Abyss Knight

Chapter 849

"Good." kukas thought for a moment and did not refute the female doctor\'s suggestion. The blonde general just frowned slightly. She was a little worried and branded a set of prohibitions on that Bolong and Gen through the space.

Coming out of the void crack, kukas found himself on a high mountain. Here, he saw dozens of top creatures in different forms talking in a low voice.

The blonde general joined the conversation, while he and the female doctor sat on the huge rocks and waited silently.

The conversation between the blonde general and these people did not last long, and soon the top creatures tore into the space.

"Go and ask others." the blonde general calmly tore the sky and led kukas to jump in space again.

After seven or eight consecutive inquiries, the blonde general led kukas to a remote valley. Here, she told them why the top creatures suddenly left this plane on a large scale.

"Someone found the empty fortress you said in the endless void. And they said that the empty fortress was completely deserted. Now almost all the top creatures have gone to the empty fortress to get something from it or check the secret of the desolation of the fortress."

"Now we have two choices. One is to stay in this plane and open Hegel\'s residence after the top creatures leave. The other is to leave this plane and search for the whereabouts of the Empty Fortress like them."

"Both of these options are likely to bring us great gains and great dangers."

"It is said that there are thousands of empty props and countless empty treasures in that empty fortress. Those who take the lead in stepping into it have made great achievements."

"What kind of choice do you have?"

After finishing the information she had, the blonde general waited silently for the answers of the female doctor and kukas.

"I want to take a look at Hegel\'s residence first. Maybe we will have a great harvest there. As for exploring the Empty Fortress, I think it\'s very dangerous." kukas paused a little, and then continued: "It was said that there were many supreme powers and even supreme beings who entered the void fortress. So many powerful creatures stationed in the void fortress, but led to the desolation of the void fortress. Do you think it\'s normal?"

"Maybe they found a way to return to the beginning of the world. They all left this era and returned to the beginning of the world." the female doctor said in some uncertainty.

"It\'s not easy to return to the beginning of the world? If we can return to the beginning of the world, people from other times can come to our time on a large scale." kukas shook his head and didn\'t believe what the female doctor said.

"As far as I know, the bloody giants are not the creatures of this era. I\'m talking about the sealed bloody giants we have met. They appeared in this era from the era after us. How do you explain this? Moreover, in this era, it should be said that the wizards who provoked war in the previous era are not from that era They came to this era from the era they accepted at the beginning of the world. "

"Can\'t we do what our predecessors and future generations can do?" the blonde general rubbed her eyebrows, and her mood was very turbulent: "Don\'t forget, the Hegel you mentioned, that is, the thousand winged eye dragon, his body is a fierce beast at the beginning of the world, and his soul came here from the future era. The combination of the two makes the thousand winged eye dragon Hegel."

"Why don\'t you stay here with the doctor to explore the residence left by Hegel, the winged eyed dragon. I\'ll go alone and see what\'s going on with the empty fortress." seeing the worry in kukas\'s eyes, the blonde general shrugged her shoulders and continued: "Don\'t worry. If there is any danger, I will leave immediately."

"If I want to go, even the supreme power has no ability to leave me."

"No, it\'s too dangerous for you to explore that Empty Fortress alone. If you must go there to explore, I must go with you. Don\'t forget that my ability is very important to you. With some auxiliary secrets, you can even resist one or two with those supreme powers."

Seeing that the blonde general planned to go to the void fortress alone, the female doctor quickly put forward her view: "and don\'t forget that we had a conflict with some half step great powers in those years. If you go to the void fortress alone, they will take the opportunity to deal with you. When we are together, some of them will have scruples."

"Yes, if you really want to explore the void fortress, you must go with the doctor. Her abilities and means are far more helpful to you than to me." After hearing the words of the female doctor, kukas knew that he might be separated from the two women for some time. When he couldn\'t stop the separation, he had to consider it as carefully as possible.

"I stayed to explore Hegel\'s residence. He said he wanted to leave something for me. There should be no strong prohibition array to stop us."

"You should explore the void fortress with us. If there is a way to return to the beginning of the world, we just take advantage of this opportunity to return to the era of the beginning of the world. It can\'t be said that we can achieve the supreme existence and even the supreme beings of the supreme will in that era." the blonde general narrowed her eyes, Some are looking forward to their future.

"Don\'t be funny. Go back to the beginning of the world? Any one of the thousand winged eye dragons can eat us, and there is no soul left."

"Although the beginning of the world is very powerful, I don\'t think intelligent creatures like us can survive in that era. You know, in our knowledge, we haven\'t seen or heard of any relics about the beginning of the world."

"Our understanding and understanding of the beginning of the world is completely based on some written descriptions of the beginning of the world, that is, the second era: the era of witches. There is not even an image or pattern about the beginning of the world."

"Since the beginning and end of the world, every era in the future, no matter how difficult the living conditions of intelligent creatures are, a large number of words, patterns and even images have been handed down."

"Going to the void fortress is nothing more than robbing some void props or void treasures, but you can\'t try to enter the so-called beginning of the world. If you really go in, I\'m afraid even the source of the soul won\'t stay."

Kukas\'s words touched the female doctor. After careful consideration, she recognized his words.

The blonde general opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but finally she just sighed and didn\'t say it.

The three men were silent for a long time. Finally, the female doctor broke the silence.

"Then let\'s go and see if we can get one or two empty treasures. By the way, let\'s see how the Empty Fortress is abandoned. I don\'t think it\'s necessary to consider whether we can return to the beginning of the world. Those people have spent countless times building empty fortresses and trying, but we don\'t have that time and ability."

In this way, the three talked again. After determining some contact methods and signs in the future, they decided to act separately.

The blonde general and the female doctor went to explore the Empty Fortress, while kukas went to explore Hegel\'s residence.

Before leaving, the blonde general suddenly gathered all her secret knowledge, sealed it in a memory crystal and handed it to kukas. And told him the location of the empty fortress.

"If you explore Hegel\'s residence and we haven\'t come back, you\'ll find your fighting armor first."

"Three thousand years later, we will meet here."

The blonde general proposed a way to meet in the future. As for her doing so, it is entirely because the place where the void fortress is located is too far away from this plane. It is so far away that some arcane communications have no ability to cross such a long distance.

According to the estimation of the blonde general, it will take a hundred years for her to travel as fast as possible from this position to the void where the void fortress is located. That\'s why they agreed to meet again in 3000 years.

Of course, this time feels very long for kukas, but for the blonde women\'s general, she thinks the three thousand years is still extremely tense.

After all, exploring the void fortress and searching for possible void treasures and even void props are extremely time-consuming. These three thousand years are still an ideal view of the women\'s general.

"Three thousand years later, if you can\'t see us here, wait another thousand years, and then go to the location of the empty fortress to find us."

"If something special happens to us, we will leave you a message. Then you can open it with a secret method."

After giving an account, the three separated. However, before leaving, kukas still lingered with the female doctor for a day and night before he stopped.

"By the way, when you leave, you must carefully study the Bolong and Gen. I think there must be something strange about him. If you detect something wrong, you can wipe him out completely. After all, we have had a conflict with him, so we can save him any trouble for us in the future." finally, the female doctor told kukas.

"Don\'t worry. If I find that I can\'t control him, I will directly kill him and don\'t give him any chance to turn over." kukas nodded seriously.

After settling everything in the future, the blonde general tore the void directly and left with the female doctor.

Three years after the blonde generals left, kukas came to Hegel\'s house, ready to open his house and see what and where the powerful and terrible creature left for him.

As for his waiting time of three years, it was entirely because after the blonde general left, he could not feel how many top creatures existed in this position. To be on the safe side, he waited for three years. After thinking that the top creatures might all explore the Empty Fortress, he decided to open Hegel\'s house.

Hegel\'s residence is located in a small valley, which is very small, but only tens of miles in size.

After he first came to the valley, kukas was deeply attracted by the valley.

In his opinion, the valley is very strange. The rocks that build the valley are extremely hard. Even after he tried his best to urge him to seal the secret method, he still couldn\'t leave even a faint trace in the valley.

What made him feel more strange was that there was a log house at the bottom of the valley. The house looks very simple. There are only tables, chairs, benches and beds. In addition, there are some wall lattices of different sizes on the surrounding walls.

The wooden house is also very strange, because he tried to destroy the wooden house, but found that the wooden house is also extremely strong. He felt that the wooden house was even stronger than the rocks around the valley.

Although the tables, chairs and benches were not connected with the floor, he couldn\'t move half a minute.

The size of the grid on the wall is endless, but each grid is a huge space. The smallest one of them can hold thousands of tons of rocks.

According to Hegel, the valley and the wooden houses in the valley existed before he came to this plane. And according to Hegel\'s story, the valley and wooden house experienced a long time, which was only a little worse than the body of the thousand winged eyed dragon he attached to.

"It\'s a relic of the age of witches. When I came to this plane, this relic was just drilled out of the depths of the earth. Unfortunately, there was nothing in it, otherwise we might get some secrets of witches." Hegel looked sorry when he said this at the beginning.

"After the beginning of the world, there was the era of witches. After the end of the era of witches, it took hundreds, dozens or thousands of times to reach the present era. Even if there was something left here at the beginning, it would be looted by the creatures of those previous times." kukas whispered with his fingers across the tables and chairs in the house.

With an inexplicable mood, kukas checked everything in the cabin bit by bit, and even the gap of the log was checked in detail by him.

I thought there would be no harvest, but he found some words under a long table.

A twisted wizard word. This text was carved under the long table. Although there were only a few, and it was a little vague, it made him extremely excited.

"Declining wizard, where should we go?" after carefully reading those wizard words for more than a year, kukas recognized the meaning of one of the vague words. Of course, although the meaning of this vague text is very short, kukas felt a deep helplessness from it.

Yes, helpless. In these words, he seemed to see the helplessness of the wizard who wrote the words.

The words of other wizards are very vague. According to some knowledge of wizard words obtained by kukas, he also found that the words of those wizards are all incomplete.

"The perishable wood has been preserved. Why can\'t these words engraved on the wood be preserved?"

With this doubt, kukas crossed the traces of these words with his fingers again and again, trying to find the secrets that might be hidden, or depict the complete words.

Such attempts lasted for a long time. Finally, I don\'t know whether he painted enough times to start a mechanism, or where he accidentally touched it. At the end of a painting, the long table made a mechanism sound. Then, the desktop opened and a small platform emerged from it.

The platform emerged. There should have been something on it, but now there is nothing. Obviously, it was taken away by our predecessors.

He tried to find other things in the house, hoping to find new dark boxes or words, but he didn\'t find anything else until the end of the three-year period. This result made him very depressed.

After closing the door and window, kukas sat in a chair behind the long table.

According to the way Hegel told him, he began to sing spells.

The content of the mantra was originally very short, but it wanted special words to sing. Without mastering that language, he had to replace it with another language.

The use of other words instead of the original mantra greatly increased his singing time.

Accompanied by kukas\'s singing, a large number of ash fighting spirit emerged from behind him. The ashes formed the shape of a gold treasure and slowly turned behind him.

The endless ashes condense into words, and then condense over the long table.

As time passed, the condensed words began to emit a lot of light. The light shone on all the objects in the room, and soon painted the objects here with a gray cyan light.

The roar sounded. At first, the roar was very slight, but with the passage of time, the roar became louder and louder. Finally, the huge roar stimulated kukas\'s head to hum. Even the whole human soul trembled.

Some light gathered on him and even pierced his soul. Under the puncture of those lights, some scattered pictures emerged in his soul.

In these pictures, he saw a fighting armor walking on the earth, killing all those who dared to challenge its authority.

When the fighting armor appeared in his soul, the fighting armor seemed to be aware and turned to look at the sky.