Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 14: : The last person


Wakana stared at her big beautiful eyes, and looked at Sawamura directly.

No need to ask, Sawamura knew what she meant.

God has a preference for girls. They mature much earlier than boys. Although only thirteen years old, Wakana\'s mind is much more mature than the others at Akagi Middle School.

She understood what Sawamura was hesitating before.

Just now, although Sawamura quickly resolved the conflict between the new students and the old team members, it seemed like he was protecting the dignity of the old team members, but he actually helped the new students secretly.

The purpose of the new life has been achieved.

And this approach is obviously contrary to Sawamura\'s original idea.

Not to mention whether the old players can accept it? As for Sawamura\'s own knot, it\'s hard to say whether it can really be solved.

Yamaguchi, Ashin and the others gathered beside them, looking at Sawamura in confusion.

In the past year, the little friends of the Akagi Middle School baseball team have been meeting almost every week. Everyone talked and talked, and they became friends who talked about everything. During the party, Sawamura patted his chest many times and said that he would take everyone to the national competition.

At the beginning, my friends also thought that Sawamura was bragging, but didn\'t take it seriously. But as more and more competitions continued, Sawamura\'s strength began to show. Especially when Sawamura\'s name appeared in the top 100 middle school students in the country, everyone was finally convinced that Sawamura was no joke.

He is very serious about leading everyone to the country!

Since then, the friends never doubted Sawamura again. They believed that as long as they followed Sawamura, they would definitely make Akagi appear in the list of national competitions.

They, of course, refer to these little friends when Akagi was founded. At most, senior Fengxiang and senior Oda were added. As for the latecomers, they never thought about it.

In the competition just now, although Sawamura helped them regain their face. But this also made the friends realize a problem. It turned out that after the team achieved results, they not only had to deal with the enemies outside, but also faced the brutal competition inside the team.

The so-called strong team turned out to be such a thing.

Akagi\'s little friends, they have experienced this before, and they will inevitably feel flustered.

At this time, Sawamura became their backbone, and they hoped that Sawamura could show them a clear path.

And Sawamura\'s approach, compared to the previous one, seems to be a little nostalgic.

"I\'m the captain of this team!"

Sawamura said with a wry smile.

"As your friends, I really want to expel all these nasty little guys. The Akagi baseball team was established by us, and we have a dime relationship with them? Seeing that we are about to make a score, come here to pick it up. Fruit, what?"

Although Sawamura\'s words were all false, the friends felt extremely happy to hear them.

Sure enough, they are not good people.

"But I\'m not only your brother, but also the captain of the Akagi baseball team. This team was built by all of us. What do you want this team to be like?"

After Sawamura asked a question back, without waiting for the friends around him to say anything, he continued: "Everyone, don\'t you watch sports comics and animations on weekdays? I must be the main force for those seniors who are obviously not capable, but also rely on the old to sell the old. Position, hate it. Is that what you want us to build a baseball team like?"

With a serious face, Sawamura glanced at the friends who surrounded him.

Yamaguchi Ken, Nakagawa Shin, Fengliang Zhengtai, Cangyue Wakana, and the Yamazaki brothers.

"Do what you want to do to others! As the captain of the team, I can only do this. As for the position of the main force, it is up to you. Now your strength is still higher than those of those little brats. Why? You will lose to them after a year? If someone really took the main position, it can only show that our own efforts are not enough, and we can\'t blame others."

After speaking, Sawamura\'s eyes became firm.

He is convincing his friends, so why not convince himself.

He is not only the ace of the team, but also the brother of the little friends, the big brother. He is also the captain and the actual person in charge of the Akagi baseball team.

As the saying goes, don’t seek political affairs if you are not in your position. Similarly, in such a position, there are some things that Sawamura must do even if it is emotionally unacceptable.

Besides, going through this kind of competition within the team is not necessarily a bad thing for my friends.

Jade can\'t make things without cutting it. Before, Sawamura took care of his friends too much, making them like flowers in a greenhouse. The flowers in the greenhouse are beautiful, but they can\'t stand any wind and rain.

"Don\'t worry, we understand!"

Cang Yue put her hand on Sawamura\'s. Then the little friends leaned over one by one, and the confusion in their eyes also dissipated.

Yes, the team was built by them. Naturally, they don\'t want the team they built to be like the bad teams in the comics.

It\'s just hard work. They have worked hard for a year, and they will care about another year of hard work.

They fought hard, but it was only these 100 kilograms of meat. In the next year or so, they became more competitive with baseball.


Sawamura had just settled the disputes within the team when a challenger from the shadows came.

The losers who were taken away by Mr. Hotan at the After half a month of intensive training, they made a comeback and attacked the first army.

Because there were too many new players in the baseball team, the principal specially arranged for Wada to help Sano.

This position, Hotan has been planning for a long time.

In order to show his ability with Principal Takada, he specially applied to bring those who were not selected into the team.

For half a month, Hotan used all his skills, including tactics, basics, running, and special training in hell. Twelve players were tossed halfway away by him.

In the end, there were only six people left, including the two junior clubs who were waiting to pick up Fengxiang and Oda.

Principal Takada\'s office.

Teacher Wada coaxed the six people and looked at Sano with confidence.

Sano stretched out his chubby palm and scratched his brain.

"This is different from what we said before. Didn\'t we say we should choose one?"

Ever since Cang Yue was transferred to be the team manager, one of the 18 members of the army has been vacated. Originally, Wada recommended one from the losers.

Now, Hotan actually asked for a retest, which is unreasonable.

"Besides, there are only six of you, so you can\'t form a team."

"It doesn\'t matter, we can only play infield games. We have six people, and you also pick six freshmen..."

Hota came prepared and said immediately.

Among the freshmen, apart from the simple, who has already determined the position of the main force, there are no more or no less, and there are exactly six.

"Let\'s play according to Captain Sawamura\'s previous scoring method. Pick from twelve people, and after five rounds, the one who scores the top six wins."

The two sides negotiated properly, and the game was about to start.
