Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 11: : When you lose consciousness!

The base-running practice lasted a full four hours!

The group that the third-year seniors belonged to was a full half an hour earlier than the group.

In the later stage, almost all of them are already mechanically repeating their previous actions. His consciousness has begun to blur

One hundred times of base running training, and a long-distance attack every 90 seconds, in four hours, a full run of more than 10,000 meters!

This is not the kind of long-distance running at a constant speed. If it is the kind of long-distance running at a constant speed, now all the runners will probably be able to keep their faces and hearts stable.

It\'s an all-out run!

In the later stage, several people have begun to be unable to accurately touch the base bag.

The action was a mess.

"Is it alright, I can change it with you."

"Little Minato, why don\'t I do it for you."

"Jianguxiao, what about your domineering energy?"

The senior of the second army next to you is buzzing in your ear like a nasty fly.

This kind of mental torture, coupled with the torture of **, makes people go crazy.

But in the bottom of their hearts, there was a voice that kept telling them.

They have persevered to the first army, how can they give up at this time.

You know, the real assessment has just begun.

The first army now includes three people who are training together, and the total number is twenty-three. After the start of the summer competition, they will inevitably have to eliminate three.

Three out of twenty-three!

There is absolutely no one who has entered the first army who wants to be replaced at this time.

The same is true for Xiaogu Xiao and Kominabharu City.

A seating area in the cowshed.

Minister Ota looked at Sawamura excitedly, feeling very incredible.

At the end of the 100-time **** run training, all the players\' movements were almost rigid.

They were all hunched over in embarrassment, sweating profusely.

Xiao Gu Xiao even lay directly on the ground.

Kominato Haruichi was a little better, but he was kneeling there, breathing the air.

As for Sawamura, not only was he able to stand, but he was also playing smack with Kuramochi and Miyuki there.

It seems that this hell-level devil\'s base running practice did not stymie him.

"I can\'t believe that in just two months, Sawamura-san\'s physical fitness has caught up with Kuramochi and Miyuki."

In the group, the only ones who can still stand now are the three of them.

On the contrary, these seniors in the third grade are almost all standing. There are also Nanmu and Sakai, a little embarrassed. But also much better than the rest of the group.

Recalling before, when this class of players first joined the school, they were also judged to be in arrears.

Now, it is estimated that no one dares to say these words.

"As expected of the third grade."

After listening to Minister Ota\'s comments on Sawamura and the third grade, Chris shook his head first, then nodded.

He was also very emotional when he saw that his former companions in the third grade had become so good now.

However, Ota\'s evaluation of Sawamura made Chris disagree.

The reason that Sawamura has been able to run until now is not because his physical fitness has really caught up with Kuramochi and Miyuki.

The real reason is that Sawamura made the most of the 90 seconds of rest!

He seems to be able to adjust his state in particular. During the rest, his physical recovery is the strongest.

Everyone else stopped suddenly and gasped for breath.

But Sawamura was not. He walked slowly, taking a deep breath as he walked. Stop when your body stabilizes.

That way his muscles don\'t brake all of a sudden.

There is a lot more to explain with science.

In short, Sawamura is very restful.

Even step by step, watching Sawamura grow up, Chris had to sigh.

Sawamura is a natural baseball player, he is so good!

Four hours passed, and even though it was early summer, the sun had set.

"This is the end of today\'s training."

Finally, the devil\'s training is over.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiaomin and Jiang Guxiao\'s stomachs were like overturning rivers and seas.

Again, they\'re afraid they\'re going to throw up.

"The whole team gathers, runs ten laps around the stadium, and disbands on the spot."

Like the devil, Kataoka announced the content of the last item.

Ten laps, and it\'s not even ten laps with full strength, as long as you keep up with the rhythm, the total length is less than five kilometers

In the eyes of the previous Qing Dao players, this is really an easy thing.

But now, everyone wants to die.

Their physical stamina has already been completely consumed in the previous 10,000-meter rush to steal base. It\'s just that because of the constant rest, everyone can barely adapt. It\'s like a bottle that keeps pouring water.

Even if the water in the bottle is empty, there will still be some residue, and the bottle is still wet.

At this time, the 5,000-meter long-distance running was like the straw that broke the camel\'s back, constantly squeezing the little stamina left by the runners.

After breaking two laps, Xiao Gu Xiao collapsed directly!

Kominato Chunshi reluctantly followed the refugees for five laps, but did not escape the fate of collapsing in the end.

Running training without rest was a huge torment for Sawamura.

He barely followed to the eighth lap, and gradually fell out of the third-year team.

Formation, Kominato Ryosuke, Isafu Jun, Masuko Toru, these four guys took the lead.

Sawamura, Miyuki, Chris, Kuramochi, Hakushu, Sakai, as the second group.

Others as a third group!

Also, Kominato and Akatsuki were not completed.

After the run, Sawamura felt that the last bit of physical strength in his body had been drained.

He is struggling to walk and lift his arms now.

Really reached the limit!

Looking up at the sky, Sawamura gasped for breath.

He didn\'t actually want to do this, but he couldn\'t help it, if he didn\'t, he felt like he was going to be deprived of oxygen.

Kominato Haruichi barely opened his eyes and looked at these people standing in disbelief.

Not only the main force and Sawamura, but even those backup seniors did not collapse. The most embarrassing thing is just bending over and holding on to his knees.

How could they still be standing?

Are these guys monsters?

For the first time, Kominato Chunichi doubted himself, could he really catch up with these seniors?

Looking at Sawamura, who was straight and straight, Kominato Haruichi suddenly wanted to be recruited in some way. com He stood up embarrassedly and began to move step by step.

Ten laps, he is still five laps away!

Then Xiao Gu Xiao also stood up

Sawamura was a little relieved.

In this life, without him taking the lead, Kominashi and Xiaogu Xiao also stood up.

"You have passed the first test of the First Army."

The formation captain kept watching the two men complete their laps before leaving.

Sawamura and Kanimaru, each carrying one, went to the bath to take a bath.

Just as Jin Maru threw Yugu Xiao down, Yu Gu Xiao was lying in the bathtub.


Jin Maru was shocked, and quickly pulled Yugu Xiao out.

He\'s completely lost consciousness