Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 10: : the edge of consciousness

The real **** journey begins!

With a heavy face, Sawamura walked to the position where he had hit home run and ran towards first base.

The practice of running bases is not only simple running, but also mixed with skills such as sliding bases, which is very energy-intensive.

In Sawamura\'s team, there were 12 people because there were three first graders. The first man ran to first base, the second man followed, the second man ran to first base, and the third followed.

And so on!

It seemed like a lot, but after twelve people ran, it took less than a minute in total.

Then rest for 90 seconds and resume.

In fact, Qingdao usually does such exercises, but because they are in the same stadium, the 20 members of the first army are together. It takes about a minute and a half to finish this round, with a 90-second break in between.

The total lap time is three minutes. Twenty times an hour.

Fifty times and it\'s over!

This training intensity is already very large. And it is not practiced every day, usually every two to three days.

And now!

The total time for one round plus rest is less than two minutes, and it takes twenty-six or seven runs in an hour.

Such a fast rhythm and such a strong physical energy consumption is enough to drain a person\'s physical energy.

On the fifth lap, Kominato and Xiaogu Xiao were already out of breath.

However, they were very fortunate, fortunate that they had replenished enough food before, otherwise they would have been a bit unbearable.

In their group, almost all first- and second-year players. Another group of third graders, with one less person, plus faster speed, is now one lap more than them.

"Can you do it?"

"If not, do you want me to exchange with you?"

"Don\'t be so listless, run for me."

"Xiaominouchun City, Xiaogu Xiao!"

The seniors of the Second Army who were in charge of supervision next to each other shouted one by one.

The sixth lap begins.

I sprinted for 500 or 600 meters with all my strength, and added various sliding movements in the middle. The breathing rhythm of Kominato and Akatsuki Fukugu started to become chaotic.

On the contrary, the second-year senior and Sawamura basically maintained their faces.

Kuramochi glanced at Sawamura in surprise.

Because of getting along day and night, Kuramochi has a clear understanding of Sawamura\'s endurance. Although five laps are definitely not enough to drag Sawamura down, his breathing should not be so steady.

"This guy\'s physical strength has been strengthened to this extent!"

Two months after entering school, Sawamura\'s physical fitness has grown by leaps and bounds.

I heard that he dragged the tires for extra training every night, and it seemed that he did it for nothing.

By the tenth lap, including the seniors of the second grade, the rhythm was a bit out of order.

The rhythm and intensity are too fast and too strong!

But compared to the third grade with only eleven people, their rhythm is significantly faster. And because each of them ran with all their strength, the difference in speed was widened.

Now the third grade group has reached the thirteenth lap.

When Gu Xiaoxiao fell, Ko Minato Chunichi\'s face began to turn red, and his sweat gradually increased.

Now, only Kuramochi, Miyuki and Sawamura can maintain the normal rhythm in Group B.

On the other side, after ten laps, Chris backed out.

Although the injury has healed, the training of **** level is still a bit reluctant for him. Chris himself did not agree to withdraw from the training, but Kataoka strongly enforced the supervision order.

"Instead of doing this kind of intensive training, you might as well imagine how you would put the ball on the four pitchers now."

For Kataoka\'s kindness, Chris still understands it.

Although he won\'t be afraid of the rope for ten years once bitten by a snake, the previous injury has indeed changed him a lot.

There is no need for risk training, it is stupid.

When Chris stepped back, his face and breath were very calm.

This surprised Miyuki.

After the injury, Chris was out of the window for a full year. Why doesn\'t his physical fitness seem to be a problem at all?

Seeing the novel, Chris still didn\'t breathe after ten laps. That means that his physical fitness will definitely not be inferior to his own.

"In the year when the window was empty, Master Chris was not idle."

Seeing the expression on Miyuki\'s face, Sawamura immediately understood what he was thinking. No one can maintain their peak state after a one-year blank window, and at least it takes a period of adaptive training to make it possible.

Chris was injured in his arm. During the injury, his arm was rehabilitating, but at the same time, he did not stop his physical training and adaptation training.

In a situation where he may never be able to get back on the court again, he persisted.

He never relaxes for a moment!

It was as if he was convinced that he would be able to return to the court.

"As expected of Senior Chris!"

Miyuki exclaimed sincerely.

"Then you have to work hard, partner. Otherwise, you may not be able to keep your position as the main catcher."

Sawamura said.

"Don\'t worry about me, I won\'t lose."

"I\'m not worried about you."

"Just admit it."

Sawamura rolled his eyes, not wanting to continue entanglement with this black-bellied, thick-skinned guy.

"Stop gossiping, it\'s your turn!"

Ninety seconds are fleeting.

The eleventh lap begins.

An hour later, group b ran to the twenty-seventh lap.

What is the concept of twenty-seven circles? It\'s three kilometers. This is not the 3,000-meter run, but the 3,000-meter run. Although there are pauses in between, almost everyone is out of rhythm.

Until now, everyone has been able to barely maintain their peak speed, including Xiao Gu Xiao and Kominato Chunshi!

If you are seen by others, you will inevitably be scared to pee.

The background of the Qing Dao giants is fully revealed.

Training continued, two hours and fifty-one laps.

Jiang Guxiao\'s consciousness has begun to blur, he is just running mechanically.

Only Sawamura, Miyuki and Kuramochi can maintain their degrees in Group B.

Pure physical fitness, Sawamura actually surpassed most of the second-year seniors.

Whether it is the senior who is assisting the training or the senior who is training, they all look at him like a monster.

Mae Sono was out of breath and looked at Sawamura, who had a straight back.

Is this guy\'s so good?

Although Qianyuan joined the First Army only through joint training, his training efforts were unmatched by others.

In the second grade, simply speaking of this kind of training, he might not necessarily lose to Kuramochi and Miyuki, the two veteran first-team players.

He never imagined that there would be such a big gap between himself and the mischievous Kuramochi and Miyuki, who was not active at all in training.

Yes, no one really relaxes their training, otherwise how could they appear in the lineup of the Qingdao First Army?

And Sawamura!

Sawamura was the last to return to the dormitory almost every day, and he was the last to train.

Kung fu pays off, and now his stamina can compete with Kuramochi and Miyuki.

Three hours later, after seventy-five laps, the sun was about to set.

At this time, everyone\'s consciousness, including Mae Garden, has begun to blur...