Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 13: : Eijun shrouded in halo

There has never been anything in this world that is absolutely fair.

Originally, I thought that I would live a new life, and I would be more indifferent when looking at problems. But when Hirota said that he had a hitting field at home, Sawamura still had ripples in his heart.

Sawamura also had one for private use in his previous life, but it was already two years after he had been in the major leagues.

It\'s not that he couldn\'t afford such equipment with his salary for the first two years. The point is that even if he had such equipment, it would be a hassle to install it at home.

In addition to equipment, the biggest feature of the strike field is that it takes up a lot of space. There is no villa and big house, you can\'t arrange it at all.

"Your family is really rich!"

Sawamura said with emotion.

When he heard Sawamura say this, Hirota\'s eyes never left Sawamura\'s face.

When Hirota decided to study at Akagi Middle School, his father agreed with great joy. According to his father, before the age of 30, Hirota can pursue his dreams and live the life he wants to live.

After thirty, his life does not belong to himself, but belongs to the Hirota family. During this period of study, he did not force him to learn much knowledge, as long as he could learn to get along with others and not cause trouble.

Hirota\'s father, who also played in Koshien when he was young, loves baseball very much. His son\'s choice to play baseball, of course, he approves with both hands.

Perhaps in his opinion, pursuing the dream of baseball wholeheartedly will allow Hirota to grow.

In order to create a better baseball atmosphere for his son, Hirota would sponsor Akagi. After all, people\'s money is not blown by the wind, even if a few million is nothing to them, it cannot be given away in vain.

Of course, here, Old Hirota is not without other thoughts. When his son, as a rich boy, was parachuted into the Akagi Middle School baseball team, it would surely arouse hostility and resentment from the rest of the team.

How to settle all of this is also Old Hirota\'s temper and test for his son.

After Hirota entered the school, he quickly settled this with his low profile. Now, he has fully integrated into the Akagi Middle School baseball team, this big family.

But even if Hirota has been integrated, the big family of the Akagi Middle School baseball team. He can still see envy and the hidden trace of jealousy in the eyes of his companions around him.

This subtle look always reminds Hirota that he is different from the rest of the team.

In the team, the only person he couldn\'t see through was the captain Sawamura. Now, he wondered what Sawamura\'s expression would look like when he knew he was richer than he thought.

Sawamura\'s reaction was very direct, and he also looked very envious.

But it was just envy. There was no jealousy in his eyes. Maybe it\'s not accurate enough to say that. A more accurate way to say that is that Sawamura Eijun doesn\'t care about whether he is rich or not and what kind of background he has.

Sure enough, the captain of his family is different.

Sawamura really doesn\'t care. With his ability, if nothing happens, it\'s not difficult to make money. In the major leagues, a year\'s salary is astronomical. Not to mention that Sawamura himself has no concept of money, even if he does, he doesn\'t need to be jealous of others.

While the two were talking, the duel between the freshman and the old man was over.

Ze Cheng stepped forward, looked at the disgraced freshmen, and sneered.

"It made it clear that the chariots and horses were aimed at their seniors. I thought you guys had the ability to reach the sky, but it turned out to be nothing more than that."

The freshmen were educated to the point of disgrace.

As setters, of course they knew what happened in the previous game, they just used their strengths to target the weaknesses of the old players.

If we really want to compare, it is more reasonable to use this set of comparison methods set up by Sawamura.

In fact, this is the case. Although they are all elites who have just graduated from the junior club, their real strength is not very outstanding now.

After all, no matter how well they played baseball before, they were just elementary school students who had just graduated from elementary school.

From elementary school to middle school, and then after two or three years of training in middle school, plus the huge growth of the body itself.

The baseball played by elementary school students and the baseball played by middle school students are two completely different levels. These little friends from Chicheng Middle School, no matter how good they are, are veterans who have fought with Sawamura in the Southern and Northern Wars for countless times.

Whether it is experience or adaptability to middle school baseball, these little brats who have just graduated can\'t compare.

Sawamura also took out the two strongest strikers among the freshmen, and the result of the match would not be unexpected.

Seeing the freshmen bowing their heads one by one, Sawamura felt that his slap was almost done, and it was time to give them some sweet dates.

During the period of punishing the freshmen, and during the period of rematching the freshmen and the old players, Sawamura has been thinking of a solution.

Now, this method has almost been thought of by him.

In the end, this matter still needs to be resolved.

In fact, Sawamura knew from the beginning how to solve this It\'s just that he can\'t get over his heart.

Before, he always regarded the friends around him and the people who joined later as two groups of people. This is neither the fault of his friends, nor the fault of the younger brothers who joined later, but Sawamura\'s own fault.

Whether it is his former friends or the freshmen who joined later, they are all from Akagi Middle School.

Since they are all members of the Akagi Middle School baseball team, how can they not treat them equally?

"I know everyone\'s thoughts. Maybe I didn\'t explain it before. Let me reiterate it again. Our Akagi Middle School baseball team is a team with the goal of scoring in the whole country. Since we have such a grand goal, we naturally have to abandon it. Those stereotypes in general schools. Whoever helps the team the most is our main force. Whether I am a third-year, second-year, or a freshman, all are the same. Of course, this measurement standard is not subjectively determined by the players themselves. , It doesn\'t mean that you think you are better than others, you will definitely become the main force. It depends on whether you can help the team to the greatest extent when you stand on the court? Do you understand?"


Although Sawamura Eisei grabbed him and gave him a training session, the new students felt relieved. They will not make way for those incompetent seniors just because they are juniors.

"Here, I will tell you the criteria for our main selection. The first is to look at cooperation, and the second is to look at strength. If the two cannot be distinguished, seniors have the priority to play."


A storm was resolved with a few words from Sawamura.

Sawamura solved the storm, and virtually solved the biggest hidden danger of Akagi Middle School. From then on, the baseball team of Akagi Middle School will be prosperous.
