Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

~: Episode 14: Light of Europe (2 in 1)

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pps: Thanks to the little snowman, Xiao W\'s generous reward...


The World Series is only a week in total, and the schedule is quite dense.

Although the island nation escaped the preliminary round, they had to face their first opponent in just one day.

August 26, 3:30 pm.

The match between the island nation and Italy is imminent.


For this country, the vast majority of small partners are yearning for it.

The capital of dreams, the capital of love, the capital of fashion, the capital of food...

Any good imagination seems to be linked with this country.

Just baseball, they really have no impression.

After changing the national team before the island country, you must not be unfamiliar with Italy.

This year\'s Italian players have the title of European Light.

Their world rankings themselves are not low, generally hovering in the top 10.

Ninth, tenth, eleventh.

The strength is not very strong, but not too bad.

With the strength of the island country players, it is not difficult to defeat such an opponent.

Not to mention the island country, in fact, the top 5 teams, except for Mexico in sixth, are hard to lose to other teams.

If you want to lose, you usually lose to each other.

There is no way to do this. The baseball atmosphere in the country is different, and there is a huge gap in the strength of the players.

How big is this gap?

To give the simplest example, take Baodao as an example.

China Treasure Island team, ranked third in the world.

One time I participated in the World Championship, and I don\'t know what happened. Some of their best players were not able to join the national team due to unexpected circumstances.

Only the second team can be put together to play against teams from other countries.

But just like this second team, they have also passed the test and defeated many opponents.

Advance to the semi-finals.

Among the opponents they defeated, even the South Korean national team ranked fourth in the world.

The world\'s third-ranked 2 army can defeat the world\'s fourth-ranked team.

The difference is so big!

The gap between the top three and the fourth is so big, not to mention the gap between the top five and the following teams.


Italy is in the top 10, and for that ranking alone, it looks like a pretty good one.

But it\'s really not qualified to be seen by the team of the island country.

The reality is so cruel.

Not to mention that the island nation selected an elite group like them this time, even the previous teams would not put too much emphasis on the tenth-ranked team in the world.

But this Italian team, to be precise, the Italian team of this age group, is an exception.

There was a team in the Netherlands before that suddenly rose up, defeated one of the top 5 and advanced to the semi-finals.

In the semifinals, they defeated another of the top 5.

Advance to the finals.

Although the final was lost due to the loss of the previous game.

But even if defeated.

In recent years, that is the highest record in Europe, all the way to the final.

The Dutch team, known as the light of Europe.

After many years, the current Italian team has also inherited this nickname.

In a previous game, they also fell to one of the top five.

South Korean team.

This is not the end. Before this competition, they also played practice games with the Cuban representative team.

In that match, the two sides were tied.

This is the only European team to achieve this achievement since the Dutch team.

So they also inherited the title of Light of Europe.

"The opponent in Game 1 encountered such a team, it was really tricky."

For the Italian team, the friends didn\'t care too much at the beginning, but after listening to the other party\'s situation, they couldn\'t care less.

We beat South Korea and drew with Cuba.

The two teams are 4th and 5th in the world, respectively.

Even if you can\'t guess the true strength of the other party?

The little friends can feel it to some extent, the strength of the opponent should not be weak.

At least they have the qualifications to threaten them.

I met such an opponent in the first game, and I am afraid that the threat will become bigger and bigger after that.

The World Series is a total of one week, and an average of one or two days is a game. If they play a lot, they need to play 4 games a week. Even if they play less, in the later five or six days, they need to play three games.

With such a dense schedule, the importance of grouping is very obvious.

The last two games, the semi-final and the final.

The opponents are basically the top 5 fighting each other.

This kind of battle is very, very cruel, even an island country can\'t be careless

With that in mind, the importance of Game 1 cannot be overstated.

The stronger the opponent is, the more unfavorable the situation is for them.

Conversely, the weaker the opponent, the better for their situation.

This is not to say that the opponents say they can win, and if the opponents are strong, they will not necessarily win.

For the top five teams, as long as they don\'t encounter each other and kill each other.

It\'s still difficult for other teams to be at the same level as them.

But not winning, does not mean that there is no consumption.

When the opponent has a certain strength, if they want to defeat the opponent, they must pay a certain price.

Just like Italy in front of you.

The strength of the other side quickly attracted the attention of the entire team.

We beat South Korea and drew Cuba.

You say how they are so unlucky, just happened to meet such a weirdo.

This difficulty is no worse than the semi-finals and finals.

That is, if not handled well.

They will play three final-level games.

Even the players from the island country are all star players with extraordinary strength.

Such a terrifying consumption will also make them overwhelmed.

Supervisor Takeda made a difficult decision after watching the video of the Italian team\'s game.

For three games of such intensity, it is impossible to point at a group of people to survive.

Therefore, they also need to arrange formations, and to put it bluntly, they need to rotate.

This was something that Supervisor Takeda never thought of before leading everyone to Treasure Island.

Why is this happening?

Mainly because this team has just assembled and is not very mature yet.

Their main teams haven\'t been together for very long, let alone a team made up of a bench lineup.

It is very risky to make such a decision.

Before they came to Treasure Island, Supervisor Takeda and his coaches had never considered this possibility. Because that possibility simply doesn\'t exist.

Injure one thousand enemies, and self-inflict eight hundred.

This loss is too great.

They wouldn\'t do it if they had the slightest hope of anything else.

The risk factor is too high!

But there is no way, and now they have been forced to this step, so whether they want it or not.

Can only bite the bullet and continue.

Supervisor Takeda proposed a rotation, but the friends had no opinion.

To be honest, with the lineup they have now, it would be a pity not to rotate. There are several top pitchers in the country.

"The top in the country is not necessarily the top in the world. Your opponents are masters from all over the world. Don\'t be careless."

Supervisor Takeda felt that the atmosphere of the team was a bit strange, and he reminded all the players that they must not get carried away.

The players in front of them were all famous in their high school days.

The vast majority had never played for the national team before.

In other words, except for Sawamura Eijun, the other players have not been certified by the world class.

Where are they in this world? The vast majority are unknowns.

The only thing that can be confirmed here is probably only Sawamura Eijun.

After all, before Sawamura, he fought with Alan, the son of God in North America.

Allen\'s strength is obvious to all.

Before Sawamura appeared, he was the first person in the world.

In the game against the North American Dream Team, almost all the friends of the Qingdao High School baseball team became the backdrop.

Although their strength is also very strong, in the process of the game, they also work very hard.

But it can be clearly felt that they are powerless.

The level of that game has far exceeded their level.

Sawamura almost single-handedly led everyone to resist the incomparably powerful Dream Team.

In the end, there was a fight in court.

It was also after that incident that Sawamura Eijun\'s fame was no longer limited to island countries.

But in the whole world, there is a little prestige.

Taking into account the grouping, Supervisor Takeda hesitated, and finally decided to put the Tokyo players into a group.

Players from other regions will form another group.

The players in Tokyo have experience in cooperating with each other because they have combined experience before.

Relatively mature.

In addition, everyone\'s strength is similar to each other, even if the Tokyo players are put aside and some players are replaced, the strength may not be improved much.

Of course, those who can clearly see the improvement after being replaced, still need to be replaced, such as Soichiro Mima.

The outstanding players selected in Tokyo are basically pitchers and catchers.

Although other positions can also make cameo appearances, the strength is inevitably discounted.

Fortunately, infield, there is an absolute main force in almost every position.

But the outfield is not enough. Except for a little black Karl Ross, the Tokyo Stars have no professional outfielders at all.

In this case, Supervisor Takeda also arranged this. It\'s not that he didn\'t take this situation into consideration. He mainly thought that many pitchers in Tokyo could play as outfielders.

The most notable examples are Sawamura Eijun and Narimiya Naruto.

Their original role on the team was not just as simple as the ace pitcher. At the same time, they also shoulder the heavy responsibility of the team\'s core hitters.

So, even if they weren\'t assigned to pitch, they mostly stayed on the court.

It is convenient for the team to have them on the court when they are attacking.

The position they were in was the outfielder.

But this position is part-time after all, and neither of the two is a professional.

Although they are doing well, they are definitely not to the point of reaching the pinnacle.

So when the Tokyo team formed a team, Supervisor Takeda specially sent Mima over.

That\'s one of the best outfielders in the country.

With him partnering with Hale Carlos Jr., it gives the impression that the outfield may be more reassuring than the infield.

The two of them are the kind of fast scuds, and the garrison range is so wide.

With the two of them around, the remaining outfielder has a lot less pressure on the field.

It can be completely handed over to a pitcher with strong hitting strength and weak defensive ability as a part-time job.

On the other hand, a team composed of players outside Tokyo also borrowed some people from Tokyo.

For example, little black Karl Ross, and Baihe and the others.

Hongo doesn\'t matter. When Akutsu and Yoshida are pitching, they still rely heavily on defense.

There are strong defensive players, their strength will be increased.

It took two hours for Supervisor Takeda to complete all these things.

After grouping the players, he also explained the reason for the grouping.

Even the reason can\'t be faulted.

It\'s really hard to believe that he figured it out on an ad hoc basis.

Either way, it was premeditated.

In fact, it was really premeditated.

When the team was just formed, when the team practiced games.

In fact, Supervisor Takeda has discovered that these players of the Tokyo Stars team have almost no sense of disobedience when they are combined together.

On the one hand, these players are very good. Even if they perform their respective duties, they can form a very great team. On the other hand, it is because of the connection of the main catcher Miyuki Kazuya.

It is precisely because of the existence of this commander on the field that the Tokyo Stars can show their strength so quickly.

The most amazing thing is that these players of the Tokyo Star Team are very willing to cooperate with Miyuki.

You must know that they were all opponents in the same region before.

It was an existence that made her eyes red when she saw it.

It is very rare to be able to do this.

Perhaps because they are opponents, these people are more aware of Miyuki Kazuya\'s strength.

It is precisely because of their belief in the opponent\'s strength that they are willing to obey the opponent\'s command on the court.

After the group is over, the next step is to discuss. Which team goes first in the game?

The group at this time is basically a substitute.

After all, the semi-finals and finals after that are basically the top 5 internal PKs.

That game is the real challenge!

In this game in Italy, although the opponent\'s strength is also very strong, they even have the experience of defeating the top five.

But to be honest, in the process of playing against each other, you can\'t actually see how strong Italy is.

They were able to win mainly because their opponents were too stupid to make mistakes that shouldn\'t have been made.

Supervisor Takeda was obviously in trouble as well, and he took a serious look at the two teams in front of him.

Finally gritted his teeth and said.

"Hometown, it\'s up to you to start."

Although they don\'t want to admit it, but to be honest, because of the existence of Sawamura Eijun.

The strength of the Tokyo Star team is to surpass the other team.

It is natural for the opponent to become a substitute.
