Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 12: : Sawamura's problem

The second day of accommodation.

When I woke up in the morning, my friends noticed the strangeness of their bodies.

The muscles all over the body are sore, and every time I take a step, I feel like I\'m going to break the boat.

It is very normal for people to experience muscle soreness on the second day after a lot of exercise on the first day.

But the little friends in the baseball club of Qingdao High School are not ordinary people, they are carrying out a lot of training every day.

It can be said without hesitation that these people are the reserve of professional players. In terms of their physical quality, such a situation is extremely abnormal and unreasonable.

It is not difficult to see how much they trained yesterday.

That, no doubt, has exceeded their load.

After getting up in the morning, I still run as usual.

Five laps around the court, followed by two hundred practice swings.

There are not so many pitching machines in Qingdo High School, so swing practice is also divided into different situations.

For example, the lowest level, feed the ball and hit.

That is, a small partner of the second army or the third army throws the ball over, and then the hitter hits it out.

This is the first level, swing practice!

At the second level, someone or a pitching machine is dedicated to feeding the ball.

At that time, it was time to open the stance, and it was a serious duel. There are eight pitching machines and pitchers who help with batting practice.

Twenty-five swings are alternated, and the round is exactly two hundred swings.

More than 20 players, round by turn.

The third level is the so-called imaginative training. Qing Dao High School can temporarily achieve this level, that is, to become oneself.

For the current Yuuki, the training of the pitching machine is no longer necessary! That is, the simulated pitching training of real people, as well as the meditation hitting training, has a little effect on him.

In this strike training, Kominato still performed very well.

Even in the 50 **** he just started, he didn\'t miss a shot.

After that, although there were a few mistakes, but through his resolute swing, he finally survived.

The performance of Xiaogu Xiao belongs to a state of polarization. In the first 20 balls, he hit five home runs. At 50 balls, he also hit a home run and scored with the outfielder.

Such an amazing performance, not to mention among the three first-year students, even compared with those seniors, it is very outstanding!

"This guy is also a monster when he strikes!"

Hit hard, hit hard!

Xiaogu Xiao used his amazing talent to perfectly interpret these two words.

After reaching 50 goals, Xiaogu Xiao\'s problem gradually emerged.

He often hit turnovers, and very few of those 50 **** went to outfield.

"Take me seriously, the ball hasn\'t come over since the beginning, what the hell?"

It is a third-year senior who practiced with Akatsuki. The temper itself is relatively bad, and at this time, he is even more angry.

The first year was the first army to replace them, and they all felt embarrassed by their performance.

Jiang Guxiao was stunned.

He felt like he couldn\'t lift his arms, where could he still have the physical strength to swing the bat?

This was seen by the coaches at Qingdo High School, and they quickly reported the situation to Kataoka.

Supervisor Kataoka was also surprised. He did not expect Akatsuki Furuya to reach the limit of his physical strength so quickly.

Among the three first-year freshmen, we have to talk about endurance. There is no doubt that Xiao Gu is the worst of the three.

"If hitting doesn\'t work, let him catch the ball in the outfield."

Kaguya Xiao ran to the outfield to catch the ball!

There are a full eight people practicing hitting, and the ball in the outfield, like it\'s raining, will be one at a time.

It is very helpful for testing outfielders to catch the ball.

After the ball is not finished, you have to pass the ball to a fixed position.

This exercise also kills two birds with one stone. It can not only train the outfielder\'s ability to catch the ball, but also have a while to pick up the ball.

In these two aspects, Xiaogu Xiao did a very good job.

In the outfield, he can clearly judge where the ball is falling, and it is easy to get the ball into his glove.

And the pass is also very sharp.

Jun Isashiki, who had completed his strike practice, looked at Akatsuki Fukutani and stimulated Sakai and Hakushu.

"Have you two seen it? Xiaogu Xiao\'s position in the outfield is estimated to be competent."

Sawamura had already occupied a spot as a starting outfielder. They can only play together when Sawamura stands on the mound.

That is to say, two people are fighting for one and a half starting spots.

At this time, if Jiang Guxiao puts in another pole, then the two of them can only compete for one starting spot?

The two glared angrily at Jiang Guxiao, making up their minds that they would never give up the remaining half of the starting spots.

Of course, these are not the focus of everyone\'s attention. Now the Qingdao High School coaching staff, all the focus is on Sawamura.

Sawamura is undoubtedly the greatest treasure of this session of Qingdao High School.

How far Qingdao High School can go this summer largely depends on Sawamura\'s performance.

Of course, this is not to say that Sawamura is the only hope for Qingdao High School now.

It\'s just that they are playing the line and guarding these things. Qingdao High School itself has confidence.

At the same time, these are also cultivated by them, and they all know it very well. Unlike Sawamura, this was simply a surprise.

How big is this surprise? They also need to weigh well.

This morning\'s practice, running, can\'t see anything.

But when it came time to hit, the accident suddenly appeared.

Whether Sawamura faced people or pitching machines, mistakes were high.

This is not to say that Sawamura\'s performance today is not good. In fact, Sawamura\'s performance is still good today. He has hit a lot of 200 goals.

41 hits and 62 outfield hits!

According to the strike rate, it is more than 50%. This data can also be ranked in the top five in the current Qingdao high school lineup.

If someone else played this statistic, the coaching staff of Qingdao High School would probably applaud because they got another strong hit!

But it was Sawamura who made this statistic, and it became not so easy for people to accept.

There is no harm without comparison. Judging from Sawamura\'s blow yesterday, his blow today is simply scum.

In 200 swings yesterday, Hikaru Sawamura hit fifteen home runs.

This data ranks first in the entire Qingdao High School.

The hit rate is 80%!

Although during hitting practice, because there is no fielding relationship, some sweet **** can also be counted in the hits.

But this statistic is still amazing!

In the entire Qingdao High School baseball team, the only one who can compare with him is probably Ryosuke Kominato.

Tetsuya\'s batting average did not surpass Sawamura\'s!