Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 2: : Lateness Storm (Tribute to Lianke)

The mist in the early morning had not had time to disperse, and the whole world was shrouded in a foggy darkness.

At this moment, there was a clamor from the baseball field of Qingdao Middle School.

Today is the day when the freshmen of the baseball club officially join the team. The freshmen join the team one day in advance, pick up the team\'s uniforms and daily necessities, and take a night off. Then from the early morning of the next day, report to the team.

Every time a new student formally joins the team, there is a self-introduction. All the new students stand in two rows, and then introduce them in order from the first in the first row.

Opposite the freshman, stood the team\'s supervisor, Kataoka, as well as the second- and third-year veterans.

From this day on, they are all members of Qingdao High School and teammates who fight side by side!

In Lao Sheng\'s team, Masuko Toru and Kuramochi yawned again and again.

"Is it okay not to call him?"

Masuko hesitantly asked Kuramachi.

When they woke up this morning, Sawamura was still sound asleep.

Masuko Toru originally wanted to call Sawamura, but Kuramochi stopped him.

"Yesterday he forced us to play games with him until two o\'clock in the morning. He was going to oversleep himself, and it has nothing to do with us."

Speaking of which, Kuramochi was full of anger. Ever since he saw Sawamura yesterday, he has been deflated. Now that I finally see Sawamura unlucky, it is too late for him to gloat at the misfortune, where would he think about pulling it.

Masuko Toru remembered Sawamura\'s infuriating appearance two years ago, so he didn\'t say anything.

At this time, Sawamura had just woken up.

"Yeah, I\'m late again!"

Looking at his watch, Sawamura sighed helplessly.

In the highly disciplined Qingdo High School baseball club, Sawamura was late on his first day on the team, and Sawamura could imagine how miserable his end would be.

He clearly set the alarm clock last night, but he was so sleepy that he didn\'t even wake him up.

Sawamura was excited when he saw his friend Kuramochi in his previous life, and played later. He originally thought that he had set an alarm clock and had the habit of getting up early, so he would be able to get up the next day.

Moreover, the psychologist in Sawamura\'s previous life team also said that people generally don\'t sleep too dead in unfamiliar environments.

But it just so happened that Sawamura was not unaccustomed here, nor did he feel repulsive and unfamiliar. He slept very soundly and sweetly here. In addition to his own biological clock, it was a little later than Qing Dao\'s wake-up time. (Kuramochi and Masuko got up because of their long-term early rise and their biological clocks. Otherwise, they would have slept with Sawamura until two o\'clock in the middle of the night.)

Checked, the alarm clock has been turned off. The biological clock is late again, and tragedy strikes.

Sawamura made the same mistake again and was late on the first day of joining the team.

"Kuramochi, I\'m not finished with you."

He cursed angrily, and when Sawamura changed his clothes and rushed to the training ground, he happened to see Miyuki, who was suffering from the same illness as him.

"Isn\'t this our genius catcher? Why are you late?"

"It\'s all my fault for watching the DVD yesterday. I watched it too late."

Miyuki replied subconsciously before turning around to see Sawamura, and then his pupils suddenly widened.

"It\'s you?"

Sawamura smiled and nodded: "Yes, partner, it\'s me."

"It really deserves to be a big man. Even on the first day of joining the team, he was the last to enter the field."

Miyuki said gloatingly.

Sawamura\'s face sank immediately.

Hitting people without slapping their faces, and exposing people without exposing their shortcomings. After entering high school, this guy, Miyuki, is really not as cute as he used to be.

"Yeah, what a pity! I heard that you have been specially approved to train with the First Army, but I didn\'t expect to be late on the first day of joining the team. If you don\'t say anything else, you are afraid that you will be yellow for training with the First Army. It\'s a pity that you won\'t be able to catch up with the First Army Spring Competition."

Miyuki\'s words were very sincere, and the sincere Sawamura wanted to smoke him.

Sawamura was originally from Qingdao in his previous life. He knew too well how high the treatment was when he trained with the army as soon as he entered school!

Such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, let him let it go in vain, Sawamura really wanted to find a piece of tofu and kill him. Of course, before killing himself, he must strangle the vicious **** Miyuki to death.

Seeing Sawamura\'s murderous look, Miyuki subconsciously shrank his neck.

This guy is so unfriendly, he dares to stare at the senior!

"Don\'t worry too much. For the sake of your previous partner, I\'ll give you an idea."


Sawamura looked at Miyuki with an unfathomable face and said nothing.


Looking at Miyuki\'s finger, the new member\'s self-introduction happened to be the second to last in the first row, and then it was Kanimaru\'s turn to be the first to last.


Sawamura asked curiously.

"After seeing that there is no one in the first row to introduce the last person, the second row has to start the introduction from the first one. At this time, everyone\'s attention will be focused on the first person in the second row. And the corresponding from here The distance to the last position in the second row is the blind spot of everyone\'s line of sight. When everyone turns their heads, you sneak past like a ninja, and then mix in the last position of the second row. Look, everything is perfect !"

Sawamura looked at Miyuki coldly: "You won\'t fool me, will you? If this is discovered, it will definitely be worse than being late, right?"

"Reassured, reassured, I was successful last year! Moreover, with your strength, the summer competition, the coach will not be willing to put you in the second army no matter what. At most, you will lose your qualifications for the spring competition~www You\'re disqualified anyway, it\'s better to gamble."


"Nothing but trust me, mate."

At this time, Yu Xing\'s small face was full of sincerity, which made people have to be moved.

"Okay, I\'ll trust you again."

Sawamura\'s face became solemn.

He turned to watch the changes on the field.

"Matsukata was born in the club, Kanamaru Shinji, the position I hope to hold is the third baseman..."

After Kanamaru finished his introduction, it was Tojo\'s turn, who was the first in the second row, to introduce himself. Tojo just opened his mouth, and everyone\'s eyes were focused on Tojo.

Taking advantage of the chance that everyone\'s eyes were deviated, Sawamura jumped up, took small steps, and rushed towards the large army.

Behind him, an admiring smile flashed in Miyuki\'s eyes.

"Beautiful thieves!"

"Hey! That..."

Miyuki opened his mouth and was about to sneak back into the team by reporting on Sawamura. I saw Sawamura, who was running towards the main unit, jumped over the students who had introduced himself, and went straight to Superintendent Kataoka.

"sorry I\'m late!"

Kataoka\'s face with sunglasses looks like a sculpture, without a glance.

He clearly recognized Sawamura, not sure what he should do with Sawamura at this time. It was impossible for Sawamura to be late on the first day, so he instead announced that Sawamura would be trained with the First Army?

Then Sawamura sneered and pointed at Miyuki who was hiding in the corner: "The senior there was late and wanted to sneak in."


Thank you Lianke and the runaway little chubby.

I still owe Runaway Little Fatty 8 shifts, Chubby Bookworm 4 shifts, Rem Ling 4 shifts, and Xiao Hao 2 shifts! Eighteen in total!

There are still outstanding debts, remind me.

As long as the subscription keeps up and stabilizes, the bear will speed up the repayment.