Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 29: : The strongest in the country

In the first half of the fourth inning, Akagi attacked.

At this time, it was Fengxiang and Sawamura\'s turn to strike Akagi.

Facing Fengxiang for the second time, Nanami Haruka\'s pitch was still extremely strong.

"nice shot!"


"The outside world!"

In less than a minute, Nanami Haruka scored two good goals, and then threw his third goal at Feng Xiang non-stop.


On the strike area, Feng Xiang\'s expression became extremely serious.

It was the first time he had seen Qi Hai Yao like this, and the pace was so fast that even he couldn\'t keep up.

At this time, it is no longer realistic for you to guess the path of the ball slowly and think about which path to aim for. You can only swing by feeling.

Similarly, Nanami Haruka and Hattori also gave up the fine ball distribution and pitched entirely by feel.

This kind of confrontation compresses the part of wits to a minimum, and everyone relies on their own strength to make real swords and guns.

Then on the third ball, Nanami threw his winning curveball.

The baseball came flying, and before hitting home plate, it plummeted.

In this ball, Feng Xiangao lost his bat and was struck out.

Once out, no one hits base.

Sawamura stands on the strike zone.

in the stands.

Yamanaka commented with admiration: "Nankai Haruka is worthy of being Seven Ocean Haruka! Although the Softball League and the Hardball League each occupy six seats in the 12 Kings. But in fact, everyone knows that these talented pitchers in the Softball League can\'t. Compared with those monsters in the hardball league. If they really fight, these so-called kings in the softball league are estimated to die miserably. If there is any exception, it is probably Nanami Haruka. His ball, It is estimated that even those monster hitters in the hardball league are not good at playing."

The softball league has a lot of people, and naturally there are more supporters, but the players who really stand at the top of the softball league know that it is difficult for them to compare with the top players in the hardball league.

This is not because they grow others\' ambition and destroy their own prestige.

But reality is so cruel.

The top players in the softball league were also killed with one shot. Speaking of strength, of course they have. Even better than the vast majority of hardball league members.

Since you can stand out in more than 8,000 teams, you must be talented, there is no doubt about this.

Cruelly, in the hardball league, some of the guys who can reach the top are not only talented, but they also have the determination to fight for baseball.

How big is this gap in awareness?

For example, this gap is a bit like Tojo and Yui Kaori in the original.

Although both of them were born in youth clubs, when they first entered the Qing Dao, the difference in strength between the two was very obvious.

Tojo Hideaki\'s strength is a bit like now, the top players in the softball league.

After such a player entered the Qing Dao, what was the result of the match against the Qing Dao seniors?


Two games, lost more than 20 points.

Of course, because his own talent is very outstanding, after he is familiar with the intensity of high school, and his physical strength and strength keep up, he can be the main force in only half a year.

But Tojo, who has just entered school, is indeed very weak.

This is almost the level of the top players in the current softball league.

They are talented, but unpolished, and the strength they can exert is very limited.

The one who really received severe training in middle school, like Yui Kaoru.

This kind of person, as soon as he entered the Qing Dao, was directly promoted to a substitute. In the process of fighting against seniors, he can also display his strength stably.

This is the hardball league, the top level in the country!

The training they have received, including the determination of the players themselves, are different, and their strengths are naturally different.

As a top player in the softball league, he has a clear understanding of this.

In fact, the difference between the top players in the softball league and the top players in the hardball league after entering high school also proves this.

Even under such circumstances, Yamanaka still believed that Nanami Haruka had the top level in the country.

This shows the strength of Nanami Haruka!

"Yeah, Nanami Haruka is really dazzling, if it weren\'t for Sawamura..."

Uesugi said, but suddenly stopped talking.

Suddenly he thought of a very scary question.

If Nanami Haruka really has the qualifications to compete with those monsters in the Hardball League, then what is Sawamura?

Is it really like what the Internet navy said, Sawamura is a super demon king who was born specifically to slaughter the twelve heavenly kings.

"Don\'t think about it, that guy is definitely the strongest in the country. If a monster like him is not the strongest in the country, I really can\'t imagine the strongest in the country, what level can it reach?"

The mountain smiled bitterly.

At this time, Sawamura, who was considered by Yamanaka and Uesugi to be the strongest in the country, was standing on the strike zone, facing Nanami Haruka\'s pitch.

When Nanami Haruka, who had lost a point, faced Sawamura again. Still not false.

But this time, he changed his previous strategy and used straight **** to deal with Sawamura, instead of using his strongest change ball.

"Have you noticed?"

Sawamura felt a little bitter in his To be honest, he was good at changing the ball, which he had never exposed before. Even if it is said, it is estimated that no one will believe it.

What middle school students are exposed to are basically straight **** and straight balls.

For such players, of course, they are best at dealing with straight balls.

It\'s not that they can\'t handle the change ball, but the smaller the arc of the change ball, the easier it is for them.

The high drop change ball like Nanami Haruka is completely fried with scorpion peppers in the whole middle school, and it is the only one.

In the face of such a sharp change of the ball, it is not surprising that other middle school batters will be helpless.

Of course, Sawamura is an exception!

Although he is also a middle school student, he has more than ten years of baseball experience, so he is naturally handy when it comes to playing change balls.

Especially those changing **** with a large range of changes, such **** are difficult to throw with power. For a 13-year-old boy whose body is still developing, there is no more satisfying ball than such a changing ball.

Sawamura also relied on this to eat Nanami Haruka to death.

But now it\'s obvious that Nanami Haruka or Tenryu Temple has noticed this.

It is impossible for Sawamura to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger and play the decisive goal of Haruka Nanami.


After tangled with two balls, Sawamura knocked out Nanami Haruka\'s pitch with a single stick.

To be honest, the ball was a good hit, and it\'s not surprising that it lands a hit.

At this time, the outfielder of Tenryuji Middle School, as if possessed by a god, caught the ball from Sawamura while running.


Played until the end of the first half of the four innings, but just over twenty minutes had passed.

Come on, everything is going so fast!

It\'s too fast to keep up.