Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 16: : The world, it's not that simple (2 in 1)

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pps: Thanks to Xiaoxuemen, Xiaow, jk, Xiaoyu for their generous rewards.


Rest area on this side of the island.

Everyone\'s demeanor was very relaxed, and when they talked about their opponents, they didn\'t seem to take the enemy in front of them seriously.

Neither the Italian team nor the players on the field were taken seriously by them.

Of course.

Their attitude is relatively obscure.

If you don\'t really understand the culture of the island country, most people may not be able to see it.

On the surface, the players of the island country still respect their opponents very much.

Whether it\'s a bow or a salute, it\'s all in place.

This kind of humble personality has been integrated into their bones and deeply mixed with their lives.

But familiar with the culture of the island country, look at their lineup arrangement, and the attitude of the players in the rest area.

Basically you can feel it. Whether it is Director Takeda or a player from an island country.

In fact, everyone didn\'t take their opponents too seriously.

With the island country now ranked first in strength. Facing tenth-ranked Italy.

It is only natural that they show such an attitude.

To be honest, there is still a huge gap in strength between the two.

Even the island country players have never played a world-class game before.

But that didn\'t stop them, they easily despised Italy psychologically.

Will win, will win.

Before the game started, whether it was the players from the island country or the fans who came to support them.

I have this idea in my heart.

They are very optimistic about this idea, that it will eventually come true.

Karl Ross, who was the first to stand on the strike zone, now bears such a heavy burden.

After the formation of the new team, Karl Ross watched with his own eyes, and the team grew day by day.

Although everyone\'s time to run in is still very short, after training, the big guy now has a certain degree of team quality.

Carlos was an eyewitness.

The current team\'s strength has far surpassed any team that participated in Jiaziyuan.

Whether they are Daocheng, or become the legendary Qingdao.

Compared with this team, the gap is very big!

How big is it?

Carlos really didn\'t dare to say this, but he can guarantee one thing. If the current island team is allowed to play against Qingdao or Daocheng.

The probability of them winning is definitely more than 60%.

You must know whether it is Daocheng or Qingdao High School baseball team.

They all have their own characteristics, with their own ace pitchers and a complete defense system.

To put it bluntly, their defensive ability far exceeds their offensive ability.

Because of this, even if they encounter a team with superior strength than themselves, they can stalemate.

And even taking this into consideration, Qing Dao would have a 40% chance of winning a match against Daocheng and the island nation in front of him.

This is not to say that they can win 4 out of 10 games.

But every game, their probability of winning is 20% lower than that of their opponents.

Play 10 games, they lose 10 games, this possibility is also there.

The difference is huge, very, very big.

Much bigger than ordinary people imagined.

With the strength of this team, challenge the world\'s powerful enemies.

If you don\'t know what the level of the world\'s powerful enemies has reached? Players from island countries may still be nervous.

But before the Qingdo High School baseball team, under the leadership of Sawamura Eijun, went to play against another world\'s top powerhouse?

North American Dream Team!

That is a team that has become a legend.

Even if they played against a team like that, the Qingdo High School baseball team would not be left behind.

Taking that game as a reference, their current strength has already reached a stage that cannot be underestimated.

Let\'s be honest, if this tournament doesn\'t produce a team like the North American Dream Team.

It should be a matter of course for the island nation to win the championship.

This is not Carlos and the others, who put gold on their own faces.

But they have full confidence in their own strength.

They believe they can do it!

The first game is also the opening game of this competition in the island country.

They are all dark horses with little experience in international competitions.

The record of the first game will greatly affect the results of their subsequent games.

With that in mind, Carl Rose felt he had to perform.

"Let me take a look, what is the world\'s standard?"

To have such an opportunity, Carlos is still very excited.

The bat in his hand was swayed back and forth by him, and his whole body was like a piece of paper, and he also swayed non-stop.

in the lounge area.

Miyuki felt his eyes light up.

The Qingdao High School baseball team had played countless times with the Daocheng Industrial High School baseball team before, and they were all too familiar with each other\'s strength.

As the main attacker of the Daocheng Industrial High School baseball team, Karl Ross is their key research object.

That is, when they played against Carl Ross more than a month ago, although Carl Ross showed good strength, it was definitely not like it is now.

As it is now, it\'s a pleasant surprise.

"Rhythm Strike!"

It seemed that every moment of Carlos was uneasy.

He can easily be caught by the other side.

But that\'s where rhythm strikes are so powerful.

If the opponent thinks this is his flaw, and then slams towards this point.

Then there will be cruel revenge.

Coupled with the body swinging back and forth, it itself formed an inertial force.

During normal strikes, even if the swing is not very large, the power will explode very strongly.

If Carl Ross of the Daocheng High School baseball team at the time had learned this skill.

Then even Sawamura Eijun had to deal with it carefully.

The Italian pitcher was really unlucky to meet the enhanced Karl Ross.

Sawamura Eijun also saw this scene, and he was as emotional as Miyuki.

This is not to say that he has no way to deal with the current Karl Ross.

Sawamura Eijun was mainly surprised by the growth rate of Karl Ross.

At the beginning, this guy\'s growth rate was still in the category of ordinary humans.

At that time, it was not difficult for Sawamura Eijun to solve him.

It can even be said to be quite simple.

But by the time of the summer, more than a month ago, Carl Rose had gotten a little trickier.

Even if Sawamura solves him, he is also in the process of confrontation, which brings a lot of pressure to Sawamura Eijun.

Every player who can put pressure on a pitcher is precious.

If there are more such players, they will be a blow to the pitcher\'s belief and physical consumption.

All are very powerful.

Whether it\'s professional baseball in the island nation or major leagues in North America.

The games that people see more often are rotation pitchers.

Is this because those pitchers don\'t have the energy to pitch 9 innings?

Stop joking, with the intensity of their devil training, how could they not finish nine innings?

The reason why that happens is because the batter puts too much pressure on the pitcher.

A pitcher who stays on the court for extended periods of time against the kind of dreaded opponents in the major leagues.

He will definitely collapse.

At most, it is a game. After this game is burned, the next game will be 100% destroyed.

That\'s the horror of the big leagues.

In order to deal with these monster hitters, the major league also tried every means.

Ultimately, the only way is to rotate pitchers.

In the rest area, try to accumulate as many powerful pitchers as possible, and then dispatch them flexibly.

Before the opponent is familiar with the rhythm on their side, before the pitcher is blasted.

Get as many outs as you can.

This is in the major leagues, including other professional baseball.

It\'s already an open secret.

Like a high school player, an ace pitcher calls out a game, or even an entire summer.

This situation basically happens in the second dimension.

Three-dimensionality is rare, and occasionally, that ace pitcher will be miserable.

The point that Jiaziyuan is particularly questioned has a lot to do with this.

Excessive consumption of young players\' physical strength and body. consumes their shoulders and wrists.

So much so that when many players quit the high school baseball club, their bodies are basically crippled, and there is no way to play baseball anymore.

Pull away, and then talk about the game.

The showdown between Carlos and Mario was not very noticeable at first.

For the fans of Baodao, they are not familiar with these two players, and they can\'t name the two players at all.

In other words, their situation is completely unknown.

In an unknown situation, it will naturally not attract too much attention.

In fact, many fans of Baodao who came here have begun to regret it.

After they came here, they thought they could see the style of the Great Demon King Sawamura Eijun.

You can play with Ellen, the son of God, without falling behind.

Plus what Wang Xi said in an interview.

The success has aroused the curiosity of Baodao fans. They can hardly wait to see, what kind of character can cause such a big sensation?

If you are more diligent, start searching the network directly.

Then they searched the web for content that left them dumbfounded.

The growth history of the great demon king Sawamura Eijun is simply a cartoon of Long Aotian.

Awesome to explode!

It\'s amazing, it\'s amazing!

Apart from such praise, they could hardly think of any words to express their excitement.

After reading these reports, they couldn\'t wait to see Eijun Sawamura\'s pitching performance.

The game that started at the same time is not a game. Why did the fans of Baodao come here to watch the game?

Wasn\'t it just because he was interested in Sawamura Eijun?

Unexpectedly, there is such an unexpected harvest.

Sawamura Eijun didn\'t play at all, and their enthusiasm was useless.

The players on the court were unnamed guys they had never heard of before.

Obviously, there are still several players who can be called by their names.

what a shame.

Just when everyone was not interested, someone even got up and was about to leave.

On the field, a sudden change took place.

There was no Italian team that no one looked down on before, no ace pitcher that no one looked down on.

Leon Mario.

He began to show the ferocious fangs in his mouth, ready to launch a fierce attack.


The white ball whizzed.

Karl Ross, who was about to hit, felt that his whole person was not well after seeing the ball.

how is this possible.

In the past, Carlos\' eyes were also baptized.

If nothing else, it\'s just the transformation ball of the Great Demon King Sawamura Eijun.

Enough for him to drink a pot.

In such a showdown, he would have no good eyes.

I\'m afraid I can\'t die any longer.

For his own eyesight, Carlos has always been very conceited.

Even the Great Demon King Sawamura\'s transformation ball couldn\'t deceive his eyes, let alone other people\'s tricks.

But just now he saw a very incredible scene, which he couldn\'t even understand with his comprehension ability.

The ball that Mario threw just now is unbelievably pure, and it is the purest straight ball.

Generally speaking, there are many kinds of straight balls.

How many are there?

No one can speak up.

Generally speaking, even if the pitched ball is a straight the pitched ball is affected by gravity, and it will fall to varying degrees.

Generally speaking, the faster the ball is, the slower it will fall.

If the speed of the ball is extremely fast, like Akatsuki, the No. 1 ball speed expert in the country?

He throws straight balls, not only will not have any fall.

It will even go up!

What is this for?

The spin from a straight shot is the exact opposite of the gravitational effect of a falling baseball.

Theoretically speaking, the faster the ball spins, the faster the baseball climbs. A speed expert like Akatsuki Fukugu, who throws the ball, has this effect.

Eijun Sawamura has also simulated this effect.

There is a similar path in his variation ball.

Float on the ball!

Eijun Sawamura has no way to throw the ball at such a terrifying speed like Akatsuki Furuya, and increase the spin of the baseball to such a terrifying level.

But he also has his own way. Although he can\'t throw the ball at that speed, he can increase the spin of the baseball and make the baseball look exactly the same.

But this is different from the opponent in front of him.


Leon Mario.

Among the countless opponents that Carlos has seen before, none of them are as strange as Mario.

His straight ball doesn\'t get much spin.

Karl Ross has dynamic vision, but not top-notch, but even so, he can see the spin on a baseball.

The speed of that rotation is not fast at all, even a little slow.

In theory, a baseball like that would definitely fall.

Especially if the opponent\'s pitching speed is not fast enough, the baseball should fall.

But what\'s amazing is that the baseball didn\'t feel like it was falling at all.

The baseball just flew straight in.
