Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 101: : Dangerous signs

With a total score of 2:1, with a hit from Miyuki, Sawamura returned to home plate, and Qingdao overtook White Dragon Academy!

Once out, there\'s someone at first base!

"Eighth, right fielder, Baizhou classmate. [No pop-up novel network]"

Baizhou went to the strike zone.

Sawamura returned to the cowshed and gave a high five.

"Nice job, senior!"

"You too!"

Isashiki Jun\'s eyes almost popped out.

Too much, too much!

Both guys had hits and home runs. Compared with others, the performance seems to be obviously not in the same grade.

But you can just show off your power on the court. Why do you have a bad habit of touting each other after you come down?

So what do they do if they can\'t get hits.

"Pay attention to unity!"

Chris said coldly.

"Sawamura, your swing just now was immature, and you were almost killed by the outfielder. You will need to practice more in the future."

After Chris finished speaking, he turned his head and blamed Sawamura.

Sawamura nodded again and again: "I see, Master!"

To be honest, the kind of swing that temporarily adjusts the posture is really not easy for Sawamura. When he swings the bat himself, it is easy to float, but suddenly he changed his striking posture, and it is indeed due to luck that he can achieve such an effect.

However, for Sawamura, the swing just now was not a bad thing.

Through the swing just now, Sawamura noticed one thing, it seems that after the center of gravity is lowered, his swing is not so easy to float. Just after he stepped out, his whole body was a bit like a squatting stance, a turning lunge, and the center of gravity was very low.

This may be the direction of his future attack on evolution

Sawamura thought.

After listening to Chris educate Sawamura, Jun Isashiki\'s face became even more ugly.

Sure enough, the catcher does not have a good thing.

All mouth-watering. Sawamura won the RBI, but he was still sick. What was he who was directly killed?

Eyes returned to the field.

Once out, there is someone at first base. Qingdao High School\'s offense continued, and the batter on the field was Baizhou, who had a very stable attacking strength.

Facing Hakushu, Miyano and Takehara did not despise him because he was a low-ranking player, but they were very tricky with the ball.

After tangled with a few balls, Baizhou hit the ball out.


The white ball was hit and flew high from the infield.

Pitcher Kagami Miyano raised his glove and confiscated the dropped ball in his glove.


Bai Zhou\'s face was pale.

Only when he really stood on the strike zone did he realize the horror of Miyano. The ball speed of 135 kilometers is not considered a fast ball in high school, but it is definitely not slow.

As a pitcher, this speed of the ball cannot be considered an advantage, and it is difficult to target it as a disadvantage.

In addition, Miyano can shoot from the inside and outside corners. Although the ball control is not as high as the nine-square grid, the basic center, the upper inner corner, the lower inner corner, the upper outer corner, and the lower outer corner can still be separated.

In addition, the most terrifying thing is his variety of balls.

Speeding straights, high-speed sliders, sinkers, and the crossovers that popped up in this game

Nice ball control, plus a full four high-level variations of the ball!

This pitcher, who looks unremarkable, is actually a very scary guy.

It wasn\'t just Miyano who terrified Hakushu, but also Yucheng and Sawamura.

How the two of them got the ball out the first time they faced this pitcher.

"High school, it really is a place where monsters are rampant."

"Ninth stick, pitcher, Danbo-kun."

"nice shot!"

"nice shot!"

"nice shot!"

"strike out!!!"

There was no suspense, Danbo was struck out, three outs, the offense and defense exchanged, and Qingdao High School\'s offense ended.

Qing Dao\'s rest area.

Chris frowned and muttered to Kataoka: "After adding the fork ball, we simply choose one path, and we can\'t aim at all. There must be more choices!"

The reason why Kataoka asked Masuko to send Sawa Murakami to the third base also saw Miyano\'s extraordinaryness.

This pitcher, I am afraid it is difficult to overcome.

After listening to Chris\'s analysis, he nodded: "We\'ll talk about it when we attack."

It is now the first half of the three rounds, and the White Dragon Academy is attacking.

White Dragon\'s rest area.

Miyano was lying on the lounge chair with no image.

"I\'m exhausted!"

In his mind, the figure that had just formed a blow with Sawamura kept popping up.

Damn, really scary.

Not to mention the achievement of the formation, Sawamura is also extremely difficult to deal with. There is also that Miyuki, who seems to be able to penetrate people\'s hearts, making people even more uncomfortable.

As expected of Qing Dao, there are so many terrifying guys gathered.

This kind of pressure, even in Koshien, Miyano had never seen it a few times.

He had a hunch that once he let this hit the line, it would be a complete blast. That White Dragon Academy and myself will definitely be doomed.

"As a pitcher, isn\'t it my responsibility to avoid this situation?"

Opening his eyes, Miyano lost a little bit of innocence before, and was a little bit more serious and domineering.

One point behind!

"The opportunity is good now. I have already experienced Danbo\'s pitching before. This time, it is time for us to attack."

In the first half of the third round, White Dragon College attacked.

"First shot, shortstop, Shinji player."

The first player to play is Shenlu, and he still has a normal attacking posture.

In the position of the catcher, Miyuki observed the way of the gods and prepared the ball based on the information he had mastered before.

\'Beware of his bunts\'!

Shenlu\'s speed is very fast, and bunts are not impossible.

But at the same time, his blows were good, and Miyuki didn\'t dare to let the fielders advance. Moving forward means leaving the fixed garrison position, which also means that there will be a gap in garrisoning.

Now Qingdao can only respond to changes with the same thing. When he sees Shenlu using a short stick, the infielder runs forward consciously.

After making up his mind, Miyuki gave Danbo a secret signal.

On the mound, Danbo nodded and pitched.


"nice shot!"

On the first ball, Shenlu did not swing or use a short bat.

The young friends from Qingdao High School, who had been waiting for them to come forward, breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that the other party has no intention of using a short stick.

This idea has just emerged, and it has not waited for everyone to think about it. Danbo\'s second shot is thrown!

The way of God, who was normally preparing to strike, suddenly held a short! "

The white ball was hit, landed, and rolled toward third base.

"No, no, no~"

When Masuko saw that Shenlu was using a short stick, he rushed forward quickly.

It\'s just that his body is too cumbersome, even though he is already fast compared to the average fat man, he is still a little \'clunky\'.

A little slower, a little slower passing.

Just these two points made Masuko miss the opportunity to block the way of God.


It was a little faster than passing the ball, and the gods succeeded on the road.

No one out, someone at first base!

The White Dragon Academy, which uses mobility as a weapon, finally began to reveal their hideous fangs.