Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 1: : Dormitory 'Shocking' (Tribute to Xiao Yuanyuan)

Half a year later, Sawamura bid farewell to his family and followed Takashima Rei to Qingdao.

When he got on the train, Yamaguchi, Ashin, and Wakana, the baseball team\'s friends, all came to see him off.

"This is for you!"

When Sawamura was about to get on the train, Ashin handed Sawamura a white baseball cap.

Flip open the hat, and there are the signatures and blessings of all Akagi\'s friends inside.

Sawamura felt that his nose was sore, and his tears could not be controlled. He hurriedly looked up at the sky and forced the tears back into his eyes.


At the moment of separation, the little friends still cried. Sawamura sat on the tram, put his hat on his face, and let the tears slip from his eyes.

Goodbye is bitter! Do not leave suffering! !

The most painful thing in life is separation. I have never experienced the death of Sawamura, but this kind of separation is just as heartbreaking.


Rei Takashima gave Sawamura a worried look, but he was about to say something, but he stopped.

"Don\'t worry, our friendship will not deteriorate because of the distance between Tokyo and Nagano."

Wiping away his tears, Sawamura\'s eyes became firm.

Rei Takashima smiled at ease and nodded at Sawamura.

There was nothing to say all the way. By the time Sawamura and Takashima Rei arrived at Tokyo Qingdo High School, it was already evening. Takashima Rei first arranged for Sawamura to eat something in the teacher\'s cafeteria, and then asked him not to forget the gathering time the next day.

"Our coach is very strict. You must not be late on the first day. The coach has agreed to let you train with the First Army. At this time, you must be more cautious."

Rei Takashima kept Sawamura to the gate of the dormitory area before saying goodbye to him.

"After you\'ve packed your bags today, you can have a good rest. Although it\'s still spring break, our training hasn\'t slackened at all, and we woke up early."

"Don\'t worry, I\'m mentally prepared for this."

For all the memories of today, Sawamura still has a fresh memory. Even after ten years, he still remembers every detail.

After all, in less than 20 hours, his previous life almost caught up with his first summer high school career.

Separated from Takashima Rei, Sawamura went to Qingxinliao (Qingxin dormitory) alone.

In the hallway of the dormitory, there are clothes and shorts hanging everywhere, and the breath of life is very strong. At first glance, there are many people who really take this place as their home.

In addition to these, the most is the training facilities.

Under the corridor of the dormitory, there are various small equipment for training strength, such as sit-ups, push-ups, bats, baseballs...

It\'s literally a baseball world!

Such a familiar environment made Sawamura feel nostalgic, and he couldn\'t help but start to visit.

Sawamura was at ease, but the two seniors who shared the dormitory with him were anxious.

Since seeing Takashima Rei leading Sawamura, they started to prepare surprises for Sawamura, but after the makeup was done, they hid at the door and waited, waited, waited until their calves were sore, and they didn\'t see Sawamura coming. knock on the door.

"Wow, I\'m mad at me. That kid is here, and I must teach him a lesson that he will never forget."

A skinny young man, furious with rage.

The sturdy senior next to him glanced at it with complicated eyes, and the name on the dormitory door chose to be silent.

An hour later, Sawamura finally finished visiting the dormitory and glanced at the training facilities with nostalgia, before Sawamura walked towards the dormitory in his memory.

Qingdao\'s dormitory is a mix of third-year, second-year, and first-year students. The purpose is to allow these seniors to lead their juniors and act as role models.

Increase the child through! Kuramochi Yoichi! Eijun Sawamura! !

The three names were clearly written on the door plate of the dormitory.

found it!

A smile appeared on Sawamura\'s face, and he was about to knock on the door.


Before Sawamura knocked on the door, the dormitory door opened on its own.

Then a black human head sticks out from it.


Before Sawamura understood what was going on, he saw a light shining from below the head. When the white light hit the person\'s head, there was a ghostly feeling.

The head was pale, and the seven orifices were bleeding.

At this moment, time seemed to stand still, Sawamura\'s fingers maintained the posture of knocking on the door, and when he saw the miserable head, he suddenly opened his eyes, and showed a mournful smile at him.


The corners of Sawamura\'s mouth showed a bit of a smile, and then he threw himself at the ghostly head.

"so cute!"

Kuramochi\'s head was hugged, and the whole person was stunned.

At this time, there are 100,000 divine beasts in his heart, galloping on horses.

Dude, don\'t be kidding, I\'m pretending to be a ghost, but you should be normal to me.


At this point, the dormitory lights are turned on.

Just now in Sawamura\'s eyes, the head was gloomy, and now it showed its original color.

It turned out that it was a student who did the makeup. This person Sawamura was no stranger to, was his friend Kuramochi in his previous life.

Before coming to Qingdao, Sawamura had simulated this scene many times in his mind.

Seeing Kuramochi\'s resentful and confused expression now, Sawamura\'s heart blossomed with joy.

Holding the whole warehouse is really cool!

"You kid, are you crazy?"

Kuramochi is not a good man and a woman, and he questioned Sawamura angrily.

"There, there."

"I didn\'t want to praise you!"

"Ha ha!"


After laughing, the strong Masuko came over.

"Eijun Sawamura?"

Sawamura looked at the flat-headed senior Masuko and greeted politely, "Senior Masuko!"

Kuramochi looked at Masuko, then at Sawamura, and asked strangely, "Do you know each other?"

"do not know!"


Masuko and Sawamura gave two very different answers.

Sawamura glanced at Masuko and smiled bitterly in his heart.

It seems that I have really left a very bad impression on these third-year seniors.

"Forget it, we will be roommates from now on."

Kuramochi said with a smile.

"By the way, it\'s just a tradition in our dormitory, it\'s not that I want to harass you on purpose."

"I know!"

"you know?"

Kuramochi looked at Sawamura strangely, wondering in his heart, how could he know?

Of course, Sawamura knew that this scene had been rectified once in his previous life, and he had rectified others twice, which was naturally very impressive.

"It doesn\'t matter, just find a game console. I have to fight with you for 300 rounds."

Sawamura threw the bag onto his bed, and then knelt down in front of the LCD screen, looking at Kuramochi with bright eyes.

Kuramochi looked at Sawamura blankly with a confused expression on his face. It was very strange in his heart, how did he know what he was going to do next?

"hurry up."

Sawamura was already impatient.


In a daze, Kuramochi found the video game console that he had kept for a long time, and then plugged it into the LCD TV in the dormitory, ready to fight Sawamura for 300 rounds.


The Qing Dao begins, thanks to Xiao Zhi\'s death and Remling\'s generous reward. Old rules, four shifts!

I also thank Jiangshangshui and Baige for their rewarding support.

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