is not the same? , got two points, they didn\'t get the points, and it\'s not particularly shameful. Once the players have this kind of thought, their slack mood must already exist. How can they challenge Sawamura Eijun again, how can they fight against Sawamura Eijun, and how can they compete with Treasure Island? It is very difficult. I don\'t know. Sawamura Eijun successfully scored three eliminations and returned to the rest area. All the friends went up to his captain to have a blind date. They scored three points in the first round, and they got off work in the first round. At that time, Eijun Sawamura played crazy against his opponent again. Such a smooth start has almost defeated all Cubans. Shou\'s belief, they have the chance to win, and they think they have won. Of course, it is worth celebrating a little. Of course, the game is still It\'s not over yet, they can\'t relax completely. The next matchup is still the top priority. After the players are ready, they start the second round of offense. In the second round, it\'s the island country\'s lower batter\'s turn to go to work. This time The low-ranking batter and the previous low-ranking batter are completely different things. Not one of the three players on the court is counted, but one is a star player. The Cuban team is now in the midst of a storm, don\'t look at the one who plays The lower hitters, maybe they will still abuse them. At least the three players who play are very confident. I hope that the outfielder, Chen Gongming, and Cheng Ming will also play in this game. There is no way for the cameo outfielder. There are really too few fielders. They are Meima and Karl Ross. Although the other foreign helpers are not bad, they are not too strong. In contrast, it is better to let Chen Gongming play more deterrent. , this guy standing on the mound is a very famous character, whether it is the back of his hand or his performance in hitting him, he is a very good outfielder, there is no reason to leave it in the rest area, Chen Gongming will perform on the stand and play later. He is very ambitious, and his eyes can\'t see through the pitcher. The Cuban players actually seem to be a little depressed, which makes the successful stars very unhappy. He prefers to have a strong duel. The thoughts in Chen Gongming\'s mind are completely two different things.