Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 99: : Actor-level acting (pay tribute to Xiaolei)

No one out, someone at second base!

It\'s Sawamura\'s turn to strike. 【No pop-up novel network】

As soon as Sawamura stood on the strike zone, the stadium, which was originally quite noisy, suddenly fell into a state of boiling like a pot was opened.

"Dong Dong Dong!!!"

"The Brotherhood of Brotherhood will always support you!!!"

The drums are cheering here.

On the other hand, the Demon King\'s Imperial Guard, who used himself as a point, formed a line and formed a word, had already won the Brotherhood of Brotherhood even if they did nothing.

Looking at Miyamoto, who seemed to be going to heaven, Dalin and Xiaolin\'s noses were almost crooked.

"What\'s so amazing, isn\'t it just how people are?"

"We are the most die-hard supporters of Sawamura-san."

Other viewers were not used to this scene at first. Now it\'s a habit, so it\'s no surprise.

"It\'s really welcome, Sawamura-san."

"It\'s really a shame that he is so highly anticipated that he can still unwittingly display his strength."

"No way, the Great Demon King is not calling for nothing."

"I hope he doesn\'t get caught in the pressure like Ichiro."

"No! I trust him."

Yes, he is the Great Demon King Sawamura Eijun.

The bullpen of White Dragon College.

The friends looked at each other in dismay. They had probably heard about Sawamura\'s rumors before. But really, I can\'t help but tremble.

Is this guy really a high school student? Not that baseball star?

In the field in the field, Mima\'s eyes never left Sawamura.

"It\'s the same as always!"

As one of the Twelve Heavenly Kings, Mima is of course no stranger to the Great Demon King who is pressing on their heads. He has watched a lot of Sawamura and Akagi\'s game videos and videos in private.

He knew about the existence of the Brotherhood of Brotherhood and the Demon King\'s Imperial Guard.

But even if you know it, the experience on the spot is still different.

"High school is not middle school, you have to be careful, Mr. Great Demon King."

Mima\'s fighting spirit seemed to be ejected from his body.

But at this time, Sawamura\'s eyes were on the pitcher mound.

No one out, there is someone at second base. What will you do, Miyano-senpai who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger.

The rest area of ​​the White Dragon Academy.

Sasaki held the stopwatch and stood at the front of the team.

No one out, someone at second base!

The first base bag is still empty, and it is not necessary to be brave, even if the walker is not impossible. But now the game has just started, if it is like this, the momentum is also a problem.

And even if it is the four bad walks, the aggressive four bad and the cowardly four bad are different!

"Don\'t run away, aggressively attack!"

With a click, the stopwatch was closed by Sasaki, who gave instructions to his shooting partner on the court.

The White Dragon Academy, which had carefully studied the Qing Dao materials before, did not dare to underestimate Sawamura at all.

So far, Sawamura has made his first appearances in the Kanto Conference, and has filled the audience time and time again. The number of hits in the field is terrifying, and the hit rate is even more terrifying, reaching 685%.

The most frightening thing is that when there are people on the base, Sawamura almost never misses.

And he also has the ability to hit long, he has hit a home run before!

Even if Sawamura is only a freshman in the first year, his performance in the strike zone is dazzling and scary.

To be honest, when there were people on the base, White Dragon Academy really didn\'t want to fight with Sawamura.

But if you don\'t die, what can you do?

There are no outs now, and there are people at second base. Even if Sawamura was recommended, no one was out, and there were people at first and second base.

After that, Masuko Toru and Miyuki!

These two are also extremely difficult to deal with, especially Miyuki. Once there is someone on the base, his performance is not inferior to Yucheng and Sawamura.

To do that, except to give Qing Dao a hit, has no meaning.

Instead, it is better to actively attack with the idea of ​​walking Sawamura.

Here I have to explain what it means to actively attack with the idea of ​​walking.

A pitcher usually decides whether he is going to throw a good or bad ball before he throws the ball. Don\'t say it when you\'re throwing a bad ball. If you\'re going to throw a good ball, you must bring the ball to the good ball to say hello.

To avoid accidentally throwing a bad ball, the more erratic a pitcher is, the closer the pitch is to the center, and the sweeter it is, when it\'s time to get a good shot.

In this way, the batter itself is more comfortable to play, and some batters are good at guessing the ball. You can also guess whether you are going to throw a good shot based on the number of **** you have. There are also some enchanting guys who can directly guess the specific ball distribution.

Back to the topic, what is aggressive attack?

In fact, it is very simple to understand. It is to give up the concept of good **** and bad balls, and throw all the **** in the corners, where the batter is most uncomfortable swinging.

As a result, if the ball-handling is not a particularly good pitcher, it is naturally impossible to determine whether he can throw a good ball.

But at least he won\'t throw some sweet **** out!

This is called aggressive offensive pitching.

The probability of throwing four bad is very high, and the probability of solving the batter is not small.

"Bad ball!"

"Bad ball!"

"nice shot!!!"

Two consecutive bad shots that strayed from the outside corner strike zone, and then another strike that was tucked into the inside corner.

This one mile outside makes the entire strike zone extremely wide.

The number of **** is two good and one bad.

On the strike area, Sawamura\'s face was not good-looking.

Sawamura, who was extremely experienced in competitions, saw through the White Dragon Academy\'s plan at a glance. To be honest, although this plan is a bit lame, it really works very well.

It\'s easy to use, he\'s a little bit blind.

Seeing the troubled Sawamura, Wu Yuan felt relieved.

No matter how talented you are, you will be helpless in the face of our random punches.

Next, the ball hits the outside corner!


Sawamura swung the bat, and the bad ball from the outside corner was thrown out of bounds by him.

Two good balls, two bad, Sawamura was chased.

Wu Yuan glanced at Sawamura proudly.

It\'s messed up!

Not even good **** and bad **** can be distinguished.

On the strike area, Sawamura\'s face was also ugly.

However, he was still very stubborn. He didn\'t take a step back, but instead brought the stance against the strike.

It looked like he was going to hit the ball no matter how far it was.

Wu Yuan felt a cold war in his heart.

If a person is on the, there is no one more stupid than him.

With a position like Sawamura, dealing with outside corner kicks is naturally no problem.

But how do you target the ball in the inside corner?

Next ball: Slider ball in the inside corner!

On the pitcher\'s mound, Miyano Shin nodded and shot the ball decisively.

His current mood is actually similar to Wu Yuan\'s, and being able to solve Sawamura is a very happy thing for them.

They were just immersed in joy and neglected one thing.

Sawamura\'s slugging rate as high as 70%, standing in the strike zone, will he really not calm down?

Stepping out with his right foot, Sawamura stepped aside from the inner corner and swung decisively at the inner corner.


The white ball flew out and passed the fielder\'s defense, forming a long hit.