Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 30: :with full force

In the second half of the fourth round, Tianlong Temple Middle School attacked.

Sawamura, who was solved, did not show too much loss. He glanced at the huge electronic scoreboard on the Yokohama Stadium, and his eyes gradually sank.

Except for the first game, Akagi\'s offense seemed to be suddenly misfired after that. Including him and Feng Xiang, they all felt like they were being led by the nose.

After changing the equipment and getting ready to play, Feng Xiang suddenly pulled Sawamura.

"This game, be careful."

Sawamura nodded.

He also realized that if Tenryu Temple did not give up, then this round should be the moment for Tenryu Temple to launch a counterattack.

In the competition of middle school students, there are only seven games in the official game, so it is not possible to put all the hope of attacking in the third round of the line. In a nine-inning game, there are often scenes of crazy offensive scoring in the seventh and eighth innings.

At that time, it happened to be the third round of the line, and they were almost used to the pitcher\'s ball, and they also figured out the opponent\'s defense.

There are even many teams who like to launch an offense in the third round when they play online. Since the game is nine innings, there is plenty of wiggle room, so of course it\'s okay to do so.

But the competition for middle school students is different. There are seven games in total. It is definitely inappropriate to put all hope of attacking in the third round.

The stadium is full of all kinds of accidents. If there is one, all your previous preparations will be in vain.

In order to avoid this situation, when it is generally the second round of the line, if the team has an offensive strategy, it must be launched.

Although Tenryuji Middle School is also a national tycoon, its strength is definitely not as strong as that of the Big Mac Yokozuna. At the very least, the attack power of their low-level line-ups is absolutely incomparable to Yokozuna\'s line-ups.

There is real hope for Akagi, or a threat to Sawamura, that is, one to five sticks from Tenryu Temple.

If Tenryuji wants to score points, he must act when he is on the field between one and five sticks.

Standing on the strike zone, Sawamura kept calculating the number of pitches in his mind.

"Now we\'re ahead, as long as we keep a clean sheet, we can end the game in seven innings. It\'s the bottom half of the fourth inning, and four innings to go! Four innings, twelve outs, ideally, three goals for a batter, a total of Thirty-six balls! Speeding straight **** put too much pressure on the fingers and cannot be used casually. There are no restrictions on other **** at all..."

Sawamura opened his eyes, looking as cold as a killer.

He had already decided that he would completely bring Tianlong Temple to a dead end.

The gaze of the old fox Shanye really made Sawamura jealous. It feels like the old man must have some conspiracy to use.

It is too embarrassing to think about the old fox\'s thoughts with Sawamura\'s head.

Since there is no way to understand the opponent\'s plan, Sawamura plans to use his strength to crush it.

On the baseball field, battles of wits are commonplace.

This is also the charm of baseball. Although basketball and football also have various formations and tactics, in the final analysis, they are all people-oriented competitions. Good tactics also lose their effectiveness.

Baseball is different!

With good resourcefulness, it is not impossible for the weak to defeat the strong.

Luck, strategy, reconnaissance, intelligence...

With the development of baseball, factors other than people and morale have been paid more and more attention. Facts have proved that baseball is a comprehensive contest, and victory tends to favor the more prepared side.

"Sports competition is sports competition. As long as it is a sports competition, strength is the first."

Unable to see through the old fox\'s plans, Sawamura had already planned to use all his firepower and adopt the tactic of \'one force to defeat ten guilds\'.

"The first one, catcher, Hattori classmate."

As soon as Hattori came on the field, he assumed a bunt stance.

It looked like he was determined to steal bases.

Nagano County\'s No. 1 Scud Hattori is square, and it is still very scary for such a batter to play bunts.

Akagi\'s friends subconsciously have to move forward, adopting the strategy of advancing and defending.

"Don\'t move!"

At this time, Sawamura gave them a secret signal.

When Akagi was just established, because the defense of the little friends was still very immature, Akagi didn\'t suffer from the opponent\'s bunts. A few times he lost points, they were all calculated like this.

In order not to hold back Sawamura, since then, the friends have worked hard to practice defense.

Hard work pays off!

Although the overall strength of Akagi Middle School is still not strong, this is mainly because everyone\'s combat strength is not up. As far as defense is concerned, the current Akagi still looks quite a bit.

Even if you can\'t compare with the super giants such as Yokozuna and Tenryuji, but compared with the strong teams such as Nagano Metropolis and Dabei Middle School, they are not inferior.

The little friends worked hard, and Sawamura himself was not idle, and he was also researching.

Study the way your opponent can\'t hit the ball even with a short shot!

If people know that Sawamura is so daring, they will definitely laugh at him, even if he is the big devil, it is useless.

The batter plays, to a large extent, by feel.

Human intuition is terrifying, and the stronger the hitter, the more terrifying this intuition is.

That\'s why it\'s even more incredible that some powerful four-bar strikes are struck. It\'s easy to ask why. Because in the minds of the audience, it\'s hard to imagine that such a batter would miss the bat.

It is precisely because of this that strikeouts are rare.

It\'s a very, very difficult thing to throw a ball that the batter misses. (Don\'t refer to any manga, anime. That\'s the reality, strikeouts are hard to come by.)

This is still talking about normal strikes. Bunts are definitely more likely to hit the ball than normal strikes.

It rarely happens that the batter can\'t hit the ball with a bunt.

Sawamura actually wanted to specialize in the path of the ball that the batter can\'t hit with a short shot. This idea is too whimsical.

And Sawamura not only thought about it, he also did it!

"Bunting is amazing!"

With a sneer in his heart, Sawamura threw the baseball in his hand.


The white ball, like a comet dragging its tail, flew towards the inner corner of the strike zone.

On the strike area, Hattori\'s expression became cautious Inner corner, it\'s inner corner!

Seeing Sawamura\'s ball path, he immediately adjusted his bat and touched the flying baseball.

Seeing that the bat was about to touch the ball, the small white ball suddenly fell.


Hattori\'s eyes almost flew out.

The ball came to the hand and suddenly sank!

Such a ball caught him off guard. Although his body responded, his arms sank, trying to reach the white ball, but it was there.

With the ball in the corner, he had a hard time adjusting the bat.


"nice shot!"
