Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 102: : Pitcher, substitution!

No one out, someone at first base!

Moreover, the runners on the base are still extremely fast. 【Full text reading】

The situation became serious for Qing Dao.

"My fault!"

Miyuki took the initiative to take responsibility.

He was afraid that the runners on the base would affect Danbo, so he took the initiative to share the pressure on Danbo.

on the mound.

Danbo\'s brows also furrowed.

This ball, to be honest, the pitcher\'s responsibility is not great. Really responsible, Yu Xing has a little bit, Masuko has more.

Who is really wrong, in fact, no one is really wrong. The most important reason why Shenlu can go to base is that he is fast enough!

From Miyuki\'s standpoint, he was responsible for not arranging advance defense in advance. But is it alright for him to arrange forward defense? On the contrary, there are omissions in the defense, and Shenlu may also rely on hitting to get hits.

No one can say such a thing.

Strictly speaking, Miyuki\'s arrangement is fine. Watch out for bunts, but don\'t change the defensive formation.

And from the standpoint of Masuko, he was also very wronged.

With a big body, the sprint can still be made do, and the agility is definitely not comparable to Kuramochi and Minato.

He is so fast, and it is impossible to add a hundred points to his agility all of a sudden.

There is not much responsibility, but the hitter is on base, and there is always a reason.

If you really want to find one reason, it can only be said that the speed of Shenlu is indeed fast enough!

And such runners, on the base, are the most terrifying.

He\'s too fast and poses a bigger threat on the base!

Miyuki took all the responsibility on himself in order not to let Danbo pay too much attention to the runners.

But it\'s that easy.

Yuyuki opened his mouth to stop the responsibility, so Danbo can ignore the runners? That is of course impossible.

What\'s more, the road of God is so far from the base.


Danbo\'s eyes became hideous, and he suddenly hit first base with a restraint.

In this regard, Shenlu was also well prepared, and saw Danbo\'s action directly to the first base.



On the mound, Danbo calmed down a bit and turned to face the batter. At this time, the first base\'s divine road quietly moved to the second base.

Danbo\'s pupils suddenly widened.

He had a hunch that as long as he pitched the ball, the guy would definitely run.

In the position of the catcher, Miyuki didn\'t dare to let Danbo completely ignore the runners at this time. With the speed of the White Dragon runners and the others, if they were given a chance, they would never give up stealing bases.

"Really, it\'s hard to deal with!"

Once there are runners on the base, White Dragon\'s offense immediately becomes different and comes alive.

After holding back two balls, Danbo took a chance and threw a ball.


"Bad ball!"

The pitch was slightly off the strike zone.

Because he wanted to contain the runners, Danbo couldn\'t put all his energy into dealing with the batters.

At this time, he started to have problems with the ball.

"Bad ball!"

"Bad ball!"

With three bad shots in a row, Danbo struggled on the edge of a walker.

Miyuki\'s heart sank, at this time, it\'s hard to inspire Danbo with words alone.

"Senior, you must hold on!"

With a prayer in my heart, Miyuki gave the ball.


"Bad ball!"

"Guide to base!"

In the position of the catcher, Miyuki\'s face was so ugly that he was dying.

The last ball just now, obviously hovering on the edge of the strike zone, an ambiguous ball, the referee even awarded a bad ball!

Has the impression of bad ball control been left in the referee\'s mind?

In this way, the subsequent battles will be more difficult to fight.

The batter Xingchi was walked to first base, and Shenlu, who was originally first base, was pushed into second base.

No one out, there are people at first and second base.

It\'s the batter\'s turn, the third best Mima Soichiro.

Crisis, huge crisis.

In the rest area of ​​Qingdao, Minister Ota was obviously a little bit restless.

He hurriedly turned, but there was no good way.

No matter how big the crisis is, they are always ahead now, and the situation on the field is only that there are people at first and second base, and no one has advanced to third base.

At this time, they seem to believe in their own ace, right?

But for some reason, Ota was uneasy, feeling as if something was going to happen.

In the position of the catcher, Miyuki\'s head was big.

To be honest, he really didn\'t want to run into a beautiful horse when someone was on the base.

This guy, Meima, is too dangerous!

But what are you afraid of?

Now there are not only people on the base, but two people. And the number of outs, there is not one in hand.

At this time, I met Meima


Miyuki took a deep look at Danbo, and his heart was a little sad.

You must hold on, Tanba-senpai. If it ends like this, I am afraid it will be very difficult for you to compete with that stinky boy Sawamura for the throne of the trump card.

At that time, even if the number one is given to you, what kind of face do you have to wear that number on the field?

First ball: bad ball with low inside corner!

Don\'t worry, with Meima\'s current state of mind, he will definitely swing the bat.

This way we can use a foul ball to get a strike first.

Victory is like building the Great Wall. It needs to be accumulated continuously. As long as a certain amount is accumulated, miracles can naturally occur.

A single section of the Great Wall, placed in the buildings of ancient civilizations, may not be so magnificent. But when it reaches thousands of miles, it is a miracle in the world!

Let\'s remove this mountain together and turn things around, Tanba-senpai.

Miyuki showed a very strong will to catch.

"I haven\'t fallen to the point of letting you educate a little brother."

Danbo pitched the ball, this ball, missed the shot!

The ball did not reach the inner corner, but instead was located in the center of the inner corner.

Miyuki\'s eyes suddenly showed despair.


The ball will be swept out.

on the strike zone.

A glimmer of light flashed in Mei Ma\'s eyes, looking at the flying baseball, he waved it unceremoniously.


The white ball was hit and flew far away.

"Fly, fly out!"

"Three-point golden home run!"


With a total score of 4:2, Bailong completed the reversal with the help of a strong stick Meima.

After that, Wu Yuan hit the field.

The situation on the field became that no one was out, and there was a man at first base.

The rest area of ​​Qingdao High School.

Kataoka closed his eyes in pain and gave the order firmly.


Danbo returned to the rest area, and outfielder Sawamura took the pitcher\'s seat.

Sakai came on to replace Sawamura as outfielder.

Danbo returned to the lounge area.

Kataoka\'s eyes, even through the sunglasses, can feel extremely cold.

"The first is to be concerned about the runners, and then throw the four bad!"

"Then threw sweet **** in a row and was chased by batters. What did you learn in high school for the past three years?"

"If you\'ve always performed like this before the Summer Games, you don\'t have to think about the ace position. I wouldn\'t give the No. 1 of Qingdao to a glass pitcher who is prone to collapse. Think about it. How did you vote last fall, get me back to where I was as soon as possible, and don\'t let these guys who are waiting for you down."

With the towel covering his face, Danbo lay on the lounge chair without saying a word.

No one knew what he was thinking at this moment.