Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 12: : new born

Fengxiang and Oda, who had just arrived, just heard the last words from Sawamura.

Then they looked at Sawamura, as if they saw alien creatures, and they felt very incredible.

Is this guy really Eijun Sawamura? It won\'t be dropped by anyone.

If I remember correctly, when they were seniors, they were the baseball team licking their faces.

In the end, Sawamura didn\'t want them at all. If it wasn\'t for Fengxiang and the others to bow their heads, Sawamura would not want them or not.

Although everyone got along well afterwards, Fengxiang and Sawamura also became the best partners. But at that time, Sawamura didn\'t act like a well-behaved person at all. On the surface, he was peaceful, but in his heart he didn\'t have the slightest respect for the senior at all.

If their feelings were correct, the eyes Sawamura looked at them at the time were not friendly at all, only troublesome.

At that time, Sawamura thought that they were burdensome and troublesome!

By now, Feng Xiang had vaguely understood why Sawamura rejected them at that time. Because of their participation, it has invisibly added pressure to Sawamura and Akagi Middle School.

Sawamura\'s original idea might just be to take Yamaguchi and let them go across the country. The first two years were used to accumulate experience, and in the third year, Chicheng would come out as a dark horse and stir up the situation.

After two years of hard work and courage, the last year was a blockbuster. This script may have been rehearsed many times in Sawamura\'s heart.

But they joined, and in order to live up to them, Sawamura had to change his original plan. As a result, Akagi Middle School became a standout and was targeted everywhere. Speaking of which, there will be so many powerful newcomers joining, and they are inseparable from Fengxiang and Oda.

If it wasn\'t for them to join, how could Akagi reach the top four in Nagano County?

Thinking of this, Fengxiang and Oda kept silent about Sawamura\'s behavior.

They were very moved by what Sawamura did for them. Even if he felt that Sawamura was handling things, some calf guards chose to support him silently.

"Just now, whoever of you proposed to compete, stand up."

In the team, Sawamura continued to speak with a cold face.


Sawamura was very surprised by the person who stood up. He was the backbone of the freshmen who was most likely to take the lead, Piao Chun.

This kid is also a big idiot. He knows that doing this will cause his disgust, and he commits crimes against the wind. It\'s fine if he is profitable, but among the freshmen, he is the one who needs to worry the least.

Sawamura has already guaranteed his main position in front of him. From then on, Wakana will concentrate on being the team manager, and he will replace Wakana as the mainstay of the team.

The position of the main force has been determined, and he has absolutely no reason to follow the freshman. Even if he can\'t get around in face, he can follow along to make soy sauce, there is no need to be this early bird.

Pu Chun looked at Sawamura and was ashamed. The captain valued him so much, and he also caused trouble for the captain. This feeling is so embarrassing.

"Five laps, run, walk!"

Sawamura was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, this kid was fooled at first sight, he belonged to a horse boy, an accomplice.


Park Chun breathed a sigh of relief, and then happily ran away.

"Who leads the charge?"

Watching Pu Chun leave, Sawamura continued to ask the remaining six people.

At this time, no one came out. It seems that everything is accidental and coincidental.

Sawamura\'s brows furrowed, looking very ugly.

Being so frightened by him, the six freshmen even dared not speak.

"Who won Ken Yamaguchi?"

Seeing that there was nothing to ask, Sawamura immediately changed the question.

Then, another figure that surprised Sawamura stood up.

It turned out to be Hirota, who had performed nothing before.

"The guy is hiding very deep!"

Eijun\'s eyes suddenly became bright, and then he raised his chin.

Hirota understood, and immediately followed Piao Chun in front of him and ran.

"What was the speed of the ball you played just now?"

The pitching machine can freely set the ball speed, starting from 90 kilometers, and increasing by 5 kilometers in one gear, there are a total of 12 gears.

"Ninety, ninety-five, one hundred, one for each."

Sawamura thought to himself, sure enough.

People from junior club backgrounds generally simulate this kind of ball speed. The maximum will not exceed one hundred and one.

"You are already middle school students, how can you still play the ball of elementary school students. Readjust and compare again. The speed of the ball is increased to 120, 125, and 130. You can hit the ball in actual combat, push the hit, and bunt. The line is free to combine, and the first to score three points wins.

Everyone followed Sawamura\'s instructions and put the pitching machine on the pitcher\'s mound. One side was in charge of offense and the other was in charge of defense.

In addition to Pu Chun and Hirota who are still running, there are five freshmen. The Laosheng team also happened to be five people, Yamaguchi, Fengliang, Ashin and Yamazaki brothers.

There is no need to say much about the result of such a game.

The old students quickly scored three points, while the freshmen were caught in a battling predicament.

The speed of the ball soared to more than 120, and they found that they couldn\'t touch the ball at all. Although the old students often miss the swing, they can adapt to such a ball speed and occasionally score hits.

Once there is a hit, the veteran team immediately adopts the method of pressing step by step to really get the score. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"The result is obvious. You lost. Everyone ran ten laps around the field. You must know that middle school baseball is not as simple as you think. The average speed of the ball is 120, and the average ball speed is above the top eight in Nagano Prefecture. There are one hundred and three. If you can\'t hit such a ball, then I will never let you play in the game, understand?"


Sawamura knew that these young guys, with age and strength, should soon be able to adapt to the rhythm of the middle school game. At that time, their previous solid foundation will have a blowout outbreak.

In half a year to a year, their strength can catch up with Laosheng, or even surpass Laosheng.

But now, they are all just little kids who just graduated from elementary school, Akagi baseball team players who have experienced a year of training, it is still very easy to deal with them.

Of course, it\'s not that the new students have not surpassed Yamaguchi and the others with their striking power.

For example, the stalwart Piao Chun and Hirota who defeated Yamaguchi before.

It is impossible for Pu Chun to be the main force in Nagano Metropolitan Junior Club without two brushes. Although he rarely touched the ball of 123 before, he was able to grasp the rhythm very quickly, which was a good supplement to Akagi, who was lacking in attacking strength.

And Hirota who defeated Yamaguchi.

Although this guy is useless on defense and passing the ball. However, the blow is different. He is very good at baseball under 130.

"Your blow, you\'ve practiced well!"

Sawamura was very emotional after seeing it.

"There is a hitting field at home, so I just play when I have nothing to do."

Hirota said it very proudly.

Sawamura twitched the corners of his mouth and stopped talking.

I have a strike field at home!

This is so hurtful~