Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 22: : One more goal! (high energy tribute)

"you sure?"

Kataoka stared straight at Sawamura with his sunglasses on.


Sawamura\'s eyes were very firm.

A glimmer of admiration flashed in Kataoka\'s eyes.

"Change equipment, let\'s go!"

Sawamura nodded excitedly, then changed his equipment and walked onto the court.

Danbo and Kawakami looked at each other in dismay, but didn\'t say anything in the end.


The small white ball flew towards the outfield in Kataoka\'s fierce swing.

The speed of the ball is so fast!

Baizhou flew over, opened his gloves, and tried to catch the ball.


When the baseball was caught, Baizhou raised the ball high and roared.


The calm Bai Zhou actually shouted?

This scene shocked the onlookers.

Is there so much pressure on the field now?

On the mound, Sawamura felt the deepest feeling. He was the closest to Kataoka, and felt the deepest feeling of the horror of Kataoka swinging his bat.

Now the body seems to be in deep water, it is very difficult to even move a step, let alone guard.

"Can one person bring so much pressure to the stadium?"

Sawamura looked at Kataoka in amazement, unable to understand how he did it.

"The defense made three consecutive mistakes and was automatically out of the game."

On the strike zone, Kataoka showed his ferocious fangs and began to attack the court.

fifteen minutes later.

Sakai, who made three consecutive turnovers, came off the court.

After half an hour.

Baizhou made three consecutive mistakes and was forced to end.

An hour later, at five o\'clock in the afternoon, Kuramochi was exhausted and collapsed.

I have been training for three hours in a row without any rest, not even saliva. The exhaustion of physical strength and the depletion of water made the players approach their limits one by one.

Tetsuya Yuki, Ryosuke Kominato, Toru Masuko, Jun Isashiki, Eijun Sawamura!

On the court, these five people were left in the end.

Forming the four of them is indeed far superior to the others.

Sawamura has been throwing the ball before, and the consumption of the arms is not much. And before playing, he just drank water. So his physical strength was barely maintained.

A little bit of time passed, and then everyone had surpassed their limits.

"Turn on the night lights!"

"This training will continue!"

It was almost seven o\'clock in the evening, whether it was the five people on the court or Kataoka who was playing, they all looked like they were going to die.

But no one said it was going to end.

At this time, Sawamura had a hard time standing up.

The hands and legs were sinking as if they had been filled with lead.

"To die, to die!"

Tons of sweat dripped down the clothes.

Sawamura felt like he was about to die!

He\'s had two turnovers in a row, one more goal and he\'s out.

Not only him, including Jun Cheng, Kominato Ryosuke, and Masuko made two mistakes.

It was also Jun Isashiki in the outfield who made a mistake once.

This is a continuous error, not counting the total number of errors, the total number of errors is now even more uncountable.

The defensive pressure in the infield is obviously greater than that in the outfield.

Everyone fell to the ground in embarrassment.

On the strike zone!

Kataoka, who had been fighting alone with the players for more than two hours, also looked exhausted.

It\'s just that his spirit head and majesty are still there, and he still looks like a tiger looking at him.

The onlookers were immediately dumbfounded.

"Even the seniors, are you tired now? They\'ve been training for four hours! Even Superman, now..."

"The supervision that can support the training of the whole team is also a monster."

They are really tired.

When the ball hits, it\'s just a mechanical movement, and they forget why they are fighting.

On the mound, a merciless shot knocked Sawamura down.

Sawamura made three consecutive mistakes and was carried out.

The remaining four third graders looked even more ugly.

They have one less teammate, and now there are only four of them left to share the firepower of supervision.

"Why are you already dead?"

Kataoka stretched out his bat and questioned sharply.

"Izashiki Jun, what about your loud roar? Why are you mute?"

"Ryosuke, where\'s the smile on your face?"

"You guys, are you dead?"

There are four third graders left, one by one barely raising their spirits.

Kataoka hit the outfield with one shot.

Jun Izashiki reluctantly ran up, not to mention blocking the ball, he couldn\'t even stand steady, and turned a few somersaults in a row.

"I didn\'t teach you, such an embarrassed defensive posture."

Kataoka sneered.

He panted his bat and looked at first base.

"Jiancheng, are you also not good enough?"

At the first base position, Jun Cheng, who had received the most firepower, felt like he was shaking all over.

The body looked like it was about to collapse.

However, his brain is very clear.

Memories of a year ago popped up in my mind. At that time, the third-year senior had just retired.

Superintendent Kataoka, appointed himself as the team captain.

"team leader?"

The first feeling of forming is rejection. He is a madman who only knows his own training. How can he lead a team with such a character?

"why me?"

On the same day, he went to Kataoka.

Kataoka looked at him and answered his question seriously.

"I don\'t need you to put this huge team in order. You just need to use your performance to lead the team."


Use your own performance to lead the same session and lead the Qing Dao.

She stood up tremblingly, and her formed eyes became extremely decisive.

"One more ball!"

"Please play another ball over here, Superintendent."

It looked like he was about to collapse, but he was extremely tall at this time.

In the past life, this scene appeared in Sawamura\'s mind countless times, and he looked forward to it countless times.

When he realized that he was about to appear, he couldn\'t wait to join in.

As a result, Kataoka did not give him a chance to fish in troubled waters.

Almost, he got in.

All the friends of Qing Dao looked at the formation as if they saw the gods.

He, Juncheng, the captain of the green road.

It\'s a role model for all of us.

At second base, Ryosuke Kominato climbed up and extended his hand as well.

"Here, also a ball."

at third base.


Masuko also stood up.

on the field.

Isashiki Jun stood up and screamed in the sky.


They each made two mistakes, and another one would be kicked out.

But no one backed away.

"Okay, the last goal, everyone concentrates and sticks to the end."

A smile appeared on Kataoka\'s face.

The last ball was played to Jieyong, who blocked the ball with his own body.

Four old students have survived the crisis.

Their figures will forever remain in the hearts of all the players on the scene. UU reading

Falling Valley Xiao, Kawakami looked at this scene dumbfounded.

Sawamura had already stood up over there.

Damn supervisor, he almost stayed on the field.

The supervision was obviously deliberately targeting him, not wanting him to have a better life.

"Don\'t look at it, these guys will be behind us tomorrow, guarding us."

He patted Jiang Guxiao and left first.

Not worth it, too bad.

Pretending to be handsome but not pretending, he also used up the physical energy he had accumulated.

What about tomorrow\'s practice game?

At this time, Sawamura was quite embarrassed that he could not lose a handful of rice by stealing chickens.