Abyss Knight

Chapter 850

Although these pictures appeared only in a moment, it was enough for kukas to firmly remember some of the information, especially all the breath produced by the fighting armor in the picture, which made him deeply remember in his mind.

"Interesting!" for a long time, kukas smiled strangely and sighed on his face.

At this time, the mantra that opened Hegel\'s residence was completely sung, and a gray cyan light rose into the sky, tearing the barrier of the sky and the void, and directly penetrating into the endless void. And all this, kukas did not notice.

Because after his last mantra singing, he found that the void in front of him collapsed like a broken illusion, and then revealed an arch of tens of meters in size.

The arch is very simple and simple. The whole is polished with an unknown stone. A large number of wizard words and strange patterns are depicted on the arch. Ben wanted to study the wizard words above, but he suddenly remembered Hegel\'s warning.

"Never read the words on the door frame, or your soul will be dragged into the door frame and float for thousands of years. The door frame was left by a powerful wizard in ancient times. My soul was trapped for thousands of years, thus delaying the opportunity to detect the changes of the rules of the void."

Thinking of this, although kukas didn\'t know the truth, he still forcibly suppressed his desire for knowledge and stepped into the arch in front of him.

At the moment he stepped on the arch, the gray blue light that pierced the sky contracted fiercely, and then disappeared.

The valley shook, and a large amount of soil rolled back from around, and then filled the valley, but in an instant, a valley became a plain.

But after kukas crossed the arch, a flower appeared in front of him in a small underground space.

The arrangement of this underground space is very simple. In addition to a sacrificial platform surrounded by countless white bones in the center, there are only some huge stone pillars as supports around.

Like the stone gate, those stone pillars are also carved with a large number of wizard characters, but this time there are no strange patterns. Instead, there are a large number of fierce monster patterns. Among the designs of those fierce monsters, the largest number is a crow.

When his mind turned, he was instantly attracted by these stone pillars and the patterns on them, so that he ignored the central altar and the white bones around the altar.

On those stone pillars, it exudes a strong desolate and ancient smell. Feeling those smells, he seemed to feel that he was incarnated as a lonely walker, wandering alone in the underground space.

I don\'t know how long it took kukas to get rid of the smell of the stone pillar.

"In the end, is there only loneliness left? Who are you? What was the purpose of building this underground space? Were you sacrificing something? With those white bones?" he reached out and touched a stone pillar. His fingers crossed the line marks on the stone pillar. For a moment, he became a creature wrapped in a gray blue robe, He is carving his stone pillars with a strange object.

"Yes, lonely. In the end, is there really only loneliness left?"

With a random sigh, his eyes fell on the central altar.

At first he didn\'t think there was anything special about the altar, but when he walked in and looked carefully, he found that the altar was very strange.

The altar was not a six pointed star or thirteen pointed star he had seen before, but an irregular shape.

More importantly, he could not feel any residual breath of magic or fighting spirit on the altar.

You know, any altar must be started by fighting spirit or magic power. Even the altar of wizards in this era known to kukas can only be opened by fighting spirit or magic power. If you use the power of a wizard alone, there is no way to open the altar. But there was no magic or fighting power on the altar.

"Yes, this altar was probably built in the second era, that is, the era of witches after the beginning of the world was broken. The rules of emptiness at that time must be very different from those at this time." a trace of understanding came to his mind, and then he stopped pestering about these things. After all, it was just an altar. It\'s just an ancient witch altar without any patterns or Dharma arrays.

This thing, if put a few times ago, or dozens of times ago, can not be used by professionals, but now, it is just a stone with a slightly strange shape.

His attention shifted and his eyes fell on the white bones around the altar. At first, he thought these bones should be the remains left as sacrifices during the reign of wizards. But after carefully observing the bones, he found some abnormalities.

On a skull as white as jade and emitting crystal light, he felt the breath brand of a supreme power.

Then he felt other white bones, but found that most of them were the bones of supreme power or half step power.

"Is it the corpses of those half step great powers who first set foot on this plane?" kukas was immediately excited when his mind turned.

"If this is true, then I will devour the bones of these people and use these bones to forge my burial place."

A fierce light showed from his eyes. In his opinion, if these bones were really left by the supreme power or half step power, he must use these bones to build his own bone burial place. The bones of some powerful creatures are filled into the bone burial place, and it is even possible for his bone burial place to reach the stage of maturity directly.

He grabbed a leg bone into his hand, which was crystal clear and sent out a faint divine light. Kukas tried to understand the leg bone with a secret method, hoping to find some information residue, but his attempt was futile, because no matter what kind of secret method he used, he only found a blank on the leg bone.

Although he was unwilling to accept such a result, he could not reverse anything.

He turned the leg bone in his hand, and the gray gold light flickered behind him, but the buried bone came out from behind his head.

The stock buying place drilled out of the body unfolds to form a curtain of light. In that light curtain, there are many white bones, endless resentment, rolling, and white bone creatures walking on the earth and mountains.

It may be the supreme power, or it may be the leg bone of half step power. After drawing an arc in kukas\'s hand, it suddenly fell into the bone burial ground.

The bones of powerful people, whose swords are hard to hurt and whose secret methods are hard to destroy, began to decompose at a speed visible to the naked eye after falling into the place where they bought shares.

The crystal clear and faint bones began to decay rapidly in an instant as if they had experienced thousands of years. Some bone powder scattered on the ground.

Scattered with bone powder, the earth began to produce white bone flowers as white as jade. These flowers include orchids, lotus flowers, swaying flowers and other strange flowers.

When the wind blew, the bone powder shrouded one tenth of the buried bone, and white bone flowers bloomed everywhere for a time.

These white bone flowers bloom, and a strong white bone creature comes out of them. There are bone dragons, bone beasts, white bone demons and other strange creatures.

After the birth of these white bone creatures, they also began to kill. But this time, after these white bones were killed, they took down the bones of the losers and began to build graves.

After being examined by kukas, the bones of powerful people were thrown into the bone burial place and evolved into countless white bone flowers.

After losing hundreds of bones in a row, there was a roar in his bone burial place, but the endless Yin wind came out of thin air. These Yin winds turned and began to blow out crazily in the bone burial place.

Some weak white bone creatures were blown into ashes in an instant, floating in the wind, and finally all fell on the mutated empty Cang wood in the central area.

Yin Feng took the bone powder and drilled into the pool under the void cangmu, and then saw that the void cangmu began to grow rapidly. A fruit ripens rapidly and another leaf falls down.

The ripe fruit was picked by kukas instantly, and then, like the previous ripe fruit, it was directly thrown into the fighting space for his soul to swallow, so as to obtain a little bit of rules contained therein.

Although few rules were obtained in this way, and many parts were repeated rules, it was enough to make him happy.

However, what makes kukas most happy is not that the fruit is ripe and obtains the rules of emptiness. What surprised him was the falling leaves.

According to legend, the extremely powerful ancient war tree in ancient times is a powerful creature evolved from the leaves or bark debris falling from the empty Cang wood. Now kukas is eagerly waiting for the fallen leaves of the mutated void Cang to evolve into what kind of creatures.

No matter how slowly the leaves fall, they will eventually fall to the ground.

The white bone leaves fell to the ground and did not instantly change into an ancient war tree or other powerful creatures, but formed a huge grave.

This grave bag is completely made of white bones. Every breath time, the grave bag increases by one point. It looks extremely strange.

"Do you want to conceive?" kukas accelerated the speed of throwing white bones into the bone burial place.

A large number of white bones were thrown into the place where they were buried, and were immediately blown into bone powder by the endless Yin wind. Part of the bone meal was directly incorporated into the grave bag, but more bone meal evolved into more white bone creatures.

As soon as these newly born white bone creatures came out of the blooming flowers, more than half of them were directly blown into bone powder by the Yin wind, and then swallowed up by the empty cangmu again.

Seeing the dark wind raging in the bone burial place, a large number of bones evolved into bone powder as soon as they were thrown in, kukas was moved and accelerated the speed of throwing bones into them again.

Over time, a large number of bones of powerful people were thrown into the bone burial place, but kukas noticed that the bones around the altar were still not reduced by half, but showed signs of slow increase.

But when he looked carefully, he found no sign of any increase in those white bones. This confused him.

As time went by, the empty Cang trees in the bone burial place continued to grow, and some leaves and bark fell to the ground to form graves of different sizes. There are also a lot of ripe fruits, but there is still no living creature in those graves. The white bones around the altar also showed no sign of reduction.

Looking at the unabated white bones in front of him, kukas felt as if he had fallen into an illusion. His mood began to be irritable. In the end, he no longer felt whether there was any information in those white bones with his heart. Instead, he directly urged the bone burial place to rotate, turned into a light, and began to sweep the white bones around the altar.

At least tens of thousands of white bones fell into the place where the bones were buried. But the white bones around the altar still did not decrease.

"Illusion?" kukas\'s mood calmed down abnormally after continuously urging the buried bone to sweep through several magic hours.

When he saw that there were countless white bone creatures in his bone burial place, the regional area expanded hundreds of times, and a large number of white bone buildings drilled out of the earth by themselves, he grinned strangely.

"Then I\'ll take all this as true." after the mind turned and grabbed dozens of mature empty Cang wood fruits and threw them to the soul to swallow, kukas continued to urge the bone burial place to sweep the white bones around the altar. It is bound to sweep away all the bones here.

As time went by, more and more people were buried in the bone burial ground. White chains emerge from the earth and the void, and then interweave with each other to form a big net.

At this time, kukas put all his mind and spirit into this bone burial place, which is bound to create a perfect talent vision.

Mountains of ten thousand feet in size rise from the ground, and a large number of white bone chains are wound around the mountains, and then integrated into them.

A pool with white bones appeared. Around the pool, some white bones began to gather.

Through killing and fighting, they separated the master and the controlled, and then built simple houses and shelters. Villages, towns and even cities began to form.

There are seasons when the wind blows and the snow falls. In these seasons, the white skinned creatures, like ordinary humans, began to form a country.

"Is this another world? Or another plane?" kukas turned his mind and began to think wildly.

The white bone chain is a rule in kukas\'s eyes.

Those rules are intertwined and form the foundation of the world. But those white bones can\'t see the winding of these chains at all. They are simply able to sense that their world is different.

A large number of white bones turn into meteors and fall on the earth. In the season without overcast wind, the melting speed of these white bones is very slow.

Some of these bones have evolved into some peaks, some into bone forests, or powerful white bone fierce beasts or extremely terrible Jedi.

A large number of white bone creatures rotate in the void, or evolve into some strange creatures, or evolve into strange treasures.

As the days passed, the white bones around the altar still did not decrease. But kukas was surprised to find that the white bones around the altar were no longer the white bones of those powerful people, but the white bones of unknown creatures.

These unknown white bones look very simple, and their breath is desolate and lonely. In kukas\'s induction, these white bones also have no breath.

However, he found that these white bones were much harder than those of powerful people. Even in the season of Yin wind, those white bones could last a long time before they were melted.

The white bones of the former great powers were weathered in the cloudy and windy season only by breathing, but it took a few magic hours for these unknown white bones to be melted away.

If a white bone creature happens to turn these white bones into weapons, they will melt more slowly, or even never melt again.

Seeing the change of white bones, kukas was secretly relieved. Because he knew that all this in front of him would not be a fantasy, everything was real.

This reality represents his natural vision: the place where he buried his bones has fully matured. Now what he has to do is to constantly add white bones to make the bone burial place stronger.

With the addition of white bones, oceans were formed, new continents were born, and even sun, moon and stars were born.

The void tree in the center of the earth has become a big tree in the sky, and it is no longer rooted in the earth. Instead, it is suspended in the void and rooted in the sky.

Almost every day, leaves fall on the earth to form graves. But similarly, these tombs are no longer useful except to increase a little, and no creatures come out of them at all.

However, the creatures in the bone burial ground like to gather around these huge tombs. Where they can become more powerful.

Similarly, almost every day, there is a ripe fruit, and the mature fruit is swallowed by kukas\' soul, which evolves into various rules and is completely controlled by kukas.

Control a large number of rules, although it still does not reach the number of rules controlled by legends, it is very important for kukas. And he also noticed that the rules he controlled, although a little in number, were extremely powerful and precious, which was very useful to him.

The control of the rules gave him a new understanding of some things. Especially in front of the altar and those white bones, there were new changes in his eyes.

His eyes condensed his mind, and two gray and cyan lights gushed out of his eyes. These lights twined and fell around the strange altar, which made him see a lot of illusory images.