Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 31: : 3 Vibrant like rain

This, how is this possible?

Hattori\'s eyes were about to fly out. He looked at the figure on the pitcher mound as if he were looking at an ancient beast.

Sawamura\'s face was cold and solemn, and there was a chilling smell all over his body.


Hattori swallowed hard, thinking about the shot that Sawamura had just thrown, the disbelief in his eyes continued to spread.

After the ball entered the strike zone in the inside corner, it sank suddenly.

If such a ball appears in the outside corner, the short stick can still reach it.

But if you appear in the inner corner, even if you use a short stick, you may not be able to hit the ball!

When the batter is bunt, one of the two hands is held on the handle of the bat, and the other is held as a fulcrum at the approximate center of the bat. In this way, the ball is in the middle and outside corners, and the bat can naturally be adjusted more easily.

But when the ball is in the inner corner, it is very close to the batter\'s body, and the flexibility of the batter to adjust the bat drops a lot. Of course, because the bunt position allows the batter to see the path of the ball better, and the bat is prepared in advance, there is no problem with the bunt.

At this time, the ball sinks in the inner corner!

The batter\'s bat and body will also sink...

How fast is the ball? When it comes to the ball that sinks at hand, can the batter possibly keep up?

In this way, even if it is a bunt, it may be difficult to hit Nakazawamura\'s ball.

"Sawamura! Sawamura!!!"

Seeing that Hattori\'s bunt was unsuccessful, the brothers of the Brotherhood of Hearts in the stands swayed wildly as if they had eaten ecstasy.

Sure enough, their Sawamura is invincible.

Even if the batter uses a bunt, I\'ll keep you from hitting the ball.

in the corner.

Yamanaka and Uesugi looked at each other, and both saw shock in each other\'s eyes.

When they played against Sawamura before, they had this kind of hunch, but they didn\'t expect their hunch to be true.

Even if it was a bunt, Sawamura had a way to make the batter lose his swing.

"Should I say, is it worthy of being the Great Demon King?"

Tokyo, the Nariya family.

A serious expression appeared on the little boy\'s angel-like face.

"Ming, what\'s wrong?"

Mother asked with concern.

The screaming boy shook his head, indicating that he was fine.

But his fists were clenched.

It\'s great to be in the softball league\'s national competition. Unexpectedly, there are such monsters in the whole country!

Although he had heard the name of Sawamura before, but based on the arrogance of the top players in the hardball league, he did not take the so-called national hegemony Yokozuna in his eyes. Yokozuna didn\'t take it seriously, and naturally he didn\'t pay much attention to Sawamura who scored seventeen strikeouts from Yokozuna.

In contrast, Haruka Nanami, who had won him in the young club era, made him even more concerned.

Unexpectedly, the Great Demon King, who he didn\'t care about before, actually had such strength.

If Sawamura\'s pitching in the first three innings only made his eyes shine, then Sawamura\'s last shot that missed Hattori\'s bunt was really different.

Even across the TV, the boy named Naruto felt a huge threat of the same level from Sawamura.

In the auditorium of the stadium, it was like boiling a pot, surging non-stop.

In this regard, Sawamura was unmoved, and he threw his second ball indifferently.


Hattori made a very strong determination, and then returned to his bunt stance.

Fortunately, at this time, no audience said he was cowardly, or even faintly, and the audience was still looking forward to his second bunt.

Here comes the ball!

The ball flew towards him.

will hit me!

Facing the approaching touch ball, Hattori closed his eyes subconsciously, but his body did not retreat a step.

He had already made up his mind that even if the ball hit him, he would have to hit the base with the touch ball.

Hattori waited for a long time with his eyes closed, but his body didn\'t feel any pain.


Just as doubts arose in his heart, he heard the crisp sound of baseball entering the sleeve.


"nice shot!"

how can that be?

Hattori on the strike zone turned his head like a fool to look at the small white ball in Feng Xiang\'s gloves.

From his point of view, Sawamura\'s shot would definitely hit him. Even if it didn\'t hit him, it should have been a bad ball outside the inner corner. How could it be a good ball?

Two good balls, zero bad. The hitter was chased.

At this time, Sawamura threw his third ball.

Hattori, who had been fooled by Sawamura, was stiff.

"nice shot!"

"strike out!!!"

Second stick.

"nice shot!"

"nice shot!"

"nice shot!"

"strike out!!"

Two strikeouts in a row and two outs.

If it was said that Hattori\'s previous bunts failed, and people still had doubts, seeing the second bunt at Tenryuji Temple failed, there was no doubt in the audience\'s hearts.

Unbelievable as it may be, the truth is that Sawamura does have a way of knocking batters down.



"Demon King, Great Demon King!!!"

In the audience, a voice suddenly sounded.

Then all the audience around followed wake up.

Yeah, with this out, Sawamura has nine strikeouts. Does that mean that the terrifying record, which they thought was definitely unprecedented, will be refreshed again.

Now until the end of the game, Tenryuji still has ten batters, which means that Sawamura can still get ten outs!

Ten outs and more than eight strikeouts, it\'s a matter of others, and no one will believe it.

But if the pitcher is Sawamura, it doesn\'t seem impossible.

After all, Sawamura had 17 strikeouts from the Big Mac Yokozuna. Since 21 outs was enough to get seventeen strikeouts, it\'s not impossible to get more than eight strikeouts with ten outs now, right?

Two outs, no one on base.

"Third, pitcher, Haruka Nanami."

Tianlong Temple, the strongest hitter, stood on the strike zone.

Not every team has the strongest hitters in the four. Because of different tactical arrangements, there are also teams that put the strongest hitters on the first or third tier.

Tenryu Temple dominates the world with agility. Their first and second bats are fast batters, and the third bat is the strongest basesweeper.

Nanami Haruka\'s eyes were fixed on Sawamura like the headlights of a car.

He didn\'t show the and seemed determined to take on Sawamura.

on the mound.

After a year, Sawamura once again felt the breath of a beater from Nanami Haruka.


When he saw Hattori posing with a short stick, Sawamura knew that he and Feng Xiang guessed right, and Tenryu Temple should be planning to launch a tactical attack in this round.

At this time, he let Hattori and Tenryu Temple make the second round, and the bunts failed. Three strikes to them were equivalent to completely disrupting the arrangement of Tenryu Temple.

Nanami Haruka\'s original mission should be to help Hattori return to home plate.

Whether it\'s a bunt walk or a normal strike, his purpose is the same.

"Are you confident to hit my ball?"

Sawamura looked at the inflated Nanami Haruka on the strike area, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.