Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 2: : Invitation to the national team

Have a holiday!

Even a player who is very strict with himself is very excited about this proposal at this time.

All the honors they can get in high school have been won.

at this time. If he wants to continue to challenge, he can only join the profession, or can he hone well.

Jin Yi does not return home, just like Jin Yi walking at night.

To put it bluntly, after being rich and developed, if you can\'t go back to your hometown, no matter how rich you are...

What\'s the point in the end?

This is what he really wanted to say.

However, not everyone understands this principle.

There are still many players who decide to go back to school and train against the clock.

Why do they do this?

In fact, it is not surprising. After all, with the retirement of the third-year players, the competition for the quota of the new army and the competition for the main position.

It\'s time to start again!

Players who are already in the first army, they have won all the honors they can.

But for those players in the Second Army who have never played in the First Army.

Jiaziyuan was still very unfamiliar with them.

Even though the team has made it several times, they still don\'t know enough.

Specific to a certain person, there are still many people who have not been able to land in Koshien.

For such players, one has to be very careful when choosing a team.

Pull away, and then talk about the holiday.

Although there are many friends who plan to stay in the team, the vast majority of players in the second and third grades want to take this opportunity to go home.

In the old days, they seemed to be playing baseball day and night.

In the process, they have no life of their own at all.

At this time, I can finally come to an end and take a break.

Of course, these players hope that they can have time to go home. Whether it is an injured body or mind, they all need comfort.

Director Kataoka seems to be able to understand everyone\'s hard work.

It seems that the legend of the official summit has a very special meaning for the supervisor of the Qingdo High School baseball team.

All his wishes have been fulfilled, and his attitude has also become a lot more relaxed.

"Everyone has a week off when we go back, and our training starts a week later."

Director Kataoka said directly?

"Long live!"

"Long live!!!"

The little friends shouted slogans one by one, and their eyes were extremely hot.

Great, they\'re finally free.

They must use practical actions to repay the generosity of supervision.

A sumptuous celebration banquet has already been prepared in the school.

The reporters were all kicked out!

The principal is still very talkative, especially when Superintendent Kataoka got his grades, he is simply the happiest observer in the world.

Since Director Kataoka and the players do not want to be disturbed by reporters at this time.

Then the principal must fulfill their desire.

He came forward and shut the reporters out.

It\'s a pity for the dean, what a great opportunity for publicity!

Now that there are fewer and fewer children, even private institutions of higher learning have great challenges in recruiting students.

Even if they can recruit people, it\'s no use without good teachers.

It\'s a virtuous circle, a world of healthy competition.

To be honest, he was very unwilling to give up such a good advertising opportunity.

But there is no need to sing the opposite at this time.

Being safe, winning is the most important thing.

As long as the players can get results, they can actually solve the remaining problems.

It\'s just that if they can be interviewed by reporters, it will be easier for the dean to recruit students next year...

A bunch of teenagers, it is the most edible time in life.

At this time, when you see the food on the table, how can you control it?

They sat down one by one and devoured them.

At this time, people don\'t even want to say a word?

Everyone had a great time eating.

After eating, I simply wash up. The little friends who are close to home are ready to go home directly. Those who are far away from home will rest in the dormitory for a day, and then go out on the second night.

Sawamura Eijun greeted a few friends and was about to return to his dormitory.

The distance from Tokyo to Nagano, although not very far.

But that distance is definitely not close.

Unable to go back for a short time, Sawamura Eijun prepared to take a good sleep and went back the next day.

Shortly after Sawamura returned to the dormitory, Kuramochi suddenly found him.

"Coach Kataoka is looking for me?"

Sawamura\'s heart skipped a beat.

In fact, he knew before that, with the retirement of the third-year seniors, there is a heavy burden that will probably fall on him.

That\'s the captain!

After Captain Miyuki retired, the Qingdo High School baseball team desperately needed a leader.

Although Sawamura himself was unwilling to take on such a burden, there was nothing he could do.

Except for him, their players in this session are either not strong enough or not competent enough.

None of them really fit.

In order not to affect the reputation of the Qingdo High School baseball team, Sawamura Eijun had to bite the bullet and become the captain.

Originally, Eijun Sawamura thought that the news would not be announced until tomorrow.

But now, the office of Superintendent Kataoka has not changed much, and it is still the same office.

In addition to Sawamura Eijun and Kuramochi, Miyuki was also called over.

Sawamura was even more certain in his heart.

This must be for the captain\'s handover.

Didn\'t you see that the previous captain and vice-captain were invited?

That\'s calling everyone together to put pressure on yourself.

Director Kataoka is still like this, he knows how to make people submit.

If the three ask together, let alone Sawamura Eijun has accepted his fate, even if Sawamura Eisei has not accepted his fate.

He also had to agree temporarily.

There was no way he could refuse any of the three.

Sawamura Eijun\'s brain went further and further, and at this time he was already a thousand miles away from the correct answer.

Kataoka ignored Sawamura, who was flying out of the sky, but looked at the proud disciples in front of him seriously and said.

"I think you all already know that the national youth team will be convened soon. There are a total of three players invited by our Qingdao High School baseball team this time. The three of them are you. Pack up and prepare to report. Gathered The location is Tokyo, which is less for you, the hardships of traveling long distances. The location of the game is on Treasure Island.”

World Youth Baseball Trials.

A total of 12 strong, and then invite a wild card team.

13 teams from all over the world compete to see who can stand on top of the world?

Different from the previous lineup, this time the captain of the national team is the only one.

This is the first time to invite the great demon king Sawamura Eijun.