Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 1: : Green Road capped

The friends of the Qingdao High School baseball team are very excited.

Even if it is, sitting in the bus going home.

The itinerary after winning the championship is nothing new to the friends of the Qingdao High School baseball team.

They are so familiar with this program!

It is rude to say that other teams in the country are completely incomparable with them in this regard.

Since Sawamura Eijun joined the Qingdo High School baseball team, except for the Jingu Tournament in the middle, the players of the Qingdo High School baseball team have won all championships.

So how do their players celebrate the victory? Naturally familiar.

The third-year seniors all laughed very happily. They fulfilled their biggest long-cherished wish and helped the Qingdao High School baseball team reach the top of the legend.

Only after laughing, their tears could no longer be held back, and the tears flowed down like rain.

Won the national championship, although they no longer have any regrets in their hearts.

But as long as they thought that they were going to leave the Qingdao High School baseball team, they were still saddened to death.

Even Miyuki and Kuramochi, these two guys were not exempt.

"I\'m really crying, and it\'s too unmanly?"

Sawamura ruthlessly complained.

"Who cried? It\'s just that the eyes got into the sand accidentally."

Kuramochi denied it.

Miyukiichi ignored Sawamura Eijun\'s complaints, but patted his shoulder seriously.

"The team will be handed over to you next!"

He does not mean that.

Sawamura Eijun hadn\'t said anything yet, and the little friends around who were listening couldn\'t help frowning.

At this time, they clearly realized that the third-year senior was really leaving.

In just over a month, the autumn competition will officially start.

None of the reliable third-year seniors on the team will be there.

The First Army is bound to vacate a large number of positions to arrange these newcomers.

The new First Army Trials, the new battle for the main force, has begun.

In the First Army\'s carriage, the second-year players were in slightly better condition.

These second-year players, led by Eijun Sawamura, are basically the main players of the team, and they don\'t need to worry about their positions at all.

Even when the seniors in the third grade were still around, the second-year players selected by the Qingdao High School baseball team to be in the first army were very strong.

Now that all the seniors in the third grade have left, these are the second grades who have already found a place for themselves. Is it possible that they can still be replaced from the main position?

This possibility is almost impossible!

After all, the Qingdao High School baseball team had just won the national championship.

The third-year players are leaving, their morale has dropped, and they have no interest in talking.

Although they fulfilled their long-cherished wish, they helped the Qingdo High School baseball team become a legend.

But as long as you think that they have left the team, and there are even many players, I am afraid it will be difficult to play baseball in the future.

They have all kinds of obsessions with the team.

The most active performers in the carriage were the first-year players.

Although in this Koshien, Kataoka supervisor kept creating opportunities for them.

Almost every first-year player of them went up to the game.

Maybe nothing for the time being.

But after a long time, people will be surprised to find that there is such a thing.

In the game at Jiaziyuan, no matter whether they have scored results here, or they have not been able to achieve results.

This trip is a very meaningful event for their whole life.

At the same time, the original desire in their hearts will also be awakened.

How could they only allow themselves to come to such a great place once?

Must come next time!

And it came dignifiedly.

For these little guys in the first grade, they actually played soy sauce during their journey in Koshien, and did not make much contribution to the team at all.

The Qingdo High School baseball team is great!

But this greatness seems to have nothing to do with them.

Realizing this, those first-year prides also swear in their hearts.

Next time, they will never let themselves be so embarrassed.

Be sure to show up on the court, hit the ball out or take down a great field.

"What do you read in the newspapers?"

The paper newspapers, the friends of the Qingdao High School baseball team, did not have time to buy them because they were in a hurry to return to Tokyo.

They can only watch the live broadcast on their mobile phones.

For this game, the media on the Internet is almost arguing.

Most of the people here, more than 90%, are full of praise for the Qingdao High School baseball team.

Just like Sawamura Eijun thought, if he hits two home runs, and those two home runs are the only two points of the Qingdo High School baseball team.

So if the media doesn\'t make a fuss about it, it will be hell.

They will definitely report on the greatness of Sawamura Eijun.

What would even the headline of the media say? Wang Tianci knew it all in his heart.

What is rare in a thousand years? What baseball super genius?

From Sawamura\'s point of view, what these media reporters say is all bullshit.

Now, because of his generosity, people even forget those unhappy times before.

But there are some things that are destined to be forgotten for a long time.

The media is full of hype, and the friends of the Qingdao High School baseball team are also very happy to see it.

Just when everyone was in high spirits, someone suddenly raised an idea.

"We are so capable, we should be able to take a vacation when we go back, right?"

This matter has the support of all the friends of the Qingdao High School baseball team.

That\'s right, they really should have a few days off?

I heard before that the goal of the high school baseball team is to enter Koshien. After entering Koshien, it is to dominate the country, and to dominate the country is to become a legend.

On this road, the friends of the Qingdao High School baseball team encountered many challenges.

They all overcame it all the way and went smoothly to the present.

In this process they also paid a lot. They paid for vacations and opportunities to train their relatives.

Now, all of their goals have been achieved, reaching an unprecedented three-peat.

Now those media on the Internet have exaggerated them.

Not only in the island country, but also in several neighboring countries, including on the mainland.

You can see their compliments on the internet.

The king is back, the strongest champion team in history.

Such a team must have its leader, and his leader is Sawamura.

The original fame was limited to Sawamura within the island country, and through this wave of Amway.

It also let more people around the world know the name of Sawamura Eijun.
