Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

~: Episode 15: Super Mario (2 in 1)

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pps: Thanks to Xiaoxuemen, JK, Xiaow, Xiaoyu for their generous rewards!


The starting pitcher is Masamune Hongo.

Although Italy is not a very strong opponent, Supervisor Takeda, from the very beginning, dispatched a terrifying big killer.

His explanation to everyone is that, no matter what, the other party is also a world-class opponent.

They must not have any negligence, and the first game must be won cleanly to lay a good foundation for the subsequent games.

Akutsu, Yoshida, are also ready.

They could be called on at any time if the situation required it.

The arrangements for other positions are also very good star players.

If you just look at the lineup, the lineup that has been sent to the court now is a complete mess.

Of course, there are deficiencies.

One of the biggest drawbacks of this team right now is how little they work with each other.

Because everyone is a very good player, even if there is no cooperation, in the case of performing their own duties, they have also shown good strength.

But this is not at all reassuring.

It can even be said that because of this, Supervisor Takeda is even more worried.

Based on their past experience, the more this kind of team looks perfect, there is no problem.

easier to crash.

Once caught by the opponent\'s weakness, it is likely that they will never be able to fight back.

This is not to be alarmist, but to seek truth from facts.

In the past, the more perfect teams they felt, the harder it was to get to the end.

Often get slapped in the face halfway.

On the contrary, everyone didn\'t care too much at the beginning. The team was full of problems and kept solving problems.

Such a team is easier to reach the end.

Is there any scientific basis for this?

To be honest, not really.

But that\'s often the case, not just in baseball, but in the World Cup as well.

The probability of the most promising team at the beginning going to the end is often not particularly high.

It can\'t be said that there is no such situation, but it must not be too many.

The reality is that.

To be able to go to the end, all of them have been honed.

Supervisor Takeda is worried about this now.

The team\'s performance was too perfect and too strong, but he clearly knew that the team in front of him was just a temporary lineup that had just been put together, and it should be full of problems.

But now, he just can\'t find the problem, where is it?

This left him helpless, there was nothing he could do.

In this case, he can only hope that everyone\'s strength is indeed far more than others.

Only in this way, they will be able to take off the crown smoothly this time of risk.

Otherwise, he didn\'t even dare to think about the consequences.

This time the national team took such a big risk and recruited some players who performed well in Koshien instead of those who often participated in the World Series before.

This in itself is very questionable.

In the past, they only recruited a few outstanding performers in Koshien.

The big frame is definitely those who maintain the previous national team.

This approach, even if there is no major breakthrough and credit.

At least get some stability.

They changed the original national team in this way, even though the performance of these players in Jiaziyuan was remarkable.

But no one can guarantee that combining them into a team will be stronger than the original national team.

If the team is formed, the record is better than before.

That\'s fine.

If the performance is not as good as before, then the person who made this suggestion will definitely be drowned by people\'s saliva.

The island country is still very traditional and conservative.

It\'s not that innovation is not allowed. If you can achieve something after innovation, everyone will hold your stinky feet.

But if you innovate later, there is no achievement.

So sorry, you\'re a big idiot breaking tradition.

The audience is very realistic and will never give you more opportunities to prove yourself.

Supervisor Takeda was very nervous, and any ominous premonition was magnified countless times in his heart.

At the beginning, he was forced to make such a decision under the pressure of public opinion.

In the process, he is not without regrets.

But things have already been done, no matter how much he regrets it, the result will be of no avail.

At this time, he has no room for regret. Regardless of the final result?

For now, he can only bite the bullet and lead the team forward.

Wherever it goes, it counts.

The game officially started, and the fans of Baodao were still very enthusiastic.

The surrounding seats were filled with seventy-eighths.

The guys are all excited.

It would not be surprising if they could have such popularity in an island country.

The players are basically star players, and everyone has a lot of fans.

These people are playing together, and the fans who get the news, how can there be no reason not to support?

In fact, there are now many fans who have come from the island country on purpose.

Of course, in order to watch the game, there were only a few people who came here on purpose.

There were only 2,000 people.

With these 2,000 people alone, it is of course impossible to fill the surrounding seats.

The reason why there are so many people now is mainly because there are many fans in Baodao itself.

That\'s why the guys are so excited.

Unexpectedly, they are not only popular in their own countries, but also have a large number of fans in foreign countries.

Thinking about it this way, it feels really cool.

If the fans of Baodao knew the thoughts of the players on the court, they would probably be disgusted to the point of vomiting blood.

The reason why they appear here is entirely because of an interview recently given by their much-anticipated player Wang Xi.

In that interview, Wang Xi specifically mentioned a player.

That player was the ace pitcher in his current high school.

Eijun Sawamura is famous for his extra-large size in the island country.

Originally, Sawamura was already well-known in the world. After all, he had fought with Alan, the son of God, before.

Now Wang Xi is promoting it again.

The curiosity of Baodao fans was also aroused. They really wanted to see this terrifying existence that was touted by Wang Xi and could rival Alan, the son of God.

What exactly is a role?

When the result arrived, I was very disappointed.

Unexpectedly, among the players in the island country, Eijun Sawamura does not exist at all.

"Italy is too weak, and the light of Europe, even the trump card of the island country has not been forced out."

Some of the fans in the stands were already impatient.

"It can\'t be said that way. Originally, the gap between the top three and the next is huge."

In the eyes of outsiders, the 5 major strengths are extraordinary.

But within the Big Five, like the island country and the treasure island.

Basically, they look down on South Korea and Cuba.

The strength is really not that much.

In North America, basically no one looks down on it.

Even if the island country\'s score is higher than them, they don\'t take the island country seriously.

This is not without reason.

A value issue must be explained here.

Whether it is an island country or other countries in Asia, they are basically influenced by the ideology of Chinese Confucianism.

There are some things they all have in common.

For example, playing on behalf of the national team, in these countries, basically represents winning glory for the country.

But in Western values, this is an incredible thing.

Athletes participating in the Olympics, or some other competition.

It is nothing more than to prove himself, how can it be related to winning glory for the country?

Isn\'t this bullshit?

It is precisely because of this difference in thinking that many Western players, especially North American players.

The invitation to the national team is often rejected for personal reasons.

In the eyes of others, this is a simple thing.

There is absolutely no value to say.

But the same thing, if you put it in the eyes of these countries influenced by Chinese culture.

It\'s simply outrageous!

First the country, then the home. If this country doesn\'t exist anymore, how can you keep your little home? How do you exist?

This is Asia, at least East Asia, the most basic values.

It is precisely because of this difference in values ​​that most of the players who can represent North America are second-class players who cannot play in their respective teams, or rookies who want to find a chance to become famous.

To put it bluntly, it is not the strongest team at all.

Instead, it is a treasure island, an island country, and South Korea.

They have a similar culture and will take the ranking of the national team very seriously.

Of course, although the North American side has those values, but their national team wins, they will still be very happy.

In sports, winning is better than losing.

Otherwise, the invincible dream team would not be so famous!

Especially when I heard that there was Eijun Sawamura from the island country, and he had selected all the masters in North America before.

It is even more equal to Alan, the son of God.

This year\'s North America is different from the past, but really formed a very strong team.

It\'s just that their purpose is probably not the same as that of the island country.

What the island country thinks about is to win glory for the country, and their players think more about meeting Sawamura Eijun.

Before officially entering the major leagues, they would like to find such an opportunity to find an opponent who can be compared with Alan the Son of God.

Have a good fight.

It is with such a purpose that so many powerful players have come to participate in the national team.

Otherwise, it is definitely not a top-notch expert who can come.

"World Youth Baseball Tournament, the first round of the main game, the third game, Germany\'s game against Italy, officially started!"

After the guessing, the island country will attack first.

This time, the island nation took great pains.

Except for the pitcher who started out with an extraordinary hometown.

Players in other positions are not idle.

The first to stand on the strike zone was little black Karl Ross.

Karl Ross was originally the main core of the Tokyo Stars side.

But another team, or another group of people.

They have a serious shortage of outfielders themselves, so Karl Ross and Shirakawa were transferred.

replenish their garrison.

Even so, their outfielders weren\'t quite there.

Yoshida had to make a cameo.

That\'s enough for three outfielders.

Despite the fact that the lineup is made up, the strength is genuine.

The combined strength of these players is enough to make any opponent feel deeply desperate.

Not only defensively, but also quite noticeable when attacking.

The first is the little black Karl Ross, and the second is Soichiro Mima.

Both of them belong to that kind of scud, and as long as they are on the base, it will definitely be bright with a little sunshine.

Even if you don\'t give sunlight, they can be dazzling.

Then the third shot, which should have been the position of the strong hitter, was assigned to Shirakawa by Supervisor Takeda.

This is not to say that in the other team, there are no players with strength above Baihe.

The real situation is just the opposite. There are really very few people who are weaker than Baihe.

The reason why Baihe is placed in such a position is mainly because he has complete striking skills.

With those two scuds, it should be very easy to get points

Although the lineup arrangement is a bit strange, it is the most suitable tactic to cooperate with these players on the field.

Supervisor Takeda was very proud when he came up with this tactic.

He\'s also playing out of the way.

As far as Supervisor Takeda\'s idea is concerned, once the effect of this lineup has fully erupted, the results that can be achieved are very amazing.

Even if the batters can\'t score points directly with blows, they can knock out opponents in mobile battles.

Don\'t give them any power to fight back.

The idea is very good, the only pity is that it has not been practiced in actual combat.

This is also the biggest problem for the island nation\'s team right now.

Because these players are basically not former members of the national The original national team was built with the main players of Kanagawa as the core.

Unless the players in Tokyo are performing exceptionally well, like Yuuki before.

Was recruited into the national team.

Otherwise, they generally do not exchange blood.

The team that was put together temporarily did not even have three days of running in together.

Except for the practice game at the beginning, they have never played a serious game.

The island nation is looking forward to it, looking forward to the grand occasion that may happen on the field.

Especially Supervisor Takeda, can he succeed in his tactics?

is looking forward to it.

At this time, Italy\'s ace pitcher, who doesn\'t look tall, is very coquettish when he walks on the court.

He waved to the surrounding audience again and again.

This guy\'s looks have nothing to do with Italian romance.

Absolutely underwhelming.

With such an unassuming appearance, he made such a move without attracting cheers from anyone.

All he got was mockery.

Really ugly people to blame.

In fact, the fans of Treasure Island, and the fans who came from the island country.

Neither think Italy can bring much trouble to the island nation\'s teams.

Even if they are called the Lights of Europe.

But baseball is not football.

When it comes to football, the teams in Europe are really strong.

But when it comes to baseball, they\'re not that good.

in the lounge area.

Sawamura Eijun frowned and looked at this unremarkable man.

Wine groove nose, scarlet eyes.

For some reason, he felt that this man was very familiar, as if he had seen it before.

Leon Mario.

Looking at the other party\'s name, Sawamura\'s eyes suddenly widened.

He remembered that the other party was Super Mario! ! !
