Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 3: : Mad Media (2 in 1)

"When asked, will Sawamura be selected for this year\'s national team? Supervisor Takeda did not give an answer. It seems that the national youth team must be stubborn and refuse to join Sawamura."

"The door of the national youth team is closed to Sawamura again."

"The best player in the country has not been able to join the national team. Is this the loss of the national team? Or the misfortune of the players?"

"Bureaucratic, empirical, what hope is there for today\'s island nation?"

Internet trolls have never been the product of a particular country, but in every country, there are such amazing guys.

They grew up healthy in their own country, but somehow, they were cynical about their own country.

Every time I go online, it seems that I feel uncomfortable when I don’t say a few words about my own country.

The same goes for island nations.

There was a lot of uproar on the Internet, and the news that Sawamura Eijun was out of the national team was once again topped the hot search.

When Sawamura returned to the dormitory and packed his things, he happened to see Wang Xi and Asada, the first-year juniors.

Both of them looked at Sawamura with sympathy on their faces.

Although they join the team, they all have their own ambitions and goals.

But staying in the same team with Sawamura and in the same dormitory, and getting along day and night, there are probably not many people who know Sawamura better than them.

It is precisely because of their understanding that they also deeply know how terrifying the strength of this senior standing in front of them is?

To put it bluntly, after searching all over the country, I am afraid it will be difficult to find a player who rivals Sawamura Eijun.

There may be some kind of players who have played against him in a short period of time, but when it comes to overall strength, Sawamura is definitely the first player.

Are the national team members blind?

Can such a talent be turned away?

Wang Xi is difficult to understand.

Today\'s baseball, in the world can be said to be the top three.

Island countries, treasure islands and North America.

The island nation temporarily ranks first, and North America ranks second with a difference of 20 points.

At the beginning, the location of Treasure Island was relatively low. In recent years, it has made rapid progress and developed very rapidly.

has become the third.

Although compared with the previous two, the difference in scores is slightly larger.

But the island baseball world is optimistic.

The number of world championships they have won recently, especially the youth team has been increasing.

This invisibly enhanced their confidence.

Although for the time being in the competition of the senior team, they have not been able to compare with the teams of the other two countries.

But they control the future.

As long as the young players on Baodao grow up in the future, they will catch up sooner or later.

In recent years, the economic situation of Baodao has not been optimistic, and there are fewer and fewer people who can emerge in the world in all aspects.

Baseball is one of the few sports that does not fall behind in the rankings, but catches up all the way.

This greatly satisfies the psychological needs of the people of Baodao, so during this time, more and more people in Baodao support baseball.

The Taipei government made great efforts to win the right to hold this event.

Wang Xi is going to go back for a while. Although he is still young, he did not have any outstanding records on the Qingdao High School baseball team.

But this little guy\'s previous performance in the World Series was impressive. In Treasure Island, he is a little famous baseball star.

How could he be missing from the World Youth Championship held on Treasure Island?

Originally, Wang Xi also thought of the time to introduce his guide to Sawamura Eijun.

A super powerful old guy!

Unexpectedly, the gate of the youth national team of the island country was closed to Senior Sawamura again.

From the standpoint of Baodao, Wang Xi should be very happy.

After all, without the opponent of Sawamura, the hope of Baodao\'s final victory will increase a lot.

It\'s just that he doesn\'t know why, but his heart is a little uncomfortable.

Why is such an excellent senior not invited by the national team?

You must know that North America is very different this time, because Sawamura-senpai defeated Alan, the son of God.

In North America, it caused an uproar, and there were many young and excellent players who threatened to provoke.

Allen also put down his words. If there is a chance, he wants to play against Sawamura Eijun again.

Although Allen has graduated from high school, he is only 18 years old and fully qualified to participate in the U18 competition.

This time, the duel between the Son of God and the Great Demon King has even been hyped up by the media on Baodao.

Unexpectedly, the island country once again abandoned Sawamura-senpai.

This is too bullying!

This is not my own country, otherwise Wang Xifei will come forward and have a good theory with those leaders.

"Why do you look like you are parting from life and death, can\'t you bear to see Senior Kuramochi? It doesn\'t matter, there is no such thing as a banquet in the world. Besides, water flows down and people go up."

Sawamura Eijun persuaded.

At this time, he really thought that these two little guys were crying because they were reluctant to hold back.

Everyone lives in the same dormitory, although not in the same grade.

But they usually get along well. Kuramochi, although he looks a little more aggressive, he is never ambiguous when it comes to defending his junior.

Now Kuramochi is in the third grade, and he has finished the final of Koshien.

The rest of his high school career is less than half a year away.

Now that he has retired, there are fewer and fewer opportunities for everyone to contact.

When the holidays are over, everyone goes back to school.

It was the day when Kuramochi moved out of the dormitory.

It\'s a bit cruel to say that the third-grade senior who accompanied them is about to leave, of course they have reasons to cry and be sad.

As for Sawamura, he and his friends have already won.

In the two years they have been together, all the victories that should have been won have been won.

Sawamura could pat his chest without any guilt and say that he was happy with his brothers and left no regrets.

Since there are no regrets, naturally there is no guilt?

The gears of fate do not stop.

The departure of the old friend made Sawamura Eijun a little troubled.

But he is very clear that this is an inevitable process.

Seeing that the younger brothers were sad, he even had the heart to comfort them.

Unexpectedly, both of them shook their heads.

Isn\'t that the thing?

Sawamura Eijun was confused and couldn\'t help asking.

"Then why are you so sad? Could it be something wrong with yourselves?"

"Of course we\'re fine, it\'s your problem."

Wang Xi said.

Sawamura Eijun was stunned, he couldn\'t understand, what was this kid thinking?

"Hip-hop, don\'t waste your energy! It\'s like you laughed at me for getting old before. In front of these two guys, you are already a senior, and your mind will inevitably age."

Kuramochi said with a smile.

Sawamura Eijun\'s face was full of annoyance. If this was not the dormitory, he must let this guy know that he is not easy to mess with!

"That\'s what happened."

Sawamura\'s face was incredulous.

It was only after the two explained it that he knew that the media had already spread the news.

I don\'t know why it was spread about my being refused to join the national team.

Sawamura himself was also very annoyed by this incident.

As for Supervisor Takeda, after inviting him, he was asked why he didn\'t spread the news immediately?

"You are a secret weapon."

Supervisor Takeda\'s words came to Sawamura Eijun\'s heart at once.


Now Sawamura Eijun, his popularity is not only in the island country.

Since he defeated Alan the Son of God, the leader of the next generation in North America.

Although that game, they did not show full strength.

But judging from Sawamura Eijun\'s performance in that game, he was going to surpass Alan the Son of God.

A son of God, a great devil.

Eijun Sawamura took advantage of Allen\'s fame, which is equivalent to stepping on the shoulders of giants, and now it is not what it used to be.

Sawamura, who has made a name for himself across the country, is bound to affect his whole body with every move he makes.

If people knew, Sawamura couldn\'t play in the game for various reasons.

That is a welcome situation for all participating teams.

No matter what the tricks are between the national team of the island country and Sawamura Sakamura.

As long as Sawamura has no way to enter the national team, there is no way to represent the island nation.

Then they can ignore it completely.

If you don\'t practice for Sawamura Eijun beforehand, no matter how powerful those guys are, I\'m afraid they will be consumed to death.

Eijun Sawamura was used as a secret weapon.

Originally, after everyone gathered, they would play a practice game together.

Run in the team.

Sawamura Eijun did not participate in this game, but quietly got on another flight under the leadership of another assistant coach.

After waiting until all the teams were assembled, the 13 national teams were divided into 4 groups to catch and fight.

The top two teams on the team will advance directly.

After the quarterfinals are decided, the rest is a simple knockout.

This kind of knockout is also very simple, if you win, you advance, and if you lose, you stay.

Originally, Sawamura Eijun wanted to hide until the moment he handed in the list, and then he stood up.

But human curiosity is boundless. Through the reporters\' unannounced and unannounced visits, they finally determined one thing.

The youth team can bring 20 players to the competition, but Director Takeda only called 19 players.

There must be a secret weapon that was hidden for some reason in the past?

People are speculating that the person whose weapon was stolen is still fascinated with self-confidence.

In this process, reporters will naturally follow the interview.

Fujio and Owada Akiko, senior reporters of Baseball Kingdom Magazine, were lucky enough to obtain such qualifications.

Just when they were about to interview the players, they suddenly saw a very familiar figure.

Owada Akiko\'s mouth was wide open, her face full of incredulity.

"He He……"

"What\'s the matter with him?"

Fujio, who was beside her, asked eagerly.

He was really worried. He didn\'t know what was wrong with his beautiful partner?

Owada Akiko\'s face flushed.

"It\'s him, it\'s him, I will never see it wrong."

Fujio sighed in his heart.

Such Owatian Qiuzi is like being ill, and the whole person has plunged into his own world.

He actually said that he saw Eijun Sawamura. Even if Eijun Sawamura wanted to go to the platform to buy a ticket, he would still occupy the seat in front.

Fujio didn\'t believe it at first.

On the same day, they interviewed Supervisor Takeda as planned.

Hope to get the exact message from Takeda\'s mouth.

Unexpectedly, Director Takeda, who is usually very clean and neat, was hesitant in this matter, and never gave an accurate answer.

As a senior reporter in the baseball kingdom, Fujio is such a cunning existence.

Seeing Takeda\'s hesitant attitude, he was already clear in his heart.

It seems that this supervisor really played tricks on everyone. On the surface, he doesn\'t seem to be enthusiastic about Sawamura\'s entry into the national team, but in fact, he has already invited the great devil Eijun Sawamura in private.

"If Sawamura-san has already entered the national team, I don\'t think you need to be so careful, Superintendent Takeda, we will definitely win. At that time, such a strategy will not give us extra points."

Although Fujio had opened his mouth to speak, Director Takeda was unmoved.

It has never been acknowledged that Sawamura has joined the national team.

It wasn\'t until the final list of players that Takeda announced to everyone.

He has already sent an invitation to the great devil Sawamura Eijun to join the national has already assembled, and the invitation is only now issued. This invitation is too childish.

For the audience who eat melons, this news not only did not surprise them, but brought them a shock.

This is too pitiful!

Without any preparation at all, Sawamura Eijun airborne the national team.

And as soon as he came, he got the number 1.

Later, Director Takeda announced that he had entrusted Sawamura Eisei to serve as the captain of the national team.

This incident also caused an uproar.

Although people are optimistic about Sawamura\'s talent in baseball, they are not optimistic about all aspects of him.

Although he was a player and coach when he was on the Akagi Middle School baseball team, and did a good job.

But that doesn\'t mean that everything Sawamura can do.

Not to mention that he has absolutely no previous World Series experience.

Of course, these are all just excuses, not the root cause.

There is only one real reason why people cannot accept this.

That is, Sawamura Eijun is only 16 years old this year, not yet 17 years old.

And all the masters in this session are basically a few years older than them.

The island country is a society with a very strict hierarchy. When there are players from the higher grades, it is difficult for the players of the lower grades to be the captains.

Even Sawamura Eijun, who had become the core of the ace in the Qingdo High School baseball team, was not able to become the captain after forming them and retiring.

Now, those third-year players who were called up can only be reduced to foils.

Instead, let Sawamura Eijun be the captain of the national team.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn\'t seem right.



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