Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 3: :It's him!

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of The Return of the Pitcher of Diamond Ace!

The eyes of everyone at the scene, following Sawamura\'s fingers, pointed to the dumbfounded Miyuki.

"It\'s so embarrassing~"

Miyuki\'s face was surprisingly thick, but he came out very naturally and apologized to Kataoka.

"You two, run laps for me until the end of the morning exercise."

Kataoka ordered coldly.

Sawamura and Miyuki didn\'t make a distinction and ran around the start of the field.

"And the two idiots who share the dormitory with Sawamura, you should go too."

In the veteran team, Kuramochi and Masuko had aggrieved expressions on their faces.


Although aggrieved, they did not dare to argue in front of Kataoka.

So the morning running team of four was officially formed.

"Haha, to give a small report to the senior, I really convinced that guy."

"That guy looks familiar, as if he\'s seen it there."

"Is it also in our Tokyo?"

"seems not…"

Several daring freshmen were talking a lot.

At this time, Kataoka turned his head and stared straight at the new team.

Suddenly the few whispering guys were silent.

Too Nima is scary!

Being stared at by Kataoka with those eyes, they felt as if they were frozen.

In the old team.

Captain Formation looked at Sawamura, who was still bickering with Miyuki while running, and his eyes became extremely deep.

It\'s him!

Thinking about it, he turned to look at Ryosuke Kominato next to him.

The smile on Kominato Ryosuke\'s face became extremely bright, as bright as it was about to bloom.

For those who are unfamiliar with Ryosuke Kominato, they may think that their senior Ryosuke is a good person.

"It\'s coming, that kid."

Kominato Ryosuke\'s smiling eyes narrowed, and there was a gloomy light in the gaps in his eyes.

Running in a team of four.

"I really appreciate your care, little brother."

Miyuki was not in a hurry because of being trapped by Sawamura.

"Either, each other, senior, aren\'t you going to pit me too?"

Not to be outdone, Sawamura answered him.

"Haha, it\'s all over, don\'t mind, don\'t mind."

Miyuki smiled heartlessly.

"Hey, don\'t ignore me, I\'m implicated, it\'s all your fault."

At this time, Kuramochi chased after him, and after yawning heavily, he looked at Sawamura viciously.

Yeah, I\'m so afraid.

Seeing Kuramochi who was clearly looking to find fault, Sawamura silently accelerated his pace.

"I still want to run, watch my invincible flying kick!"

During the time for the freshmen to introduce themselves and adapt to the training, Sawamura has been running. From five thirty in the morning until seven in the morning, I ran for a full hour and a half.

Rao is that he is strict enough with his usual training, and at this time he is about to collapse.

When I was in the cafeteria dedicated to the baseball club, I saw a sign next to the cafeteria\'s cooking window.

"You must eat three bowls or more!"

I really miss it!

With a slight smile, Sawamura started to cook, ready to replenish the physical strength he had consumed in the morning.

One bite, one bite, another bite, Sawamura ate slowly.

"How can you do this?"

Yu Xing didn\'t know when to sit next to him: "The morning training is very tiring. How much can you eat when you are so slow?"

Sawamura ignored him, rolled his eyes, and continued to eat bite by bite at his own frequency, chewing slowly.

"Honestly, it\'s painful for you to eat like this."

Miyuki suggested very conscientiously: "Don\'t swallow, you can feel the pleasure of eating there."

"Cut, I am replenishing the lost energy in my body, and I am not a rice bucket. My stomach has time to digest it."

As soon as the words came out, Sawamura suddenly felt that the surroundings were full of bad eyes.

Those seniors who were gulps and gobbled up, stopped moving one by one, and looked at Sawamura viciously.

Who are you kid saying is a rice bucket?

Sawamura smiled awkwardly.

A slip of the tongue, a slip of the tongue, a slip of the tongue. He swore to the lamp that he definitely didn\'t do it on purpose, beg to let it go.

"Haha, in this way, you will offend even the second-year senior."

Miyuki smiled schadenfreude.

Qing Dao\'s current third grade is exactly the same group of students who had not received a year from the showdown with Sawamura. Chris, Tetsuya Yuki, and Ryosuke Kominato, the leaders of their team, suffered losses from Sawamura.

Therefore, most of the third-year seniors looked at Sawamura unhappy.

This is also in Qingdao, even if everyone is upset, they will not deliberately find fault with Sawamura. If he had changed to another place, he might have started to stumble on Sawamura secretly at this time.

In Qing Dao\'s second year, except for the few who were promoted to the first army, the others were all headed by the former garden.

The principle that Qianyuan believes in is to work harder, work harder, and be more motivated, and even surpass the seniors in eating.

They believe that sweat doesn\'t lie.

Of course, because they worked hard and practiced a lot, they also ate a lot, which is the representative of the "rice bucket" in Sawamura\'s mouth.

Sawamura gave Miyuki a displeased glance, this guy is simply his nemesis.

No, you must stay away from him in the future.

Just when Sawamura made up his mind to stay away from Miyuki in the future, he didn\'t know that many people in the same class around him were pointing at him.

Although Sawamura was late in the morning, he was not too late. Everyone has just gathered and is still introducing themselves.

Although he was eye-catching at that time, because of the mist in the morning and his appearance, people didn\'t really see him.

It\'s different now!

They were all in the cafeteria, and they could clearly see Sawamura\'s eyebrows and eyes.

"Is it him?"

"Yes, it must be him."

"This is big news, I\'ve never heard of it before."

"I heard that 80% of the wealthy families in the country have sent him invitations."

"Osaka Kiryu, Kanagawa Yokogaku, and Teto and Inagi have all been publicly invited."

"Those four are regulars at Jiaziyuan. I didn\'t expect that he would reject them. They haven\'t entered the Qingdao of Jiaziyuan for several years."

"Doesn\'t that mean that we are very hopeful this time?"

"Don\'t underestimate high school baseball! Although that person has strength, he may not be able to eat well in high school."

The chatter of the little friends did not escape Miyuki\'s ears.

"I didn\'t expect you to be so famous in your class?"

Yu Xing said with emotion: "Then you are not the real leader of your class."

Sawamura was noncommittal: "It\'s not that simple. Tojo and Kanimaru, who have scored in the top four in the country in junior baseball in middle school, have one ace and one third. There is also Nishiura Takatsu who left behind a record, these guys in junior baseball. But won\'t obey me. And..."

Saying that, Sawamura glanced at him, a taciturn tall man with a shy baby face.

In this session, there are many powerful guys.

And these guys didn\'t change their fate because of their rebirth, and they all gathered in Qingdao.

"The intelligence is doing a great job."

Miyuki pushed down the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said with a smile.

"As expected of a player and coach in middle school."

"I am over-flattered."

Sawamura said humbly with disdain.

"By the way, why didn\'t I see Senior Chris, what happened to him?"

After forbearance, Sawamura didn\'t hold back after all, pretending to be plain and asking.