Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 20: : Sawamura's pitching grade



The cooperation between Sawamura and Miyauchi Keisuke is getting better.

Except for the first ball, Miyauchi Keisuke caught the next two balls.

His technique of catching the ball is indescribable.

But the more he catches the ball, the less calm Miyauchi Keisuke\'s heart is, and he doesn\'t know if it\'s his own illusion.

After three goals, Sawamura Eijun\'s momentum really changed.

"Senior, can I vote seriously next?"

As soon as Sawamura\'s question came out, both Tanba Koichiro and Miyauchi Keisuke had the urge to vomit blood.

Wasn\'t Sawamura\'s best state after the ball missed by the palace just now?

In the palace, his heart sank even more.

Until now, he actually thought that Sawamura\'s throws were all speeding straight balls.

After all, Tamba has already shown his best pitch, and as a pitcher, Sawamura will definitely respond with his best pitch.

Although it seems a little naive, the pitcher is a creature that cannot be inferred by common sense.

Never give up your place on the mound to someone else.

Any good pitcher probably has this kind of obsession. If Tamba is like this, Sawamura must be the same.

Therefore, Miyauchi deduced that Sawamura\'s pitch just now was his legendary overdrive. To be honest, this ball is really fast to say.

From the ball to his catch.

The tension in the palace is no less than that of the 150-kilometer ball thrown by the pitching machine.

This is obviously significantly faster than Sawamura\'s ball speed, and it\'s not that he hasn\'t seen Sawamura throwing the ball from the side, and it\'s not that he has no understanding of Sawamura\'s ball speed.

Can hear what Sawamura meant, this kind of ball is obviously not his limit.

That is to say, the ball that he has just received cannot be a speeding straight ball at all.

As soon as he bit his teeth, the nose in the palace was like an angry bull, spewing out two groups of unknown gas.

"bring it on!"

His voice was a little low. However, in terms of posture, there is no retreat.

At the pitching position, Sawamura\'s right foot lifted high, and then fell heavily...

Chris and Miyuki also temporarily stopped playing and catching the ball, and put all their energy on Sawamura.

Miyuki smiled bitterly in his heart.

Here we go, Sawamura\'s second-rank pitch.

After partnering with Sawamura, Miyuki divided Sawamura\'s pitching into three levels by mistake.

Ordinary straight **** are Sawamura rank one balls.

In addition to ordinary straight balls, Sawamura also has **** of level two, **** of level three...


The small white ball shot over like a laser light, and suddenly changed before entering the top of the home plate.

This slight change was not even noticed in the palace.

It\'s just that the ball didn\'t fly in at the exact position he had calculated, but it flew out wiping his glove.

This is the quirk ball!

The palace\'s eyes widened.

In the pitching position, Sawamura was very naive and glanced at Danbo.


Danbo\'s anger immediately soared.

"Chris, let\'s continue!"

Danbo aggressively let Chris catch the ball.

"If you really aim at the ace, then I advise you to take a good look and see what kind of monster your opponent is."

As a senior, it is a little awkward to call your junior a monster.

But Chris said so, but no one at the scene questioned.

Perhaps in their hearts, the current Sawamura is still a monster.

The fifth ball is a change-up ball.

Just experienced the baptism of the quirk ball, facing Sawamura\'s change-up, the palace feels so slow, so slow.

This is also catching the ball in the catcher position. If he is in the hitting position, I am afraid he has already swayed by now, right?


Although the ball was not difficult to catch, the palace still saw the terrifying power of the ball.

Especially if this kind of ball is mixed in the straight ball, it will definitely make the opponent mess up the rhythm.

Then the sixth ball, the floating ball.


The small white ball, in the palace watched it keep climbing.


Slightly raised the glove, and the palace caught the ball.

At this time, he was not just amazed at Sawamura\'s pitching, he felt sad for Danbo\'s replacement.

Not to mention the performance on the court, just pitching, Sawamura is much richer than the current Danbo. Danbo\'s straight ball, cross ball and high drop curve ball. Compared with Sawamura\'s change-ups, straights, quirks, and floaters, there is absolutely no advantage.

Even if the fork ball is honed, the current Danbo, I am afraid it is difficult to pull Sawamura from the ace position.

In fact, this is not to say that Danbo\'s pitching is really inferior to Sawamura.

The biggest gap between the two now is not in the content of the pitch, but in the performance on the mound.

If Tanba Arisawamura stood on the mound, that kind of stability, that kind of stability.

Sawamura had no qualifications to compete with Danbo.

The next seventh ball, Sawamura used Carter ball!

The ball path that suddenly slides inwards slightly.

This ball, because the palace was mentally prepared, he also caught it.

After the fourth quirk ball, Sawamura\'s change-up, float, and Carter were all caught.

The technique of catching the ball in the palace is still very stable.

At this time, Chris and Miyuki, who should have applauded in the palace, were silent.

Their silence made the atmosphere of the entire bullpen more solemn.

Sawamura stood on the pitcher mound like a completely unknown creature.

Chris and Miyuki were refreshed at the same time.

Here comes the Level 3 Change Ball!

The feet raised high, like a battle axe, slashed to the ground fiercely, and the ball in Sawamura\'s hand, like a war knife, slashed and shot.

Come on, come to the extreme.

Miyauchi just saw the white spot of the baseball here, and in the next instant, the baseball was already flying. Mo


The baseball slid precisely into the open glove inside the palace.

Miyauchi felt as if his catching hand had been hit hard.

This, is, the legendary, speeding straight ball!

There was no time for anyone to react, and the baseball flew over.

If it weren\'t for a fixed catch, if it wasn\'t for a super-speeding straight ball without any changes, it would be impossible for him to catch this ball at all!

Strong, really strong!

At this time, when the palace looked at Sawamura again, he suddenly felt that Sawamura was inscrutable.

Originally, he had also said boldly to the supervisor that Danbo had the opportunity to compete for the trump card from Sawamura\'s hands.

Just kidding.

This little guy who just entered school has no friends.

His strength, even if placed in the country, is probably rare...

Ninth ball!


Miyauchi stared at the ball that flew out through his

Not only did the ball sink, but it extended to the outer corner! ! !

This is the fork ball that was ordered by the supervisor and temporarily sealed?


Qingdao High School, Office of the Superintendent.

Minister Ota and Superintendent Kataoka stood side by side, giving a sweeping view of the scenery in the cowshed.

"Nine goals, missed three goals."

He rubbed his hands and looked at Kataoka: "Although Miyuki and Chris also made mistakes when they took Sawamura\'s pitch for the first time, they both missed one goal, three times for ten goals like this..."

The words were not made clear, but Ota\'s meaning was expressed very clearly. js3v3