Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 100: : Overtake!

pps: Brothers, I lost 100 orders yesterday! ! ! Bear, please, keep up! Otherwise, the little bear has no confidence. [Full text reading] There is still the last chapter of the reward and update today. After paying it off, we will start to order the update. Don\'t when the bear\'s subscription is over, we will also lose the subscription, then So embarrassing~

"Go through!"

"Long fight!"

"Run, boy."

"As expected of my Lord Demon King!"

"Sawamura, Sawamura!!!"

With Sawamura\'s long hit, the scene fell into an inexplicable frenetic atmosphere. Not only the members of the Brotherhood of Hearts and the Demon King\'s Guard were crazy in the stands, but many fans who had supported Qing Dao and even neutral fans followed suit.

So much fun!

Different from the speed duel on the base just now, this kind of shooting duel does not seem as novel as the speed duel, but it is even more amazing.

The duel of resourcefulness, the duel of technology, the duel of mentality

The layman watches the fun, the layman watches the doorway.

People of different levels can see different things when they see Sawamura\'s blow just now.

"Sawamura, he has completely grasped the other\'s psychology?"

In the rest area of ​​Qingdao.

Chris looked at Sawamura\'s figure running to second base with emotion and said.

By the way, Kyo took advantage of this opportunity and returned to home plate very easily. He cooperated with Sawamura to help Qingdao recover one point.

It\'s just that everyone\'s attention is now not on Yucheng who is returning to home plate, but on Sawamura who is hitting a long hit.

Including the friends of Qingdao High School, most of them praised Sawamura.

It hits beautifully.

Playing well is the general opinion of the friends, but Chris and Kataoka saw something deeper.

Simply speaking, Sawamura\'s ability to swing the bat is not as strong as his performance. Of course, he is not weak. In the current Qing Dao, he is second only to Kominato Ryosuke and Yucheng, and he is similar to Chris and Miyuki. They are stronger than Isafu Jun and Masuko, but they are not much stronger.

With such a swing, Sawamura certainly has his own set of goals to win the on-base rate that is no less than that of the formation.

Just like just now, seeing the opponent\'s pitching, Sawamura instantly understood the thoughts of Miyano Shin and Takehara. The two wanted to use an aggressive pitching method to face off against Sawamura.

Although Sawamura is good at hitting those pitches that are not too powerful, he also struggles to play corner kicks like this.

In order to secure a hit, Sawamura had to lock the ball from the start.

But he is not as good at guessing the opponent\'s ball path as Chris and Miyuki. He doesn\'t know what ball the opponent will match next ball, and it is even more difficult for Sawamura to hit the ball. This is also where he is worse than Yucheng and Ryosuke Kominato.

Formation means that no matter what the opponent throws, they can play.

Ryosuke Kominato is also very scary. He observes the ball and swings to the extreme.

Of course, Sawamura can have a small 70% strike rate, and he will not have his own fighting methods.

Since there is no way to guess the opponent\'s ball, he lures the ball to where he wants the opponent to throw. This is why Sawamura sticks to the inside corner, because he figured that as long as he stands close to the sideline of the strike zone, the opponent will definitely take an inside corner.

This feeling is like a chess master, Yuuki Tetsuya, Kominato Ryosuke, Miyuki, Chris, and Sawamura are all chess masters.

Formation relies on hard power, Kominato Ryosuke relies on skills, and the two are a bit like the kind of genius who has cultivated chess skills since childhood.

As for Miyuki and Chris, although they didn\'t learn chess for as long, they were smart and quickly became masters by learning various chess manuals.

As for Sawamura, it\'s just pure and experienced.

Just like the old oil seller.

Without him, only familiar with Seoul.

Having faced off against all kinds of top players in the world for more than ten years, Sawamura\'s understanding of himself and his judgment of various situations have already reached the point of turning corruption into magic.

This is where he is the best!

The total score is 1:1, the situation on the field is that no one is out, and there is someone at second base.

"Sixth, third baseman, Masuko."

"Woo haha~"

Masuko went to the strike zone, his huge body showed an extraordinary presence on the strike zone, making it hard for others not to look at him.

Wu Yuan was still immersed in the grief and anger that he had just been deceived.

"Cunning guy!"

Seeing Sawamura stepping out, he also knew that he had been fooled. That kind of stride can\'t be done after seeing the ball, it has to be done before Miyano pitches.

So, Sawamura aimed at the inner corner from the beginning!

I\'ve been fooled!

Just now, I was proud, thinking that Sawamura had fallen into their trap, and I didn\'t expect that the other side would take the first army in a blink of an eye.

It\'s embarrassing~

Forget it, it\'s natural to lose a point in that situation.

Next, the most important thing is to get the number of outs.

Wu Yuan looked at Masuko on the strike area, his eyes became sharp.

Be careful with the first ball, never allow the opponent to hit consecutive hits.


Throwing on this side, Masuko, who was aggressive on the other side, suddenly switched to a bunt and sent Sawamura to third base.


Masuko himself was banned from the game.

One out, someone at third base.

At this time, Qingdao High School suddenly adopted the strategy of pressing step by step. Obviously, they made up their minds. Even if they exchanged two outs, they would have to win a point.

The rest area of ​​the White Dragon Academy.

There were blue veins on the hands of Director Sasaki holding the stopwatch.

To be honest, he really hadn\'t thought of Qing Dao\'s tactic.

No one was out just now, there were people at second base, and the batters in the back were not weak. He had thought that Kataoka would take a countermeasure of aggressive swinging. After all, the probability of scoring like that is not low.

Unexpectedly, he has already begun to cast Miyano as a strong vote. When you can get a point, you must not be too greedy.

"Do you trust this newcomer to the fifth rank?"

The same tactic is supposed to work when forming a top base. But Kataoka was useless at the time, and instead chose to let Sawamura go head-to-head with the pitcher.

From this, it is not difficult to see the extent of Kataoka\'s trust in Sawamura\'s blow.

"If that\'s the case, then we can\'t make you all the better."

With a click, the stopwatch cover in his hand was closed, and Sasaki\'s eyes became sharp.

Move forward!

The white dragon players who received the order rushed forward one by one, using forward defense.

"Seventh stick, catcher, Miyuki-san."

Miyuki happily stood on the strike zone, and the opponent\'s fear of Sawamura was really surprising.

However, it was a good thing for him.

It was precisely because of their fears that it was easier for Miyuki to guess the ball.

1st ball: off the outside corner, tentative bad ball!

On the strike zone, Yu Xing stepped out in one step, sticking his entire body to the sideline of the strike zone, swinging the bat decisively.


The white ball was hit and flew far away.


The baseball Sawamura rushed back to home plate and helped Qingdao score a go-ahead point.

The total score is 2:1!

Miyuki also took the opportunity to get to second base.

In the position of the catcher, Wu Yuan\'s eyes were like seeing a ghost.

In this ball, he made Miyano deliberately miss a lot!

And Miyuki seemed to see through his heart, aiming for this bad ball and shot?

how can that be?

in the stands.

A big beauty with the figure of a royal sister, holding her arms and smiling.

If there is someone on the base, there is no more reliable hitter than Miyuki!

No one out, someone at first base!

Qing Dao\'s attack has not stopped.