Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 21: : I want to participate!

Miyauchi Keisuke is inferior to Miyuki and Chris in his ability to catch the ball.

This point, in the previous Qing Dao, no one knew.

In the previous assessment, everyone took the questions for the second grade of primary school, and it was naturally difficult to distinguish who had a higher level. Who doesn\'t get one plus one?

But once the test questions are raised to the third grade, the fourth grade, and even the middle school and high school.

The gap came out naturally.

Compared to Chris and Miyuki, Miyauchi is indeed slightly inferior in receiving the ball.

Of course, these palaces are not insurmountable, I believe that given him time, he will definitely be able to catch Sawamura\'s ball.

It\'s just that what Qing Dao lacks the most right now is time.

With less than a month to go before the start of the summer tournament, how can you give them time to give Miyauchi the ball that is familiar with Sawamura.

In fact, Ota really admired the palace, but he couldn\'t say anything for the palace for this kind of thing on the bright side.

There is indeed a gap between the palace and Chris and Miyuki.

Moreover, the difference is not even a star and a half. It didn\'t matter if Danbo was the trump card in the past, the palace could catch Danbo\'s ball anyway.

But if Sawamura is the trump card, then the problem is bigger.

Kataoka chose silence and said nothing.

Ota didn\'t know what his supervisor was thinking, but he looked at it according to Kataoka\'s previous practice. He was very decisive at crucial moments, but in the period before the decision, he would give everyone an equal opportunity.

If it were placed in a general school, Sawamura\'s ace position would have been finalized long ago.

But now, Danbo still has a chance.

It is also placed in a general school, and the palace will definitely be eliminated.

But in Qingdao, if Kataoka is the guide, there is still a chance in the palace, but it is hard to say.

In the days before the results were announced, Kataoka never took the initiative to eliminate people.

This can both put pressure on those who haven\'t been eliminated to train hard and maintain their advantage.

At the same time, it can also give hope to those who fall behind and let them catch up.


On the fourth day of the training camp, Xiao Gu went to the bullpen and started pitching.

Chris, Miyuki and Miyauchi, the three of them were like hawkers vying for business, taking turns to pick up the ball from Akatsuki.

Jiang Gu Xiao was naturally flattered.

Is his pitching so expected and welcomed by the seniors?

Since joining Qingdao, he has been crushed by Sawamura, but he did not expect that the salted fish will turn around now.

He knew there that these three guys were just using him as a reference.

Before the last exam, of course they had to prepare well.

Sawamura honed his new strike position more, which is really good. When physical exhaustion is too great, he can also continue to contribute to the team.

And when you have enough physical strength, you can also use it alternately with your original strike posture.

Sawamura\'s ability to accept new things is particularly fast. This may have a direct relationship with him honing a variety of changing balls. He has a particularly strong ability to adapt to the conversion of ball types and swing posture.

It\'s just that this swinging posture is also flawed.

He can\'t use the strength of his waist and legs like other batters, and can only rely on two arms to swing the stick, so the power of the blow is very limited.

On the other side, after a few days of confrontation, the guys who helped the first army to train also began to show fatigue.

The fifth day of garrison practice from 2pm.

The batters are in groups of three, with fifty **** being exchanged. More than a dozen people, after two rounds, began to show tired gestures.

And the people in charge of the garrison are alive and kicking.

"Come again!"

"Didn\'t you just eat?"

"It is because of this lack of fighting spirit that you cannot be promoted to the first army."

The fielders who were in charge of the garrison practice actually started to provoke the second army batters who helped practice.

This is so bullying!

Whether it is bearable or unbearable, the batters of the Second Army are even more desperate to swing the bat and hit the ball.

By four o\'clock in the afternoon, the people who helped with the training were already sweating profusely.

On the field, the fielders were still defiantly provocative.

"Come, come again!"

strike zone.

"These monsters!"

At present, there are also first baseman captains, second baseman Ryosuke Kominato, third baseman Toru Masuko, shortstop Kuramochi, midfielder Jun Isashiki, two outfielders Sakai and Hakushu.

And first-year backup second baseman, Haruichi Kominato.

In just five days, Xiaominouchun City has surpassed most of the substitutes of the Qingdao First Army and became the backbone.

Other substitutes like Maeyuan, Yamaguchi, Nanmu, and Hiriti have been eliminated because of exhaustion.

This is not to say that these substitutes are really that much worse than the others.

It\'s just that everyone is choking on fire, and those batters are not stupid. Of course, they aim at people who are easy to get out of the game. They were targeted like this, and they were quickly dismissed.

Kominashi has not left the field, it is not that he has not been targeted, but the second base ball was robbed by Kominato Ryosuke, and the pressure on Kominatsu has become less.

"How slow, the ball flew out!"

After grabbing the ball, Ryosuke Kominato also mocked his younger brother.

Even so, Kominato Haruichi\'s physical energy was exhausted, at least he couldn\'t provocatively make the batters hit more **** like the others.

"It\'s been replaced!"

At this time, Director Kataoka rolled up his sleeves and stood up.

"For the next garrison practice, I will come alone."

At the location of the blow, Kataoka suddenly burst out with an inexplicable aura.

On the field, feel the momentum.

The wild hands also showed hideous faces one by one.

"bring it on!"


"Here is a ball!"

"Even if we supervise you, we will not show mercy."

Several third-year main force, not the slightest cowardly statement.

Even after two hours of garrison practice, they still didn\'t hesitate.

After all, Kataoka is only one person.

And they are in various positions, and they are fully guarded.

"First-year Kominato Haruichi, go and rest."

Kataoka said calmly.

Kominato Chunichi really didn\'t want to leave, but his physical strength had reached the limit, and it would be meaningless to stay on the court.

"Don\'t let down the coach\'s kindness. The next training is very cruel. The coach is also afraid that you will be injured."

I\'m afraid you will get hurt!

These four words are like heavy iron ingots smashing on Xiaominachunshi\'s body.

The pitchers and catchers who had finished pitching training also gathered.

Tomorrow is the start of the practice game, and the remaining two hours of is equivalent to cancellation.

Now everyone has become a supporting role, and their task is to watch the showdown between the supervisor and the fielders.

Don\'t underestimate it. Baseball is sometimes very similar to playing a game.

Watching other people\'s tactics is the same as watching strategies.

This is just as important as honing your technique.

What can be learned from the observation can also become part of the player\'s internal strength in the future.

Of course, this is only part of the reason, and part of the reason is because everyone\'s physical energy is almost exhausted and they can no longer practice. The pitchers had just finished pitching practice, and the fielders had just been kicked off the field for exhaustion. As a catcher, you don\'t need to do fielding exercises at all.

"Supervisor, can I participate in the garrison practice?"

Sawamura, who had just finished pitching, was just in time for such a grand occasion.

Can he miss it? Apply now to join.